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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. That does look a LOT better. It fits really, really well. And I'm saying this as someone who is used to the "no beard" design. Yes! And I'd consider myself somewhere in the middle. I think there are certain 'face types' that fit beards, and then there are those which don't. My own face is one of those. Not that I could ever grow a good-looking beard in the first place. xD
  2. That is also correct! Because by the time I reached chapter 7 when I played Sacred Stones, I had already benched him. xD
  3. Definitely! On that note, why Gilbert, for example, has no facial hair at all is beyond me, honestly. xD
  4. Banned because you should feel free to play anything you like, and anything that appeals to you.
  5. Perhaps knows that my "I'm back" post was the first time I ever posted in the greetings section. (I kinda forgot about it back then, and eventually, it was too late for it. xP)
  6. I read quite a lot, definitely more than I used to, however, everything I do read, I read as part of my studies of language and literature, so reading has become something of a "duty" for me instead of a hobby. I also don't really read much outside of my studies, I admit, which is why I am not familiar with any popular book that is outside the scope of what I study.
  7. I will! And I agree with you on all of your points, as well. Though on the beard thing, do remember that he tries to pass off as Flayn's older brother, so more beard than that might jeopardize this a little, because in the world of Fire Emblem (and anime in general, really), beard = old... for some reason.
  8. <- this face, along with begging to not destroy my house with that beam.
  9. Banned because banned. Banned for stealing my job. XD
  10. Yup, haha! And this, too! Congratulations! ^^ --- "Dwell too much on the past, and you may be unable to move forward." "If you hate all those whose beliefs are different from yours, you will hate everyone eventually. People with exactly the same beliefs as you simply do not exist." It's lines like these that make Seteth one of my favorite male characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses, Fire Emblem in general, and just gaming in general. Also, good morning, everyone!
  11. Banned because my affinity for puns is a cat ass trophy.
  12. Wrong again, actually. 'Science' is just another way of humanity to attempt to explain the world, just like what I hypothesize religion started out as. That which science attempts to explain has been around for at least 13.6 billion years. But science itself is as much a human construct as math is (and math in itself is nothing but an instrument of science, if we are being 100% accurate here). I know, semantics (don't blame me, this shit will (probably) be my job xD), but I think the distinction is important nonetheless.
  13. And while we're on the subject of shitty Draggy memes, have another one!
  14. This reminds me of a (crappy) meme I made. xD
  15. Banned because you're fine. I just overreacted a little. Sorry! ^^
  16. Banned because it was! For me, anyway. XD
  17. I'll try to see if I can find a playthrough of it that I can watch, if the game is translated/exists internationally. I believe it was also a PS2 game, and I can't run the emulator for it on my laptop. Good lord. Oh well, far be it from me to tell others what to enjoy and what not to. But with everything other people enjoy and I don't, I could at least find some reasons to say "yeah, I get it. I disagree, but I get it". With Leon? I don't get it. XD
  18. Ah, okay! I haven't seen that one at all yet, so I don't know what he's like the--- Waiiiiiiit a second! Okay, this is true! I won't dispute his inclusion in NxC based on this. But I will question his status as the most popular character. I usually don't do this, but with this guy, I seriously ask "why?" Why him? Why not literally anybody else in the entire cast, who at least has likeable aspects? Maybe Tales of Destiny 2 will answer that question, we'll see. But as it stands now, I really don't understand it.
  19. That is true! For my part, as much as I cannot play PS2 games on my system at all, I will say that I am happy to get the story experience, at least! Oh, that is a very interesting list, to be sure! I did not know this! I think the chances are pretty good of this actually coming to pass. The beginning is really really solid already, it is just towards the end when the hiccups and word-for-word translations become frequent. On that note, so far, there was one, and only one, instance of this: in one cutscene, some text was disappearing at the top of the screen. I imagine they placed the start of the line too high. Everything else was fit neatly into the textboxes and aside from the word "Save" still being written in Katakana in the background of the save menu, all the menus are translated, as well. He's not the big bad (he joins you for a long period of time, even), but he's definitely far, far from being a good person. I heard the PS2 remake turned his jerk traits down a peg... I don't even want to know how bad he was originally, if the asshole in the Director's Cut edition of the game was a turned down version of him. He's also not very murderous as far as I could tell. He's just an edgy ass, really. Perhaps he was murderous and bloodthirsty in the PS1 original, though. That, I do not know! Aaaand of course this asshole is the most popular character from the game. When Philia is right there. What the fuck, Tales fandom?
  20. Banned because I called Link 'Zelda' and Zelda 'Link' when I first saw them in Smash Bros. Melee. I pissed off my friend, but it was still funny. That's still locking a feature behind a $25 paywall. Nothing about that says 'good' to me, tbh.
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