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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Granted, but it's a really boring one, like it's magic apple-flavoured soda or something. I wish the two year time skip between the Gangrel and Walhart arcs of Awakening was a playable segment similar to Persona.
  2. This has become a very wet thread all of a sudden...
  3. 1. Hi there! 2. I tried, but my sense of balance is bad, so I couldn't do it. 3. I studied it for two semesters at university, but then decided not to continue. The way they teach history at university was just too boring for me. I am interested in it, however. 4. Of course. I want to see firsthand what pre-FE6 games were like. I just can't get SNES or NES emulators to work on my laptop and I have no clue why that is. VBA and Desmume work just fine, too, even if DeSmuME is slow as molasses. 5. I've been meaning to learn Japanese for the longest time now and I have no idea why I've put it off for so long. But to answer your question: of course! I love language studies, so learning a new one would be great.
  4. 16. I like to take walks or just relax in the sun. I also like to read outside. 17. It sucked, honestly. We had a lot of sun, yes, but it was also really hot and really dry with little to no rain. In fact, it was so hot, that it didn't even cool off at night, meaning I had to sleep in a 31 degrees Celcius room, which, as it turns out, isn't exactly the best place to sleep in. 18. Yes, it's fun, but I'm not good at it. 19. Being driven. Mostly because I don't have a driver's license or a car. 20. I had much fun during it, though I was a bit nervous at first, as silly as that might sound. I also feel like I learned a lot about myself. It was certainly a good experience. I love it when the A.I. defeats itself or if it appears like it has just given up. For example: in Pokémon Red and Blue, if you use Venusaur against Lance's Dragonite, all Dragonite will do is alternate between Agility and Barrier (the cheating prick), nothing else. So with enough perseverance, you can kill the thing without wasting even a single Potion despite type disadvantages and everything. And then there's my favourite from Fire Emblem: "Oh, there's a weakened unit there that I could kill. Better go for that other, totally OP unit that one-shots me!" Happened plenty of times in Awakening and more than enough times in other games, too.
  5. Just the transition from semi-serious over-the-top family drama to cosmetics commercial. Because it's hilarious. Who coined the famous phrase "meh"?
  6. 1: Wonder what I did last night and whether or not I should turn myself in to the police. 2: Die of adorableness.
  7. I legit laughed out loud! XD It IS missing the part where he won the American Civil War all by himself and without any casualties, but otherwise, I see nothing wrong with it. What is more attractive to you: mahagony or plastic?
  8. Imagine emptying a bucket of water into a bathtub that's already full and the amount of water in the bathtub didn't increase. I think I'd be scared witless if that happened. How do you feel about eating junk food at 3am?
  9. 1. Awesome! I love it. Especially the music is epic. Johnny Depp is also a really good actor. 2. Blitzball in FFX, because of how much I hate that minigame, if that counts. If not, then I'd have to pick the gathering quests in Etrian Odyssey, when people ask you to gather a very specific (sometimes rare as hell) item. I don't have anything against these kinds of quests, but if you're unlucky (since gathering yields are random), these quests will clog up your to-do list for a long, long time. 3. Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology had a pretty dull and repetitive combat system. The game was fine otherwise, however. 4. I'm not too much into the "idol genre", so that's a bit of a turn-off for me, thus I don't know too much about the game, but from what I've seen, it is severely overhated. 5. Since it seems to be the only game I've played this year that was actually released this year, since I've been playing catch-up with a lot of "older" games, I've got to give it to Shining Resonance: Refrain. I really liked that game. 1. I went into a plane once in a technology museum. I'm not planning on doing that one again, though I am glad I at least tried it once. 2. Bad weather. I actually like rain and wind, at least when you're inside. It's relaxing. 3. Fire Emblem Fates. I don't think I need to go into why. That horse is dust by now. 4. I'd love to see another Warriors All-Stars, actually. 5. Not a fan, to be honest. I tried to play Skyrim and quickly figured out it wasn't my cup of tea. I can see why so many people fell in love with it, though. 6. Favourite: I always liked the Chekhov's Gun trope. I think it's a good surprise factor when it's done well. Least favourite: I hate when there is romance shoved into a story just for the sake of having one. I noticed it's especially bad in most American movies, where the protagonists usually fall in love if they're of opposite genders. 