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Everything posted by Jose_Darkeye

  1. Welcome to le woodz. Try playing at least FE 4 then FE 5 in order. You will not be disappointed.
  2. Joselyn-Lighteye.....? Idk what the counter to "eye" is
  3. That is true, unless you don't have any friends or if NINTENDO DOESEN'T EXIST IN YOUR COUNTRY (like it doesen't in mine), meaning, basically no-one has nintendo games you can borrow/lend/trade.
  4. If you invest in a 32GB sd card then you are set for life to download lotsa games without worrying because of space. I reccommend doing that
  5. Nope. Not even tried to. (Mostly because i lack the equipment to but i will get into it into the near future tho) BUT i can give you this : http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21165 --That is by Arch and i think it could help you quite a bit
  6. In my opinion, it's just like movies. You write the script, then you get the actors to act around said script. I believe you know where i'm going here.
  7. First of all, you need to bring these things together, that are, plot, gameplay and mechanics. If you post a very short story just like you did or post just the lord' base stats (incomplete even) you probably won't have interest pointed towards you unless you have shakespeare writing level because YOU DON'T HAVE GAMEPLAY AT ALL. Meaning, you could just be posting to troll people or just to get attention. In the end, make at least the prologue, have custom graphics/sprites/portraits/animations, new weapons with new effecttiveness, a more complete story ect. Once you do all this then I, at least, as a person would believe you are putting effort into something and not just wasting my time. So if you would follow my advice, i could almoast guarantee success. EDIT : Also, double posting is bad, you shold stop doing that in a topic. Just edit your post. Its ez.
  8. 'Ello! Welcome to ze woodz! Hopa ya have a good time!
  9. Tip : Don't make a topic about a hack that doesen't exist. Try to at least create a intro or a demo (like, 10% of the game) for the hack and not just the lord's stats cause i can do that 50 times if need be. In the end, GET TO WORK MA B0I. (Also making the lord yourself can make you get to yourself and having high thinking of yourself, a thing i would not reccomend doing.)
  10. Gaé bolg is pretty dope. Quan is pretty dope. Story about it is prettty dope. Altenna is pretty dope too. Pretty good weapon too. Especialy on dragon master altenna. Try to beat that b0i.
  11. WE NEED ISAAC DAMMIT! (i dream about golden sun 4 and would do quite a few things to get it. IT IS my fave game series of all time, and Sakurai didn't include him and added freaking Corrin [no offense to corrin fans, just saying that another char that really needed the spot for its franchise to live would've been better] but ahhh.... One can dream and keep his hope with him.)
  12. I've come back from hibernation and this thing ain't done yet. Status update pls?
  13. But my friend, can you implement the crit coefficient tho?
  14. Thracia 776 has too many mechanics and stuff into one game it would be nearly impossible to remake it onto a GBA emblem. Because of that, it would be way more helpful if someone just freakin' made a FULL translation of the game. EDIT: But still, you are free to try. Good luck!
  15. Nah, neither of the 3. I'll just choose to join smash and abandon errybody.
  16. Welcome and enjoy your stay in da woods.
  17. 1. Shading (shadow of the face must be the same side of that of the body ; moar shading for easthetic pourpouses(?) ) 2. Faces that "go" with the body 3. (For improvements) add tiny details. Don't overload it but try to experiment with the tiny details. 4. Mutation. Try blending in like some characters eye outlines with some others pupil. (Experiment with it) Well that's 'bout it for me hon' g'luck with all the other stufz. Hope this helps.
  18. Because there has got to be LAN-LAN-LANCERS STAB-STAB! (Reference)
  19. In fact, they SHOULD make a new game. A spin-off like a FFTactics kinda thing!(or of the sort) I also like things the way they were (sword>axe>lance) but the world is as it is. Oh well.
  20. First game i got when i bought my first nintendo console, the ds. I was totally unknown with it apart from the tv show. In fact, maybe that game got me into roms and emulators then leading to fire emblem. So ye. EDIT: I'm talking bout' poké diamond btw
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