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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Idk about a whole chapter, but that sounds like something I can certainly do. She's traveling with the group after all. That's good to hear. He didn't advertise it, just mentioned it briefly...he's fine.
  2. He could be on either. I didn't write either way xD Cool, I'll make sure I check it out!
  3. Tried this series a long time ago. I can see how it takes forever for anything to happen, because of that, I lost interest in the first book quickly. I don't remember much at all. I vaguely remember some ogre/orc thing killing some guy's wife or something else bad happening to her. And this I'm not even sure was in it: some people went out and killed a dragon and paraded its head around on a big stick. If that was in it, I can see why I would lose interest, I love dragons xD
  4. Agreed! Seen the dragonite and kingdra, but not honedge. Kinda makes me sad that my idea of doing the whole line has been done before, but man, those are epic looking. The poll...understandable xD Omg, the sparkledog virus has spread to pokemon? KILL IT WITH FIRE. Modifying the color scheme to fit the real life equivalent is okay though, right? I mean as long as we don't have rainbow umbreons or something...
  5. Gangrel. Or Henry... WCWY try to explain the internet to?
  6. This is a thing that's been floating around lately. What's your opinion? Do you love it? Hate it? Depends? Are you going to make some too? For those of you who live under a rock aren't aware: That's an example. I've also seen it done with gogoat, lapras, omanyte, quilava...the list goes on and on. Each one takes the pokemon and redesigns it multiple times to look like different subspecies, like this artist made different mustelid furrets. It may or may not be accurate to real life. The quilava ones I've seen have yellow throated, ashy spotted, etc and they just look like stoats/weasels in body shape but not color. I'm in the process of making some myself! I chose hoothoot and noctowl. Yes, both. Hopefully by doing the whole evolution line I'll encourage that from the people who made the other ones. There are a wide variety of owl species which I learned from reading Guardians of Gahoole. The ones I've chosen? Great horned, barn, screech, snowy, spotted, great gray. Great horned = common because it looks the closest to that.
  7. OH GOD wow...where does that come from? Poor guy.
  8. I referenced that same one when making it...I was trying to avoid pillow shading and stuff like that, so yeah...
  9. The advice I took was shortening the fox's legs. I don't see how it can be bigger than the lion...they're roughly all the same size. LOL I am NOT letting my laguz flop their dude parts around. If you see that on Skrimir, Giffca, and Caineghis you need your eyes checked xD But maybe I will repose the tails... And I'm assuming my custom wyvern rider profile thing is fine?
  10. Some people here like to be dicks...don't listen to them. I ship Chrom and Sumia but you don't see me going around treating Chrobin fans like crap. Can we take the shipping wars elsewhere please? Actually, shipping wars belong nowhere. All they are is flaming and disrespect for others opinions/preferences.
  11. You reused a question? Seriously... Lucina would if she failed to save the world. WCWY expect to like Farmville or Plants vs Zombies?
  12. An enemy/npc profile thing, full custom except for the border. It might not be perfect, but I'm still learning custom...so be nice please. Took your guys' advice and tried to fix the laguz.
  13. Really the only other grammar mistakes are where he wakes up, you start a new paragraph each time someone else speaks. And maybe...I can see Emmeryn bringing home a lost puppy or kitten, then it makes a mess in the house or something. Stuff like that. Where her kind heart gets her into trouble, maybe she gave money to somebody and they never paid her back. Or maybe she wasn't always that calm and serene. Kids do crazy stuff. Use your imagination. Fyi, for your writing competition entry, use capitals and stuff. The "It's tumblr and I'm lazy" excuse won't fly there. And hey, don't feel bad. I suck at length too.
  14. This has potential, but...it wasn't pulled off well enough. Is there any reason you made it so short and didn't use capitals anywhere? Capital letters are at the beginning of names and sentences, as we all learned in elementary school...there's other grammar mistakes too, but the story itself needs work. Now if I wouldve wrote it, I would have expanded. Make up a few stories about Emmeryn for them to tell and then you'd have something less...bland. Right now there's nothing notable about this. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but...I didn't want to just read this and ignore it because it needs work like everyone else seems to have done. When people do that, the author/artist likely won't find out how to improve.
