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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned for making a wish in the "Corrupt a wish Fire Emblem Edition" thread that I don't know how to corrupt.
  2. As of her last post, she can't taste anything.
  3. ... to pretend like they're sheep and get a dog or two to do it for you. Only to then wonder why the cats are constantly on the run and the dogs don't seem to have any interest in keeping them safe from unwanted dangers. The proper way to pet a dog is...
  4. Because it takes too much time and men usually don't want to bother with it, anyway. Can't save what's already ugly, am I right guys? *awkward laughter that very soon descends into full on bawling* For a time, there was a group called "metrosexuals" who apparently did just that. Additionally, Victorian Hedonism was a thing in late 1800s Great Britain, though that was a nobility thing, I guess. Why is a part Fire Emblem community so fixated on boobs?
  5. *sigh* How many times do I have to tell you, I am NOT a cheap witch with a "b"
  6. Granted, but this forum wouldn't have existed and we wouldn't be having these kinds of "what-if" scenarios. Also, no Forum Games, no funny/interesting discussions, no interesting member interviews, no nothing. Okay, now I made myself sad... Alternatively, future Advance Wars titles would have dropped every pretense to be anything BUT a waifu simulator and would only be missing the naughty-naughty-hanky-panky scenes to be a full on [word redacted, started with "p-", ended in "-orn"] game. Fanservice up the wazoo and every Ecchi Anime trope under the sun in one atrocious, buggy package! And before anyone asks: yes, I do love coming up with silly euphemisms for German number 6. I wish the next Fire Emblem would bring back some of the more over the top attack animations in the series, like GBA Knights, Generals and Swordmasters.
  7. ... to wait until it stinks, eat it, then go out and breathe at people on the streets. The proper way to prevent people from doing that is...
  8. I would wonder why someone left an Eevee at my doorstep. I'd also offer Eevee some food.
  9. Likes Radiant Dawn and Micaiah, and is probably very courageous for making a topic like this. Also seems to be a really decent person all around. 8/8
  10. "'kay, seriously. Why is there an Eevee in my bed?" proceeds to put a blanket over Eevee so he can sleep better
  11. Lives in a city that is constantly mispronounced by people who don't speak French.
  12. I hate Felicia. The new Spring Felicia especially.
  13. "Dude, it's Easter. Take this Christmas hat off me, will you?"
  14. ... but I was miraculously saved by a brown bear, who...
  15. Really, REALLY hates the Berserker class in Fates and pretty much every axe wielder.
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