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Posts posted by Knusperkeks

  1. If we remove Virion from the story, then what reason does Chrom have to go to Valm in the first place? To go sightseeing?

    You got it backwards. Chrom doesn't go to Valm because he has nothing better to do, he does so because his tactician ascertains that Ylisse doesn't stand a chance in a war of attrition, which necessitates drastic measures such as burning down the armies' ships which - if they reach the shores of Ylisse - would inevitably lead to it's capitulation and consequently to the end of the world in the long run.

    Avatar ignites the fire so it burns furiously and so swiftly that it's fuel is exhausted (quite literally so) before it can cause harm.

    Aversa mentions that Grima's plan was to let Chrom succumb to either Plegia or Valm, but against all odds Chrom and the Shepherds managed to victoriously emerge from all conflicts which leads to Grima's imperfect rebirth.

  2. I agree with the sentiment of IS trying to create a game which closes the franchise, posted something along those lines in the thread which critisizes characters.

    I blame time travel and time paradoxi for the inconsistency in the awakening storyline. If I really paid attention to the main plot as well as the future past 1, 2 and 3, I could probably come up with a viable explanation, but it would partially be based on conjencture, not actual storytelling.

    Some games encourage you to think for yourself, but I think this game just wants to tell a story, and people are forced to see the issues - sometimes the game shoves the contradiction right into your face: As see with the whole "Grima doesn't need the emblem at all."

  3. VV sorc means a Sorcerer with the skills Vantage(Myrmidon) and Vengeance(Sorcerer). You can learn about the DLC on this page, click on your region to find more about it.

    Once you purchase DLC, you can access it always from any file of your game. You can play DLC as often as you want, there is no limit.

    You should grind when you think that it's necessary to achieve your goal (beating the next chapter for example).

    Thanks for the replay i would assume the other ones are preference so il just see what i like. As of the hard-classic how did u adapt from it like in the beginning my units die and i realize that if i have to beat hard classic it isnt going to be easy do u have any specific training tips i can do besides the general placing units, attacking turtleing etc

    Study the weapon triangle, you can read about it here.

    Most of the time, you should assume that if the enemy attacks you or retaliates(if you attack him, he fights back) his attack will hit.

    Always think ahead, for example: Let's assume the enemy unit will not kill your unit with one attack, but it will kill with two -> "if I attack him and he hits me back, I will use a rescue staff on my unit which just attacked so it doesn't die on the next hit. If the enemy doesn't hit me back, I can do something else with the unit which has rescue."

    Use the terrain. Often there are woods, a fort or a mountain [you can climb on mountains, but only very slowly (movement penalty when moving on a mountain)] which give you a defensive bonus to avoidance and defense.

    Look at the map and try to find key locations which need to be taken by you (for example choke point which you block with a durable unit so enemies do not get through to kill your vulnerable units. Crossroads which open paths to other parts of the map. Key positions can look very different. Think of positions where you feel comfortable with your units, those are often key locations.

    Use Olivia. She is very fragile, so take good care of her. She can maybe take one hit, but she will die very fast if you don't look out for her safety. In return, you can use her dance to give your other units an additional turn. Her dance ability is very versatile.

    When you enter a new chapter, look at the map. Count the enemies. See which weapons they use. Think of ways your units can deal with the enemy units as easily as possible.

    Before take a move, think of the worst thing that could happen and try to come up with a solution. If you can't find a solition, think of a different move and it's worst case scenario...

  4. Vantage, Vengeance, Armsthrift, Tomefaire are already really good, it doesn't really matter what your fifth skill is. Something simple as magic+2 can do the trick.

    Despoil (barbarian) is good for money, acrobat(trickster) and movement+1(thief) are nice to make your unit more mobile, same holds true for deliverer(griffon rider), of course galeforce(dark flier) is nice if your unit is female.

    There is no point in maxing out your units' stats if you do not want to attempt any of the more difficult dlc xenologues(chapters). If you think it's fun to grind units just for the heck of it and see how they perform, it won't hurt you. I did that too in my very first lunatic file, and that one has 220 hours played. I was just playing around with all the units to see what each of them could do, though I did it mostly because I needed strong units for difficult dlc.

    Generally, there is no point in making units stronger than they need to be if you do not have an objective to accomplish. Objectives can be simple things such a curiosity too.

  5. My personal theory

    See, that's another of my problems.

    Did you consider that forums aren't a good place for people who have problems with other people's opinions? See, I can also butcher posts and quote out of context to make a "point".

    From what I can make out of post #112, you yourself also fail to grasp the concept of Occam's Razor, since you assume people are reducing characters to a specific archetype, which isn't strictly true.

  6. My personal theory is that Tharja herself was abused when she was growing up (though it feels like Noire and her father's convos are more of a joke than anything, possibly to lighten the mood from Tharja/Noire). I feel sorry for her.

    This also makes me look like a giant hypocrite for disliking Severa, in regards to the abuse thing. . .but I'll address this later.

    Please Eclipse-chan, make all the people who bully Tharja and Severa eat their words! ;-;

    btt: The game would be better if some of the males (besides Chrom) had children of their own designated to them. Just stop killing the guys off and let them "flee" the battle if they have an S rank support and there are no problems with the space-time-continuum.

  7. I only ever played Awakening - very first playthrough was on hard and I was fine - and just started a few other FE's, but from my perspective, you should be fine starting out on lunatic.

    Just think of units who pair-up as temporary stat boosters who happen to dual strike from time to time, it's an intuitive mechanic. Dual Guard exists but you shouldn't rely on it.

    One more thing: The AI in lunatic is programmed in such a way that it will always try to kill a unit when possible (that involves moving lesser troops out of the way if it enables a stronger unit to land a potential killing blow). And the AI doesn't concern itself with losses. It will happily suicide units one by one if there is even a 1% chance of getting a kill.

    If there is no chance of getting a kill, the AI will prioritize attacking the target it can deal the most damage to, from a numerical standpoint. This means that units like Frederick can sometimes "sneak" (read: In plain sight) through enemy lines if the enemy has a more lucrative target in range.

    As of late, people started calling this specific example "ninja fred" which I find amusing and I hope it sticks around.

    That's all I can think of what you need to beat the game*.

    *Edit: Aside from what Irysa posted.

  8. I only read the first entry of this thread, so forgive me if it's been mentioned already, but:

    I don't understand how it's difficult to understand the grimleal. They're just another group of fanatics who follow their religion.

    People all around the world blow themselves up in the name of religion on a daily basis, watch the news. There isn't much of a difference.

  9. Nah, what people mean when they say that is they just inputted something really fast without thinking too much about it and later found out - after looking at the list and dwelling on it - that it's surprisingl accurate. If I was serious (put more thought) about my list, it would look different as well, but not too much.

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