  15. But it doesn't actually destroy the world when it's used.
  16. And he would rock it! Yay dragons! *googles code of bushido* Stefan or Zihark or Lon'qu... WCWY expect to like heavy metal music?
  17. I will be keeping an eye on this...will probably enter the next one. I like working with themes :)
  18. Henry. His puns just ask for it. WCWY expect to be a really sore loser?
  19. Wat? Are we still talking about Ike crashing in the lounge hall? xD I think I get it now...no, not like that. They wouldn't constantly circle him. Just...if he's on the floor, avoid him while passing through, maybe do a double take/eye roll/etc.
  20. Yeah I can see it too. I bet he was pretty tired after that surprise attack and then long meeting...imagine everybody walking around him lol.
  21. Some background on the twins in this chapter. Also, both of them now have their future spouses introduced...and some humor thrown in as well. Really like the idea I came up with to end it. Ike WOULD want Greil and Elena to give his friends strength and bring them home safely.
  22. Chapter 12 August 11, 648 Melior, Crimea “Do you remember which stable numbers Queen Elincia gave us?” Leo darted across the courtyard to where Cerai and Samba were finishing their breakfast. The Whitefires had had a good night’s sleep, and now it was time to prepare to depart for Begnion. Ike and his group were still around, but most of them including Ike hadn’t gotten up yet. Ike had actually crashed in the castle lounge hall instead of the room he had been given. Nobody wanted to attempt to move or wake him. “Let me guess, you lost the paper.” Cerai said between bites of toast. The response was an annoyed look. Cerai replied with an eye roll. “I figured you would, so I wrote them down myself.” She retrieved a piece of paper from a leather pouch and handed it to her brother. “Thanks...maybe you should keep the note when we get it...” “You think?” Cerai laughed. “I suppose it’s about time to get the wyverns out and let them stretch...” “You guys do that. I’ll attempt to round up the others.” Samba flicked his tail. “By that time, Ike and them should be up...we’re going to be away for probably a long time, you know? I’ll miss their company. Except for that red ponytailed archer...” “We’ll cross paths again, I’m sure. I just hope Boyd lives that long. Gods, that guy is accident prone...” Leo stared blankly. “You...sound genuinely worried.” His stare turned into a wide smirk. “I get it...you like him, don’t you?” “They would make quite the pair...but their kids would be brats!” Samba’s ears flattened at that thought. “Can’t I show some concern without you two going Cupid on me?” Cerai smacked Leo and attempted to stomp on Samba’s tail. He moved it out of the way, chuckling softly. “I’ll meet you at the north watch tower when it’s time.” Samba called after the twins as they walked away. The north watch tower was where the queen was going to see them off. ---- When Elincia had said there was plenty of room in the stables, she wasn’t lying, but she neglected to mention that some of them had to be doubled. Blaze and Frostbite had to share one, and Stella had to share one with Mist’s horse, a roan and white mare named Ember. The wyverns were curled up in opposite sides of their stall. It wasn’t extremely cramped, but it was obvious that they preferred having their own spaces. The pegasus in the stall next to them neighed and reared. Leo attempted to pat it, but it bit his hand. “Ow!” He gritted his teeth and backed away. “You should know by now pegasi don’t like men.” “But that’s just riders!” “Forgive him, please.” A young woman walked in. She had long black hair and yellow eyes, and her outfit suggested that she was a pegasus knight. “He’s...a bit afraid of wyverns because he got attacked by one a couple years ago. And there’s two of them right next to him.” A closer look revealed that the brown pegasus had a scar across one of his eyes, and the ear on the same side had a chunk ripped out of it. “The wyvern that did it was from a small group of feral ones.” The pegasus’ owner continued. “We were trying to domesticate them. They had other ideas...we ended up having to kill them before they did any more damage. Poor things, they didn’t know they were doing anything wrong...” She got no response except for sad looks. “So...my name is Eloin. I’m a pegasus knight in the air force. Are you two new recruits?” Cerai and Leo exchanged a glance. Surely the air force knew the queen was working with a few mercenary groups, but did they know all the details? “We’re mercenaries employed by the queen.” Cerai told her. “Oh! You must be Captain Riara’s twins! I’ve heard a lot about her, and you, from Captain Jarrin!” That got a grin out of both twins. Jarrin was a friend of the family, almost like an uncle to them. The fact that he’d been promoted in their late mother’s place was some nice news. While