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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. On that note: All-Out Attacks would probably be a real spectacle in a Musou game... Like allowing you to clear out a base in an instant, if they do go for the Empires-esque base conquering gameplay the other spin-offs had. I don't see why they wouldn't, because it's a nice way to spice things up and make maps more engaging. All-Stars (which is currently my favourite Musou game) had it, FE had it, Hyrule had it. I don't know about Arslan, Pirate, or Berserk since I've never played those before, but I imagine them to be similar in that regard.
  2. Normally, no. Unless I really want to try new units. The reason? Not because I'm falling into "pitfalls" for not using them, but for the simple fact that I consider most Jeigans boring, bland, generic and uninteresting as characters. Or, in Sothe's case, get on my nerves so much I wish they didn't exist at all. The only two I ever used seriously are Titania in my first run of FE9 (in which I learned that I REALLY don't like the Cavalier class) and Frederick in Awakening, because he's freaking Frederick, managing to make the whole "I am loyal to my lord/lady" business hilarious. He almost feels like a parody of every other Jeigan that came before him and I love that. When it comes to prepromotes that are recruited later, it depends on if I like them or not. If I do, I usually compare them to units I already have and consider how to integrate them into my strategies. If they fit what my team still lacks, they're fine, if they don't, they're on the bench. If I don't like them, they land directly on the bench, no ifs or but(t)s about it.
  3. I think I'll actually give that one a shot. It sounds hilarious enough, at any rate. Hopefully, they won't take any pages from DW9's book while making it, but my faith in Atlus is still going strong. They absolutely delivered with Etrian Odyssey Nexus and the original Persona 5, after all. I actually tried downloading the demo for DW9, to see what the fuss was actually about. It supposedly takes - and I am not kidding - 10. FREAKING. HOURS! For a freaking demo, of all things. Needless to say, I stopped trying. I've been having tons of fun with DW8 Empires, at least. DW8XL, too, I suppose, but I found Empires to be more enjoyable, simply because of the character creation and the wacky crap you can do with it. Having almost finished the original RoTK novel (well, the one English translation of it, at any rate), playing through what essentially amounts to an abridged version of that isn't as... fulfilling, shall we say. There are a few more gripes I have with 8XL (most of which are probably nitpicks), but let's leave it at that for now.
  4. So... Shadow Clones VS. regular clones? I'll take the Shadow Clones, please. WYR turn the entire world against you except for the person you love the most or turn the person you love the most against you but be loved by the entire world?
  5. ... jump on and over the children's heads. Their parents will never know *evil snicker* The proper way to vanish without a trace is...
  6. It is either stupidly overpowered or utterly useless with no middleground. Either way, it's fates'd.* *fates (adj.) = a seemingly cool concept with an execution so terrible it is hard to put into words. (to) fates (sth.) (verb) = to screw up a concept (good or bad) so bad, people will still chuck up all over themselves in rage several years later. Everyone, let's make this a thing! I wish the next FE game wasn't fates'd.
  7. Banned for demanding to be petted through a computer screen.
  8. Because they catfish you. Come to think of it, why are catfish called catfish when they look nothing like cats?
  9. I'm crying. If anyone in the world deserves death, it's the people killing animals (any animals, but whales especially) for "research". And that is why...
  10. Banning for denying his love for waifus, I guess.
  11. Indeed. Where are our White Knights? I demand a White Knight right now! Just kidding, I don't need an idiot to speak for me. I can do that myself, thank you very much.
  12. If I had to pick, it'd probably be to never drink my favourite drink again, since I have developed slight lactose intolerance recently, so banana-flavoured milk is out of the question. Unless of course I want to... you know. And I don't. WYR get completely curbstomped at your favourite competitive multiplayer game or forget to wear your pants to school/work/wedding receptions?
  13. ... to climb inside it and wait until it goes off. The proper way to fix your toilet is...
  14. Memes be memes, I guess. Also, I apologize for indirectly sparking a religious debate with my question. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. Who came up with the idea of fanfiction?
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