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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I am wondering how to build my G!Marth since there are only two builds I have found recommended so far. I don't have slaying ax fodder right now, but I do have moonbow, L&D 3 and desperation 3 fodder. I really like G!Marth's ax so I was wondering if I could keep his ax but still use this build? The only other build I found used a whole bunch of skills I don't have and probably won't get, so I have to use what I have.
  2. Well since this week has been void of stuff to do with stamina I have been raising all my merge fodder to level 20 4* so that they can be ready for merging. I seem to get about 8 units to level 20 in the training tower per stamina bar. I have most of my GHB and TT merges ready for feathers, I am down to Zephiel and Valter and then I will be done. Lucky for me TT starts tomorrow so I won't be bored with Heroes anymore, but at least I figured out a good way to fill in down time. I need to start HM grinding but it is so boring and slow that I put it off, but my need for feathers is getting pretty high so once Zephiel and Valter's merges are ready to promote I need to put feather grinding at the top of the list of stuff to do.
  3. I snipe unless I am pulling on a legendary banner, then I go all out. I have bad luck if I do full pulls and only want someone from one color, the odds of being pity broken by some other unit is to high for me. Using 5 Orbs on the on the only blue in a session makes much more sense then spending 20 orbs on the other colors you don't want unless you really need fodder from another color.
  4. Smooth sailing for me on the quests my +2BK with the QR3 ss was MVP for both teams since he tanked everything for the Anna and Alphonse quests (I used a guide because I am lazy) and did some tanking in the armor emblem quest as well. My teams were BK, Wrys, 5*Alphonse and 5*Anna and Armor emblem was H!Henry, H!Jakob, BK and Amelia.
  5. Yeah his Heroes art is my favorite of his, his art work is very close to Gojo from Saiyuki and I really like it. His art work in Awakening was rather meh IMO, I understand where the artist was going but he is a teenager so he should look the part.
  6. I am almost done building him with iceberg, repo, Fury3, QR3, his native atk ploy and he will have res ploy 3 ss I just need the SP to finish off learning the skills. He is pretty good, and I plan to use him a fair bit since my Arvis is at almost max HM I need a replacement. I really wish he had been an armor, but I am happy with him as is since he can be my second string red mage. I find Julius to be quite useful and it helps him that his Heroes art work looks a lot like a character in my favorite anime so I am one step closer to a look alike team in Heroes:)
  7. Well I used 25 orbs on the TT banner in the hopes of getting Ninian finally, but no luck the only nice thing I pulled was fortify cav fodder for Ares. I give up on pulling for a while since I seem to be having a run of gotcha takes my orbs and give me nothing I want. Back to saving and this time I am going to hoard for 2 months and see what happens after that.
  8. No if the VG is Brides which it looks like, the old brides will be rerun on a banner for the VG just like most of the VGs have had a VG banner.
  9. I always had a tough time with lunatic 7 I think the only time I did it was during the Christmas TT because I was using my armor emblem team that could take a bunch of hits. Most of my favorites are maxed or close to maxing HM, so I have to switch up my TT teams every time. Getting a good rank in TT now is too much trouble so I quit once I get all the rewards now. I do TT for the rewards not feathers, so taking it slow and not stressing makes it much more enjoyable.
  10. I second this view, I think Ishtar is stuck in the grieving over what could have been if Julius had not turned evil stage and is hoping for a miracle. Ishtar is a bit delusional when it comes to Julius and she may have been hoping to save his soul some how. Of course even though she wants to save the children being hunted, she would never join the liberation army because they killed of her family and she may stick by Julius because he is the last person she cares about who is "alive" (him being evil incarnate not withstanding).
  11. The dream of a +10 Ares is actually possible for me now, since he dropped to 4* I have a shot of getting more of him. This makes me very happy. I like G!Marth's art and I am looking forward to getting and using him and he will be made +1 because I like him.
  12. Free pull was a 4*Merric since the circle only had green and colorless. Back to hoarding orbs for when someone I want is on a banner.
  13. I only really plan on using this team until I get 5* Groom!Marth and I don't do the hardest difficulty because I am not the best player, in fact this time round I will do hard 5 until I get to my cav team because I can take my time getting the rewards. I don't care about rank so doing lunatic 7 tends to be a headache for me, the highest I go is lunatic 5 and only if I am using a really good team with a good bonus unit. I just do TT for the rewards, and with getting rewards easier then before if I take an extra day it is fine.