7. Favourite: Then Let Me Be Evil. If done right, this can make for the most interesting villains. Least favourite: This one is a toss-up between the "flirts with anything that moves" and the "asshole for no reason" characters. Whenever one of these appears, that character usually ends up being my least favourite in any game / movie / anime / tv show. 8. Favourite: It might seem weird, but I like games that have some kind of Relationship Values system, as it usually helps fleshing out characters, their motivations, and their thoughts of one another more. Least favourite: The Computer Is A Cheating Bastard. For the obvious reasons. (See the Pokémon section in particular) 9. Yes, I did. I was pretty nervous at first, as I didn't really know what to say, but I really did enjoy it. Thank you for your many questions! I sincerely hope I haven't worsened anyone's opinion of me, though. 1. Of the classical elements, I like air, since my Zodiac - Gemini - is also associated with air, it was kind of a given. But I do like it for other, possibly personal reasons, as well. You obviously need air to breathe, but it also stands for rationality, love and happiness, three things I wish I had or have. As far as Chinese elements go, I like water the most, because it is the most balanced. It is able to rage like a river, but it is also calm like a lake, which does describe me to a degree. 2. I'm a bit lazy, so Sloth for the Deadly Sins. Temperance for virtues. 3. Something in between, actually. I hate it when it's too hot, I hate it when it's too cold. 4. Two-handed greatswords are really impressive-looking, though rapiers have a certain elegance to them, as do katanas, so I'd say a toss-up between those three. 5. Both. I like all types of dragons. I see you're a man of culture, as well. I can definitely see your point and yeah, those missions were hell to go through, I agree. I remember one such mission, I think it was the level 8 KO Competition you mentioned, that I had to try at least 10 times before I got it. Also fully agreed here. Velezark gets even worse when, again, you give him a big target. I tried one Arena mission with a surprise F-you dragon at the end as Shiida. I don't think I need to mention that I didn't get the A-rank. I think I got the Brynhildr scroll by complete accident, as well. I'm still missing the second-tier scroll (I think it was called "oath" or something) for Siegfried, however. As far as Tome/Stone only missions go, I luckily did find a way to get used to untransformed Tiki, so those aren't as bad for me anymore, but I can definitely see your point. Also agreed on your ire against enemy mages and sages. They even seem to be able to tank physical hits suspiciously well, sometimes. Exactly. I feel like most characters that can promote into a hybrid suffer from that (Beruka, Orochi, Hayato, and Nyx, to name a few especially egregious examples). Though I did have a severely Magic-blessed Rinkah at one point, who, as Oni Chieftain, did more damage with Bolt Axes and magic than with regular clubs, which was incredibly ridiculous. 16. When I don't need the A.I. to be smart, then yes. 17. According to a certain video series on YouTube, he doesn't. 18. No, but I will check him out. 19. I used to watch a lot of iCarly as a kid and I remember laughing at how anything a certain character built started burning for no reason. 20. I think Wisdom would fit me best. I'm not exactly power-hungry and I don't think I have a lot of courage, either. So if you can't be brave or powerful, ya might as well be smart.
  10. I would give anything for one week of rain... we've had little to no rain since January and it's even caused drinking water shortages.
  11. Banana costumes in a cage full of gorillas. What is more important: a tissue in case you have to sneeze or a broom in case there's dust in your house?
  12. 100%. That way, I can really enjoy everything the game has to offer. WYR watch a boring movie with your friends or an interesting TV show on your own?
  13. Everyone who's played 7th Dragon III will know why I posted these nasty bastards... For those who don't:
  14. I actually could sing along to Bohemian Rhapsody at one point in my life, so I'll pick that. WYR mow your lawn with blunt scissors or scrub the floor of your entire house with nothing but a dirty toothbrush?
  15. They make it too competent so you are discouraged from using anything but Fighters. Enemy Fighters are also the most dangerous enemies you will face and no matter how strong your units are, they are still at risk of death. Unless you use your own Fighters against them, of course. I wish there was an actually good live action Fire Emblem movie.
  16. Really? ... Well, this is awkward. I always kinda figured they were the same deal. My favourite Pixar movie is Finding Nemo, then, which would have been my second favourite after Ice Age.
