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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. The article proceeds to list off all of them and gives very compelling reasons that not even the most hardcore memer can argue against. Oh, wait! This is wish corruptions, not fulfilments! Er, uh... The list becomes a meme itself! There! I wish Three Houses to be the best Fire Emblem yet. If only to get IntSys to stop shoving Fates in our face at every opportunity.
  2. Profile picture depicts the second best Whitewing sister. I'm like Palla more, admittedly, but Catria is still awesome.
  3. Imagined animal (Pokémon?) cruelty just there.
  4. Imagined animal (Pokémon?) cruelty just there.
  5. Banned for repeatedly banning people.
  6. I hate Forum Games and all the people participating in them.
  7. I'd never make weird posts like the above one. Nope.
  8. Banned for banning me without telling me what I was wrong about first.
  9. You know, if I REALLY think about it, Star Wars and Game of Thrones are actually really boring.
  10. My word, what a sudden outburst. Are you alright, dear friend? Banned for slapping the banhammer on me for no reason.
  11. Will know that the double posting train has the most comfortable seats.
  12. I want every female in every Fire Emblem game to be like Elise and only Elise.
  13. My good sir, We are afraid We have to dispense you from these hollowed halls for even slightly entertaining the thought of banishing another dear visitor just because they interrupted an ongoing parley.
  14. I would never never never never never ever consider marrying Camilla.
  15. Banned for making me laugh with this picture:
  16. That's harsh. Like, really harsh. Reminds me of how, on the very same level, all attacks I used on one Paladin missed completely (they were in this order: arrow from Python, arrow from Tobin, Thunder from Luthier, Thunder from Kliff, attack by Clive, attack by Clair -> this is the reason I do not trust anything these guys do anymore), cue his turn, he attacked Clive, landed a crit at ridiculously low hit rates, which left him at 1 HP, then Delthea came in and killed him. Also with a crit, just to drive the point home "thanks for playing this game! Now get the f*** out of here!".
  17. Posted a post that contained only one word.
  18. Posted a post that contained only one word.
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