  14. Now I have to decide if I want regular Marth of regular Tharja to be in my first team. I am think my first team will be B!Ike, B!Lucina, Inigo and Marth/Tharja.
  15. The red legendary hero I am hoping for is M!Corrin as a red dragon because I want another red dragon and I have always been annoyed that M!Corrin does not have a dragon form while F!Corrin does. I agree that the new hero will be a fire hero so Corrin is not likely, so Roy or Lucina are my guesses.
  16. I am hoping for that as well. My ideal would be Vector, G!Lyn (I call her that because of my sister) and Myrrh on the legendary banner in July as a late birthday present. I just don't want V!Lilina to pity break me anymore since I am still annoyed about not getting Vector on his debut banner. Vector is the only seasonal I want that I don't have and I want a clean shot at him and if I have to be pity broken I would rather it be by someone else I want.
  17. They had better not rerun V!Lilina and Vector on the same banner again because I don't want V!Lilina to pity break me anymore when I try for Vector on the legendary banner. 5 V!Lilinas and not one Vector on their debut banner, I don't want to go through that again.
  18. I have been bullied because of my type 1 diabetes including by my dad (who should know better but does not care), being told that "a shot makes it all better" a shot for me is life support with out insulin injections I will die within a couple of days, being told that it is my parents fault I am sick because they fed me bad food (I have type one which means diet had no part at all in my getting sick), being told oh if you just eat better you will be cured and so on. I also have a rather big birthmark on my left hand that adults would harass me about as a little kid( I happen to have very fair skin and my birthmark is very dark brown), all these people would say I should have it cut off which was pretty scary to hear as a little kid lucky for me my mom was fine with me keeping it when I said I wanted to keep it I still have it and I actually like it even though I still get nasty comments about it from older people. People bully because they can and it means they are small minded and don't have a big spirit, I think people who have to face bullying have bigger spirits and more courage then other people and they are the people who end up making a difference in the world, not the bullies.
  19. I am guessing all the brides will be the bonus units so it looks like I will need to build a team around bride!Cordelia which will be easy since she is one of my best archers. I want to see the seals for this one since I am sitting on 100+ coins waiting for a seal I want to max out.
  20. Oh yeah I forgot about that since it has been two years since I last played the Tellius saga. Now I really need to replay them after I finish off SoV.
  21. I will go Marth then Cordelia since I have (well I will have Marth then) those two and if they both lose I think I will go Tharja because goth bride deserves some support from me.
  22. @Harvey In PoR and RD you can steal anything that is not equipped, so I tend to go through my enemies and see what I can swipe before I start a map. Stealing promotion items, weapons, staves and gems were some of the most fun I had playing those two games. You can also steal healing items. That was the thing that I missed the most in the 3DS games that I keep hoping will come back because it was fun robbing my enemies blind:)
  23. If you liked Conquest's gameplay RD is a game you will like because the map design and gameplay is great. PoR is pretty good, but not as good at least IMO as RD. RD is still my favorite FE game because of the gameplay and characters, plus Tellius has my favorite thief class in the series I miss the steal skill so much in the new FEs. There is nothing like going up to an enemy and robbing them blind before you take them out.
  24. All this complaining about B!Sanaki makes me almost look forward to the complaints about the summer banners :P But honestly after H!Nowi I figured lolies would be on all seasonal banners and I get surprised when they aren't. I understand people's points about her being too young to be a bride, but honestly her outfit is very tame even her damaged art and I can live with her over some of the other lolies that are over the top. I was hoping for grooms this time, but IS seem convinced that straight woman won't whale for male banners (could I please get a summer Priam who is shirtless IS pretty please?), so since it is brides again and I get the lone groom for free my orbs can be saved for when one of my favs is finally added.
  25. There is cloth in the front her skirt has side splits to show off her legs, but she does have a skirt in front as well. I am skipping this banner, since there are no grooms but I like Tharja's art in this one better then her other art and goth skirts and dresses for that matter can be very different in style the normal versions of clothing.
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