  17. 1. I liked the first Ice Age a lot. It was a good mix of comedy and heavier themes such as family, the latter of which spoke to me on a personal level. 2. Mulan, hands down. I love the plot of the movie, the characters, the artstyle, and "I'll make a man out of you" is one of the greatest Disney songs to ever exist. 3. I found NUNSWITHAXES pretty funny, while it was still around. Digimon actually semi-revived the meme for me by introducing NUNSWITHGUNS (literally) Shout-outs also to the "I'M A GREEN UNIT!" meme, complete with retarded voice. 4. In Melee (which was my first Smash Brothers game), I absolutely loved playing as Pikachu. He's been somewhat of a main for me ever since then. 5. Jord (or Yorudo), the Blood Sword, Arnice's weapon in Nights of Azure. It has an amazing design, cool abilities, and a really interesting backstory. Y'all are probably tired of me gushing about that game by now... 6. The warp drive, definitely. 1. No, I haven't. I heard it's a good game, though. 2. I definitely recommend giving Stella Glow a go, if you haven't yet. 3. Flash Gordon. It helps that he's one of the only ones I've ever seen a movie about. 4. A game I had almost zero fun with was Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. Compared to its predecessors (especially compared to the stroke of genius that was Explorers of Sky), it felt really, really weak, both in the gameplay and story department. 5. The thirteenth Pokémon movie was excruciatingly boring and nonsensical, I don't even remember most of what happened in it. I only remember the legendary beasts appeared in their shiny form, and there was talk about time visions or something.
  18. Hoo-kay, since we're on the topic of Warriors Orochi, I thought I'd give my extended thoughts on Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate here, since I have now finished most of it. What I liked: Crossing over Three Kingdoms China and Warring States era Japan is an ingenious idea. Seriously, I like any sort of whacky crossover and this game certainly delivers on that front. Besides every damn character from DW7 and SW3, you have original characters (which I will get into in a bit), and even characters from other properties such as Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden, Kasumi from Dead or Alive, and Sophitia from Soul Calibur, making for a total roster of a whopping 145 characters (also a point I will address later on). Gameplay is good, it's the usual Warriors fun, and the story is serviceable enough for a game like this, even if it does involve time travel. You can take three characters to a single battle and freely switch between them to mix things up. Due to the wide variety of characters, you can potentially play every stage in the story mode as different characters if you so desire. With emphasis on "potentially" (more on that later). Each battle earns you Growth Points that you can spend to level up your characters as you desire, which I also like, but levelling up isn't the only way to strengthen your characters. Each character also has his or her own weapons that you can upgrade through buying them with higher star rating or better skills. You can even customize your weapon to a certain degree through weapon fusion, a process in which you can transfer skills from one weapon to the other. Each skill has a number next to it to show how effective it is and you can increase the number by fusing the same skill on a weapon and the numbers will add up, for example if you have Agility +3 already on your weapon and you fuse Agility +2 into it, you get Agility +5. This kind of customization is good, as it adds different ways of building a character... in theory. Duel Mode is tons of fun (except for one minor detail I will also go into later), as is Musou Battlefields. Music is fantastic, but I think that one's a no-brainer as far as Koei Tecmo games go. What I didn't like: There is plenty to talk about here, sadly. First of all, let's talk characters. There is 145 in this game, which is a lot. Too many, in fact. Due to how the game's difficulty cranks up to insane degrees in later chapters (first noticeable right at the end of Chapter 2 to the beginning of Chapter 3 and again in Chapter 4), you are actively discouraged from trying out new characters if you don't want to grind a lot. Then, there's the sad fact that the game has a lot of clones. Zhurong uses Wang Yuanji's moveset, Cao Cao and Sima Zhao play the exact same way and I swear every generic lance user has the same moves as Ma Chao. The Samurai Warriors characters are almost all crap. They only have weak, flimsy attacks and / or pathetic range, making them not great at crowd clearing or officer killing. Their Musou attacks are also pretty strange: Dynasty characters have the Musou attacks you're used to: a single strong special attack that usually covers a wide area and does tons of damage... unless you're Ma Chao, whose Musou attack has a chance of doing nothing, basically wasting your precious Musou gauge if your positioning before initiating the attack is even slightly off. Samurai characters spam a single attack so long as you hold down the Circle button and only stop when their Musou gage is empty. It is bearable in such a way that you are invincible for the duration of the attack and you can also do different moves, but if you really want to use the attacks themselves, then prepare yourself from it whiffing a lot, since most are completely stationary and have barely any range to them. And the A.I. is usually smart enough to stay OUT of range of your