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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. How else would you flip them? To fry something means to keep it in the pan until it's completely scorched, right?
  2. Banned for doubting an Eevee's ability to bake cookies.
  3. They can make dumb people think their ridiculous outfits are actually wearable by normal people. They can also survive a week on nothing but a single apple. As a side note: I sat next to two Japanese exchange students from my university in the bus today. They acted almost EXACTLY like your typical Anime siblings, "Onii-chan no baka!" included. I am not even joking right now and I don't know how I feel about that either... But before we go off topic, here's a (hopefully) less debate-inducing question: Why is Donkey Kong called that when he has literally nothing in common with actual donkeys?
  4. I absolutely HATE Severa and everything she is, was, and will be.
  5. Yes, but he'd never admit that openly. Because Batman's secretly a Tsundere. Why do people expect stories to have extensive explorations of moral grey areas when even in olden times, the so-called classics were all pretty clear cut good guys vs. bad guys stories?
  6. Banned for posting some of the exact contents of my mind on the "Corrupt a wish Fire Emblem Edition" thread.
  7. Doesn't take waifu/husbando things seriously.
  8. Granted, but the "Elitist vs. Casual" divide will only get deeper and way more toxic instead of semi-joking and ironic like it is now. See Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro. ... Get out of my head, please. True enough, I guess. The key is to have the mental strength to not let things you see in fiction affect you in that way. I wish Fire Emblem games were longer to have the opportunity to give every character ample screentime and/or to really flesh out the world. 20-25 chapters just don't cut it sometimes, I feel.
  9. Shanty Pete sucks. Why the heck are people making such a big deal about such an uninteresting, bland, and non-existent character?
  10. "It looks like he killed a bear and glued its fur onto his chin." That work? I mean, they kind of give the same picture, but... you know, the guy having the beard is more proactive or something. I dunno. Who decided that a nod means "yes" and shaking your head means "no"?
  11. So, first it's a purple/magenta haired girl with big assets, then it's a weird squid/jellyfish thing with shades (twice!), and now an Eevee with a fancy haircut and a constant eye sparkle. Where the heck are the cameras? I know you're pulling a prank on me.
  12. Banned for participating in Forum Games.
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