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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I already her with good IVs fully built at 5*. She was my most used lance armor before C!Robin with his armor march showed up, I still use her some, but not enough for me to merge her.
  2. Free pull was 4* Effie so wary fighter fodder for someone. I already have everyone on the TT banner anyway.
  3. I need to think about how to build Finn, I wonder if galeforce would be good on him since I have galeforce fodder saved, I have to see what other fodder I have that he would like. I will be maxing a lot of HM this TT so hopefully I can get some feathers to merge Camus and Xander. I have not used horse emblem in a while so this is going to be fun.
  4. He is an moron who I am sad to admit my dad listened to when I was a little kid, his show would give me nightmares and my mom made my dad wear headphones after one too many nights of me crying. Thankfully my dad stopped listening to him and now admits that he is crazy and should not be listened to.
  5. I would say I am average, but far from the best. I tend to play slowly so I can level up weak units and make sure all my units survive, so I am bad a speed but good at leveling all my favorites. About the only FE I can beat quickly is PoR, I kind of speed run that one on hard.
  6. Well I am training my 3* Saias up to 5* but I won't take him to level 40 5* until TT when I can train him with Finn. I am going with the budget build of wargod's tome, draw back, glacies, fury 3, swordbreaker 3 and spd ploy 3. I gave him my last Sully, but it will be worth it in TT. I am finding Saias as much fun as Arvis is, so I know he will be seeing a lot of use.
  7. Beat infernal thanks to a F2P youtube video. The quests were a cakewalk for me and I am so happy I can make Camus +3 once I have the feathers.
  8. I have used algebra in my real life some times, but with my diabetes I have to use math every day to stay alive, even algebra. As to what makes me stay alive that would be, my mom I love her so much and if I died she would be so sad I don't want to think about it, my dogs, my cat and my horse, new books and manga, video games and new seasons of my favorite anime. I have suffered from depression most of my life, but even though I don't like my life all that much I still keep going. Everyone has to suffer through math class so think of it as a rite of passage in to becoming an adult.
  9. Armor emblem team of BK, H!Henry, C!Robin and C!Chrom smashed hard and lunatic to pieces, switched to BK, Fjorm, L!Ike and Wrys for infernal thanks to a youtube f2p video, since I like using units I don't use a lot to clear infernal. Now to wait for a f2p video for Camus infernal.
  10. My favorite manga/anime Saiyuki does tragic backstories well for the four main characters because the stories explain why they are the way they are, but it also shows how they over came their past and are able to move forward. I have seen tragic backstories done wrong so many times and it seems to be a favorite theme for writers, so yeah I get tiered of "oh, this bad thing happened to the bad guy we have to forgive them" thing that seems to happen in a lot of stuff. It is hard to find it done well, but if it is it can be very good.
  11. I feel like she could have been a really good character, but like all of Fates characters suffers from the horrid writing. I don't mind her since I am used to fan service characters and I try to look past that. Honestly I like her best in Heroes since her castle quotes talk about things other then Corrin in some of them. I love draco knights so of course I use her as a unit when I play Fates and I found her to be a great unit, I use her as a flying mage and she nukes everything for me.
  12. I am looking forward to tomorrow Saias is coming who I have feathers waiting for, and merges for Camus as well. This is going to be fun since I was only able to clear the hard map of Camus's when he ran the first time. Saias will probably end up being my most used blue mage considering how much I use Arvis.
  13. The first GHB elite quests being locked to infernal was annoying, but they made me train up/invest in units I would not have other wise like Caeda who with her wing sword (I did not need the refine) carried my flier team to victory in most of them. I think doing away with infernal would be a bad idea, even with me being a F2P player thanks to my keeping a copy of all units unless I really need to fodder them to some one else, I have been able to beat the infernal modes (except Valter for now) by using F2P youtube videos. A unit can still be useful even if you don't like them, I may not be a fan of some units but I still keep a copy of them because they might be useful in beating a map. Asking IS to keep the quests to lunatic is fine, but asking them to do away with a mode a lot of people like is just going to make you mad because it won't go away and get people mad at you.
  14. What I am hoping for would be: Red: Zelgius Blue: Hardin Green: M!Grima/Myrrh Colorless: Innes If just one of these is on the banner I will be happy. though Innes would be my last choice since I would just want him for merges and I don't have the rest.
  15. I blew through these, Zephiel is super easy for me now. I think I will merge Zephiel at some point since he saved me more then once on in the early days of armor quests before BK came along.
  16. Smooth sailing for me, but I did have to mess with unit placement a few times per blessed team. The extra merge for Arvis is most welcome.
  17. I Feel like Heroes lets me know when I should just save my orbs and wait. I like to take breaks from pulling myself, I have been on a break except for free pulls since the game gave me 6 V!Lilinas and I won't spend any orbs until the legendary banner. I think what you should do is set a goal of how many F2P orbs you want to save and focus on that goal before you pull again. I find waiting a couple of months to pull make pulling units a bit more interesting the blowing all my orbs the moment I get them.
  18. Finally finished off all the first set of GHB quests today by doing the flier quest for Xander. Used 5* Cordelia, 5* Cherche, 5* Caeda and 4* Palla. Had to do a fair bit of SI and abuse SSs but I finally got it done and all I have to say is fury Caeda is a very wonderful thing to behold. I had to put fury 3, escape route 1 and the distant def 3 SS on Caeda, Hone atk 1 and sur spd 2 SS on Cherche, Swordbreaker 2 and drive def 1 SS on Cordelia and hp+4 and speed 3 SS on Palla.
  19. I think I will wait a bit on this one since my teams are not cutting it. I will wait until after the legendary banner so that hopefully I will pull F!Grima and L!Ephraim. I had forgotten how annoying Valter's GHB is, I will have to see who I need to bless to get this done later. At least the quests last a year so I don't have to rush.
  20. Honestly with the update that kicked Fae and Leon out of the 5* pool the only unit in the 5* pool now who I don't want are the alt units especially alt Erika since she took a spot that could have gone to Cormag and stole knoll's tome.
  21. B!Ike has pity broke me more then once, but I don't mind a bit since he is my best infantry ax unit and he is great fodder as well.
  22. Outrealm 924 team Sharena, we went from leading big time to last. What has IS given team Alphonse for them to be leading everywhere? I have question a for people, the FEH channel said that IS wants feedback on this mode and would listen to what the players want right? So anyway I was wondering what feedback should be given and what most players here want to have change so everyone can send in the same things and make the mode better.
  23. Well in outrealm 924 Sharena is kicking butt right now which I am glad about since I am on her team. Since the spring winds have hit where I live I am stuck inside and I used all my stamina because I am bored so I reached tier 11.
  24. This map is easy just put a DC or mage unit on the bottom def tile with dancer support and put a strong ax or lance unit at the very edge of Berkut's range and boom done in 3 turns max. All quests done in less then 5 mins.
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