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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Man I had forgotten how bad it can be when everyone on a team runs the same color unit as the team unit. Finn's team is full of people doing that I thought that had died down but I guess I had just been picking good teams for a while. I don't think it is anyone from here, but this is polite reminder to double check your lead and make sure it is a different color then your team.
  2. I am going to go with Finn first and see how it goes from there.
  3. @XRay I think quitting will be good for you. I will miss seeing you around here since you have been here since the start of the game. Honestly I don't care about any mode that doesn't give orbs so I don't get too stressed but I have always been almost F2P, spent about $100 over the lifetime of the game which I feel is fair and have always played casually.
  4. I guess for me it was better in the sense I was a kid and still had hope in the world, at least I could avoid stuff better then now seems like where ever I turn I see bad stories now and people wonder why I only check the news every couple of days since I feel like the media gave up reporting nice stories by 2000 and yeah as a kid the local news did report nice things. People seem now to always bet on the worst side of things now and there are no nice local news stories anymore. At least back then there were Saturday morning cartoons and I could spend a day out in the yard with my dog and be left alone since no cell phone and having to stay in touch with people because they will get mad if I don't respond. Music in my view was better I still love punk rock and goth music. I miss as a woman being able to find nice pants every where I look now it is only leggings which aren't pants and I won't be caught dead wearing without a skirt over them since I know I won't look good.
  5. I am going with Harmonic Tana since they are my favorite here.
  6. That one if I remember right was because the store had a glitch that said there was still preorders when there weren't (the person was trying to preorder after every store was sold out not just GameStop) so while it was sad it wasn't the store's fault but their systems. With GameStop the best thing to do is 1.) be a pro member, it is $20 a year but you get a $5 coupon every month so it works out. And 2) pay in full well before the release of the game, GameStop allows you to just put $5 down to reserve a copy but if you only put that down until release you are the most likely to have your order canceled. I have been preordering from them for well over 10 years now and I have never had a preorder canceled and always had great service at my local stores.
  7. I preordered mine at GameStop Monday and I am looking forward to it. The only special editions I buy are FE ones so of course I had to get this one to keep up the collection.
  8. L might be low effort but is the easiest to get right and more people will be able to figure out who you are so I would go with that. you might look at Van from Vision of Escaflowne (the show not the movie) since his outfit is rather light and easier to get right then others.
  9. Horses have three "gaits" walk, trot and canter with different speeds in those gaits. Canter is a controlled version of the fastest gait also called a gallop and different amounts of control are used by the rider for different purposes. Heading in to battle they would probably rush in at a charge which is giving the horse their head and letting them run as fast as they can, but once the rider gets there they would be controlling the horse and would have to avoid hitting allies. man looks like I did listen a fair bit to my mom when she talked about this stuff 😛
  10. Honestly I am fine with 3 Houses being only Byleth because otherwise it could get heated because as a Dimitri fan if the rep was Edelgard I would be very mad at the playing favorites and if they put Dimitri and Edelgard but no Claude I would again be very mad. As it stands the games each get only one rep and I am perfectly fine with the choices since it seems they are going with the first "lord" character the player interacts with in each game, for the most part other then Lucina.
  11. Well I will take Engage, I skipped the leaks so I am not let down over it and seeing Sigurd in the trailer was nice and gives me slight hope of an FE 4 remake down the line since Sigurd now has been made ready for it. I was one of the few people who actually gave TMS a chance and actually really enjoyed it, so I will give Engage the same chance.
  12. Only thing I expect is a Bayonetta 3 trailer. I gave up hoping for stuff on these a long time ago that way I won't be let down by what they do show.
  13. Well I will give a girl's opinion here. You need to talk to someone in real life that can give you advice on how to cope with your feelings big time since you are hurting so much. As to dealing with Edelgard herself you need to take it slow which again is why I stress you need to talk to someone who can actually help you so you don't do anything you will regret.
  14. True though my thought is they don't want to give a f2p sparkable duo ( the only one was duo Ephraim) since every winter banner that has had that has had a harmonic, plus they seem to like to have duos on the New Year's banner and I don't think the next one will be different.
  15. Caeda is paired with Plumeria not Peony. I think you are right that the next harmonic might have SD and I am betting on the winter banner since they seem to have moved to a 2 month break between harmonic now. As to the banner I am going for Muspell and Tana since one is a male dragon and the other is a harmonic.
  16. Honestly I think you need something engaging to do in your free time more then anything. Look right now the world may very well be headed to world war 3 if you are only looking at the military as a place to teach you skills it isn't the right idea to join, because you have to remember being in any military means you will be sent to the front if a war breaks out and you have to remember that you may be ordered to kill people and from the sounds of what you are saying you haven't really thought about that. the military isn't a choice to be made lightly or just to learn a trade or travel because the military's job covers a much bigger and darker role. I say this as someone who grew up in a military town and whose father served so I respect the people who do or have served because of the choice they made since it is something I don't think I could do.
  17. I am going to go with Seliph first round and see what happens from there.
  18. That does make sense but is still a bit sad since they could find some way to write it so the god didn't have to die if they wanted to. Thanks it was last November so this year has been up and down but my family and I are doing ok though some things will make us cry, but that is the way it goes and the good memories are nice.
  19. Yeah that would be interesting and make some sense.
  20. Ah I thought she was still alive though that TT was going on when RL was being tough so no wonder I missed that part. Now I wonder if Freyja will be woken up next year if they do Peony after Eir. Thanks it means a lot to find kind kind people out there.
  21. Well I pulled Chrom in my 40 pulls and free picked Seliph and Byleth. I rarely use infantry and since Tiki is green she has a high chance of showing up later, though I might snip for her if I feel lucky.
  22. Well, all I have to say is I was crying at Askr's death chat with Ash that hit a little to close to home after losing my dad. Yeah I am a little peeved IS loves to kill off the gods, the only one still alive is Nifl.
  23. I found Sacred Stones in a discount bin in 2007 and fell in love with the box art. I then picked up Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn and was lucky enough to find Path of Radiance at Gamestop used. I will always have fond memories of playing SS on my GBA and loving every minute of it, even if it doesn't rank as my favorite FE game it was my first.
  24. The thing that makes me most happy is Fiora getting kicked out of the 5* pool she has shown up too many times and her not being there any more makes me so glad. The new mode looks interesting so I look forward to it. I might try for Sothe but I'm not inerested in anyone else on the banner since I like harmonics better then duos.
  25. Judgral deserves it first because of age and to make it so that people who can't read Japanese can play it legally in a language they can read. As to the GBA games for me they are just fine the way they are and the only thing I would want is and official translation for Binding Blade and put all three on the Eshop I like GBA graphics so just make them easy to get and I am happy. My opinion is the same on the Tellius games just rerelease them on the Eshop.
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