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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Posemaniacs is useful but I wish they had more poses. The drawing of the smartphone is nice. Can't tell what the others are supposed to be though.
  2. Looking forward to more! It looks like you've got an interesting premise on your hands.
  3. Spectral Procreation said *checks gender under name* he was going to comment, so... But yeah. I hope people aren't being too biased. And...no need to be discouraged. It's not like the winner gets a million dollars.
  4. I'll bite the bullet and be the first to post comments for everyone. Not including the ones I commented on already. If you don't see yours, go back through the topic to find it. Robin/Morgan Interesting with the chess thing, I can see that happening. Ike/Elincia This looks like something that can actually be in RD! Very good job. Calill/Tauroneo The part about Tauroneo's son was interesting and sad...I'm wondering, did you make that up or is there something I'm missing? Cain/Jagen Good idea, having the Bull/Panther nicknames explained here. I got the idea that Cain is the bull because he's proud/fierce, and Abel the panther...well, they call women who chase after younger men cougars, so maybe you mentioning him being a bit of a flirt has something to do with it? Idk. Shinon/Lethe It was amusing, even if that...encounter that happened after A level might not be in character for them. If it's what I think...there's the risk of them parenting a branded kid, which wouldn't be a popular choice for either of them. Some methods of birth control might exist but that has a chance of failing. Dozla/Chigai Could benefit from some more length, but it was a good try. Canas/Nadine I was intrigued when Nadine mentioned her brother. Also, I think you might've taken Canas' explanation of dark magic from a canon support, but that's no big deal. Tia/Mana A six winged wind spirit? Cool. You couldve replaced water magic with ice if you wanted. Ice is closer to water than wind. But I can't stop thinking of Ghast's romhack, Bloodlines. Mana would fit well in it, it's got creatures/mythical beings galore. Cerise/Jinx This had the potential to be really good and comical. You could've had Jinx being drunk and pervy, like you described him, but for some reason you didn't. Max/Benjamin I'm on the "Benjamin is older than he appears/claims" bandwagon...good job.
  5. Some places trap and spay/neuter them, then release them. Also somebody somewhere invented kitty birth control that you just put in the food for the stray cats and the females won't go into heat. True story. Voted for "I like cats, but not that many." I can see myself feeding/helping stray cats. Most of them will probably keep their distance, but sometimes if one of them has the right personality, it will be friendly. I remember one who I called Sunspot because he was white with orange patches. He would let me pet him and even pick him up! I think he knew that if he acted that way he was sure to get fed. He was in the front yard and we were feeding him, and then one of my own cats showed up and he never came to my house again. It's like he was saying "Oh, this is your territory? My bad." I'm just glad it wasn't my grouchy old tom who saw him...he probably would've attacked him.
  6. These are awesome! To everyone saying bull/elephant/bird/whatever riders: my opinion is that the steeds we have are enough, adding more would be a bit weird. The gryphons in Awakening are an example. They were just there, without any explanation whatsoever, and they didn't really fit into FE lore.
  7. The enemy destroyed a bridge, and now I can't get to the castle where the boss named Evans is. Thought seizing the first castle would do something about that. But all it did was give me Midir. Looked all over the map for another way. Nothing...
  8. That person has won a million internets.
  9. Sprites can be made in pretty much any graphics program...
  10. Change it to Ike as the attorney, Elincia as the accused, and Ashnard as the accuser and you'll be good xD
  11. That's not a FE crossover, it's a Zelda one.
  12. Yep it was my time. And that's a good idea...I don't know why I didn't think of that. I wonder if a mod can change it?
  13. Oh okay. I'll add it then. Must've missed that.
  14. I didn't think to do that. No reason in particular...but now I can't edit the poll to do that. And yeah, Chocolate, you're a tad past the deadline. Sorry :(
  15. If you get one in before midnight I'll still accept it.
  16. Yep exactly! And the deadline is actually tonight. Midnight...maybe I screwed it up but that's what the timer is set as.
  17. Glaceon you spelled Pipit's name wrong, and why is Karane a cavy? She'd probably also be a flier. Seconding the FE/Zelda idea.
  18. I'm gonna go ahead and open up voting. We have a lot of entries and I highly doubt anyone will add more before tomorrow. But if that does happen, I'll just edit the poll...I won't do a "none" option though, because we want votes for the actual entries. Only one person has expressed the desire for that option and majority rules. Nothing against you, Cynthia. Try your best to judge the OC ones :)
  19. Judge them the best you can. Maybe judge on how much the support interested you instead of the quality of the writing? Idk. But I'm willing to give more info on mine too. A way to avoid long walls of text/spoiling fanfics: say exactly what you want to know about them. And we'll do our best to answer.
  20. Nice! I always like looking at stuff like this.
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