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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Where the ball really did drop for me was the new (?) dungeon, the Womb of Grief. Good lord, that thing was terrible. But Delphinus onwards was pretty sh** in its own right, I definitely agree on that front. Also, the final final boss of the Neutral path can go to hell and never come back. Music-wise, I agree somewhat, though honestly, I found the music more dull than annoying, especially in the battle theme department (though the boss battle theme is pretty awesome, as is Alex' battle theme). EOVs teleporters were fair and enjoyable, I definitely agree on that one. I just never made it through the 6th stratum in that game because I couldn't beat the boss needed to raise the level cap. The only two EO's that I did manage to beat in their entirety (as in, beat stratum 6) are 2 Untold and Nexus. I attempted it in Untold (and failed miserably) and never even tried EOIV's. I also honestly had to look up who Zelenin and Jimenez even are, that's how little I cared about them.
  2. Might know that the character in his badge and the character in his profile picture have the same voice actress in the English versions of their respective games.
  3. Favourite music from favourite stage in Melee. 9/10 Definitely. It's the reason I pull out my Wii every now and again to play Brawl. Nights of Azure 2 Sadistic Limbs
  4. Posted a fact about me that also applies to himself.
  5. *dies due to allergies* *randomly resurrects and throws tea leaves at next poster*
  6. 'cept when you're on the race track there, I guess. Finds driving in Montreal to be a enormously sized uncomfortable feeling in his nether regions.
  7. ... You know what's sad? When your all-time favourite boss (and game) doesn't have any fanart... I mean, I could just cheat and post a screenshot from the game itself, but still. So I'll just post fanart about a boss I liked, but isn't my absolute favourite. http://img04.deviantart.net/58c4/i/2014/005/a/7/orochi_vs_okami_by_louisegoalby-d70brnk.jpg Your least favourite video game boss.
  8. As of posting this, I have seven. Not impressive, I know. Just wanted to point it out, because why not?
  9. "Corrin, what are you looking at?" "N-Nothing..." "Tee-hee-hee *sultry smile* It's not that I mind you staring at me you know...?" "*gulp*"
  10. *watch, because break-dancing looks awesome* *summons a giant trumpet / horn that can inexplicably fire laser beams out of nowhere and shoots at next poster* (skip to 0:19 to see what I mean)
  11. The journey of two brothers / childhood friends / lovers where one brother / childhood friend / lover gets corrupted by the resident evil force and the other has to band together with a group of friends to try and save him, resulting in a final battle between the two with the fate of the world at stake. Awesome song, btw!
  12. I KNEW it. XD The above wish will be granted, but just like the untransformed Laguz in Radiant Dawn, bare-handed fighting will deal miniscule damage, you can't double or crit, and you'll get recoil damage from any class that wields a shield or heavy(er) armour due to the characters' hands and feet hurting. And that will be an effect like poison where you'll take damage over time with overly long and unskippable animations. Also, the character will complain to you non-stop to give him a weapon. And they'll do this every time you make a move that doesn't involve trading a weapon to that character. EVERY. TIME! Why are my wish corruptions always so gosh darn evil? Jeez... Anyway, I wish there was a Fire Emblem game that had a betrayal function, like if you're not good friends with that character or / because you're not using them enough, they'll leave and join your enemies in the next battle. Of course, your own character if present would have that option as well.
  13. Look! It's the guy with the insta-kill wing wave! 9/10 I loved the Subspace Emissary. I'm not even joking when I say that. Etrian Odyssey Nexus - Calling that Detestable Name (X ver.) Nexus is such an awesome game, but this boss really gave me a run for my money, holy crap...
  14. You made me look up fanart of Azura, you monster! https://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/984/470/e31.jpg Your favourite video game character.
  15. I slapped this together in MS Paint recently... I dunno.
  16. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. With that aside, being voiced by Yuri Lowenthal is definitely a plus. Sadly, everything else about him is just that stereotypical "I'm the perverted anime classmate that gets my best bro in trouble because I'm so perverted. Aren't perverted people funny? LOL!" That "Operation Babe Hunt" bit will always be one of my least favourite segment in any game simply because how groan inducing it was. I liked Yosuke in the beginning of the game, where his true bro tendencies shone through, but it went downhill very, very fast for me. As far as Chie is concerned, it's more her voice that gets on my nerves than her actual character. Don't get me wrong, her voice actress is seriously talented, but for whatever reason, in this game, she has managed to make her character incredibly annoying. And Teddie was just a bad idea in general. Morgana is much, MUCH better. Persona 4 Golden in general is that weird game where the side characters are more interesting than the actual playable ones...
  17. Is only skilled in Unown and nothing else, according to herself.
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