attack. They're also blockable, which is the worst thing ever. And then there are Samurai characters that have NOTHING BUT their Musou to do anything. Kunoichi comes to mind. Without her Musou attack that admittedly covers quite a lot of ground, she'd easily be one of the worst characters in this game. As for how the characters are actually written, there are some I like, some I dislike, and some I don't really have an opinion on. Sadly, most of the original characters - the Mystics, namely - fall into the second category. They are just so freaking arrogant to the point where I have to wonder why I am even helping them, it drives me up the walls. Especially that Taigong Peepee guy (get it? Because Wang means p-- okay, I'll stop) with his dumb fishing rod and Edgy Cyborg McFanfiction (a.k.a. Nezha). Let's just say that if I feel sorry for the main villain of the story and find her hypothetical story where she takes revenge on the Mystics to be incredibly cathartic, I think something went wrong in the writing department. A side note about two characters in particular: Goemon Ishikawa and Xiaoqiao compete for most annoying voice in any video game ever. Holy crap, whenever they start talking, I swear my ears want to run away and never come back. Slight exaggeration, but you get my point, I think. The worst thing about that is that Xiaoqiao is actually somewhat fun to play as. Her aerial R1 and Musou attacks are really strong and cover a lot of ground. And, believe it or not, Goemon's voice here is annoying, yes, but it's nothing compared to how he is in SW4 and SWC3. Dear lord, what were they thinking? They messed up one of the potentially coolest characters they could make and made him into a joke character. Going back to the difficulty spikes and difficulty in general: If you want to have a semi-good time with the game and not frustratingly struggle through all of it, especially when you play on the higher difficulty settings, what ends up happening is that you choose 3 of the characters you get in Chapter 1, maybe early Chapter 2, and use all your resources on them up until the endgame, because the moment you try to use, say, Diao Chan, whom you get at the beginning of Chapter 3 and then do another Chapter 3 mission as her with level 1 and barely any upgrades to her weapons, because you lack the resources to get her up, you end up wishing you had continued to use that one character you benched to try her out. Failing a map doesn't give you the option to retry the battle right then and there. You get thrown back to the main menu, which costs you everything you have done since your last save. It also doesn't save any items, weapons or level ups you might have gotten prior to failing, so you're punished hard for messing up. There are also only so many Growth Points to go around, so theoretically, you'd have to grind A LOT to get every character you get in Chapter 3 up to a realistically usable state. Additionally, level 1 characters are so weak that they're even struggling against simple mooks. It doesn't help that enemy officers have an incredibly nasty habit of sneaking up on you and juggling you endlessly from off-screen, while you struggle to find your bearings with the wonky camera and the complete mess of ally and enemy health bars, a sea of character models in which you can sometimes struggle to differentiate between ally and enemy mooks alike, officer names, and annoying ally officers that just stand around and do nothing except blocking your view, doubly worse if they are on a horse. Fighting multiple officers at once is a death sentence in this game, especially if they have Samurai style Musou attacks that just come out without warning and kill you right where you stand, even on friggin' Easy Mode. For the record, I have played through the game on Normal mode and went back to play on Easy for some stages to grind, and I struggled all the same. I played some stages on Hard to get Ma Chao's and Wang Yuanji's Mystic Weapons and suffice it to say, I do NOT want to know what Chaos is like. Speaking of BS difficulty: Gauntlet Mode has to be one of the worst game modes I have ever seen in that department. The thing is basically a game within a game and that game's name is "BS difficulty: The game". I think it even beats out the Battle Frontier and it's ilk from Pokémon as far as least favourite video game content goes. Mind you, I like it when a game gives me a challenge, but this is challenging for all the wrong reasons, Gauntlet Mode especially so. Though this does show that Koei does learn from its mistakes, since almost none of the problems I have with the difficulty here are present in the later Musou games I've played. Now about skills: There is actually only a handful of skills that are actually useful. Some are even downright broken in that they theoretically trivialize some elements of the game. And some are broken in that they don't seem to actually do anything. Wind and Range come to mind. One is supposed to be able to hit enemies through their blocks, which doesn't happen and the other is supposed to extend attack range, which also doesn't happen or it is so miniscule even at +10 (the highest you can level any skill), that it doesn't really make a difference. The game is also incredibly dreary. Menus, worlds, even characters severely lack colour. Everything is a shade of grey and brown, it makes most battlefields boring, honestly. And lastly, I have to address the weird card system in Duel Mode. In addition to your 3 characters, you also get to select 4 character cards for each battle. