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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Fates was great, but there were only 4 FE Amiibo then so it was fairly easy to put them in. Now on the other hand we have 10 and I am sure we will have more when FE Switch comes out. Making new art for 10+ units would be a lot of work, while SoV was not ideal it was a nice balance. Of course they could go the way of FE Warriors and just give the player weapons when the Amiibo is scanned, but it would be nice if they did a bit more then that. I would love it if the Amiibo are playable again, but unless it is like SoV I don't see it happening like in Fates because the focus should be on coding in the new characters.
  2. Well I broke 100k today and I am glad that is done, since TT can be boring after a week. Now to focus on the quests and to get ready for the monthly ones on Friday.
  3. Well managed to get 20 more orbs so I did another full summons, Managed to get B!Cordelia +atk, -def ( I can live with it), 4*Able, 4*Jeorge, 4*Selena and 4*Raven. Not bad I just hope Hector and one of the reds will decide to come home as well. I am just waiting for the orbs coming this weekend to pull more.
  4. Well I am not completely sure right now since I finally promoted the Askr trio to 5* this week I guess I will save up 20k and see who I want to promote to 5* next. But I do have a bit of a list: Valter is a 4* so he needs to go to 5* Subaki is one that I ended up with a really good one I want to promote to 5* A!Tiki needs to go up to 5* so I can start building my dragon team, Fae does as well I have several others in the works but those are my top picks right now.
  5. Well I won't pull much from this banner, but I do like Shiro so when I do pull I will try for him. Shigure and Shiro are the two Fates kids I like the best as characters. I just feel like the kids in Fates could have been written better then they were, most of them could do with fleshing out. I hope Heroes does that well, unlike Fates. At least I can finally save some orbs when this banner starts.
  6. Well I used 35 orbs and managed to get S!Camilla on my free pull as well as a +atk,-def Fjorm. Also managed to pull my first Ogma at 4*. the rest of my pulls were either trash or SI fodder. Now to grind more orbs for a Hector (I hope I hope).
  7. Happy Birthday Jingle Jangle! I hope you have a great year and thanks for the give away that is really cool!
  8. I am going to save everything for tomorrow, sadly my last pull on the Halloween banner was a 3* Mathew, I really hate it when I have to leave a 5% pity rate:( Hopefully the new banner will be kinder to me. I really like the new arena background.
  9. Speaking of blood type, mine is O+. That would make my affinity ice in the Japanese chart and I am fire in the US game.
  10. I managed to get Henry at the start of the banner and he is great, I just wanted to try and get another 5* from the banner with that pity rate. I like pulling, but high pity rates can be a big let down because they go away when the banner end. Being F2P makes it even more annoying.
  11. Maybe if I am lucky I can play if I don't fall asleep first.
  12. 5 hour update, I wanted to try one last time for H!Jakob but looks like the update means I won't get him at all and I had a 5.25% pity rate too:( I hope that they bring him back.
  13. Well the quest made me promote Alfonse to 5* so there is that and more orbs are more orbs. I thought it was ok since TT is going on.
  14. Well I am over 55k and I think I may just try and push hard today to finish off the rewards because I want to focus on quest tomorrow and I need all the orbs I can get to break my 5.25 pity rate on the trick or defeat banner.
  15. Well I used 30 of my 50 orbs to try again for H!Jakob with no luck just trash pulls. I am now at 5% pity rate. I will give it one last try tomorrow before the banner goes bye bye. In Naga's name I ask for one H!Jakob, please!
  16. I used 30 orbs to try again for Jakob but no luck. I am at 5% pity rate, according to the math I should have a 99% chance of pulling a 5* from colorless on my next pull. I give it one last shot tomorrow. Naga just give me H!Jakob tomorrow please!
  17. I ship her with Vaike because I really like their support chain.
  18. I slaked off today, but I plan on grinding tomorrow. Real life loves to mess with me on the weekends. I only earned about 4k in points today so I am at about 39k total. I kept trying to do SA instead, but I am too zonked out to win, I should have just stuck with TT. Playing demanding levels when you don't feel good is not a smart gameplay move, at least TT on autobattle is fairly simple.
  19. I don't order online from them because I ordered the TMS#FE SE from them but the game did not work and I had to go to the store and get a replacement they did replace it though. My local stores are great and I have never had a problem in store, but I won't order online. It helps that the managers of the two GameStops I go to remember me since I am one of the few blonde white girls that shop at their stores regularly :)
  20. I ate too much yesterday and fell asleep before I could get 5* Joshua, but I got him this morning. I will train him tomorrow since I have a team in training right now who will be done soon. I am sitting at 35k right now, I am trying for as many orbs for Monday as I can.
  21. The people for the most part are nice and it gives me a place to talk about my favorite games.
  22. @Charmeleonbrah I am glad I am an adult now, being a teen is one of the worst things in life and I am glad that is in my past. College is nice because you are in classes with people who are there because they want to be there, so it is not nearly as bad as high school. As an adult I am just at the point where I can live with not having a lot of real life friends, because I can just do my own thing and when someone has time and wants to do something that is fine too.
  23. I spend a lot of my time reading manga there are several on webtoon I follow every week, rewatching my favorite anime especially Saiyuki and watching some new, rereading my favorite fantasy and mystery books since the good book store in my area is in the next big city and I get to go there once a year, playing other video games, cooking for me and my parents, walking my dog and taking care of the cat and the horse. Heroes does take a lot more of my time then I thought it would and I am quite happy with how good it is. I don't have much of a life and I honestly only have two people I would call friends so I use my time how I want, I get burned out with real life since my T1 diabetes can be hard to handle at times so video games are comfort in those times.
  24. Well I just pasted 25k a bit ago I am going to try and get 5*Joshua today since he is my main goal.
  25. Well I did the free pull and got my 3rd 4* Cain, WoM fodder is nice. I am saving all orbs until I reach 60 then I will do some pulls for H!Jakob again.
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