their mother had been an air force captain, their father was a private. Some people found this quite amusing. Riara, a third generation military woman and captain, had fallen for one of her subordinates, a man from the outskirts of Melior who had no combat skills before being drafted into the air force. This came as a surprise to a lot of people and even angered some of the higher ranking male air force soldiers. Captain Riara was a strong and attractive woman, and when she married Private Ethan, it came as a blow to them. But Riara and Ethan ignored this drama, and raised their twins to follow in their footsteps. They weren’t sure how to parent the laguz they adopted, but they did their best and were good parents to all three up until their tragic ends. “I’m glad I get to meet you!” Eloin was smiling widely. “Some of the air force resent you for leaving, but they say mostly good things. Like...how noble it is that you’re protecting the defenseless villages, something the royal military would never have time to do. And you even got to work with Sir Ike! How awesome is that?” “Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.” Leo agreed. “We have to be leaving on a mission soon, so...we can’t stay and chat.” Eloin stepped in front of him as he turned to leave. “Actually, you can. Just not here. I’m one of the troops that’s going with you.” Her pegasus snorted and shook himself. “Let me calm Chestnut and I’ll be right there.” ---- A crowd had gathered near the north watch tower. The Greil Mercenaries were up now, the first thing Cerai and Leo saw when they arrived was Freya and Boyd in the middle of a sparring match with Rhys and Amiel standing by with heal staves. He was dodging many of her attacks, and it looked like he had the upper hand until she whacked him in the groin. He recoiled and dropped the practice axe, cursing. “Tell your comrade to quit cheating!” Boyd was limping, but it was obvious he was just pretending to be that hurt. “Yeah, Freya, that’s cheating.” Cerai was trying, and failing, to keep a straight face. “Save that for when the guy’s trying to kill you.” “He was aiming for my face way too much, so I figured that would get his attention. I was right.” “That’s a habit of mine...I like smashing heads in, it’s easier to get a kill that way with an axe than aiming for the chest. Guess it carried over to practice...but that still doesn’t give you the right to try to castrate me. I want to settle down and have a few kids someday, you know!” Ike laughed so hard he almost choked on the bacon he was munching on. “Gods, Boyd, your kids would be holy terrors. Maybe you should have them with a more...calmer woman and hope that mellows them out!” Everyone who heard that nearly busted a gut, but the laughing stopped when Elincia appeared. She swooped down on her pegasus and landed in front of the crowd, then told the common villagers among them to go back to what they had been doing before because this didn’t concern them. The Whitefires were raring to go after they had the message in tow, but not before they said parting words to their friends in the Greil Mercenaries. Ike pulled the twins and Samba aside. “Be prepared for anything. I was eager to travel too, but believe me, constant battles can really make a guy homesick. Don’t let that discourage you. Take each day as it comes. You’ll come back changed for the better.” “We’re not going to Daein to strike down a mad ruler for the love of flying!” Leo snapped. “I don’t think that’s what he means. We’re not going to get there and come back without any confrontations...” Cerai shook her head. “Unfortunately, that’s just the way things are.” “But we’ll be fine.” Samba said. Ike smiled. “Yes, you’ll be fine. Your group reminds me of my own back in the day. Goodbye and good luck!” ---- August 11, 648 Crimea Castle Ike had gotten a bit of a scolding for not sleeping in the room Elincia gave him the night before. Tonight he was in it, but that wasn’t the only reason. He knew exactly who those two bright stars outside the window were...he needed to be somewhere without distractions. “Dad, Mom. I know you can hear me. Please watch over my friends. I have a feeling they’ll need it...”
  23. Lol wtf. I'm sure there's other ways she can get pants, she doesn't have to steal from Kent xD
  24. Pretty much this. We'll pretend somebody drew a bunny for the following example. Criticism: "It's a good attempt, bunnies have shorter legs though, and the ears look more like antennae. Try thickening them and studying bunny anatomy/looking at photos, and try again." Asshole: "That's a bunny? It looks like a suckily drawn fluffy space alien or something. Burn the fucking thing. Never draw again. You're an embarrassment to everyone who considers themselves an artist." Also criticisers will tend to also say what's good about whatever it is.
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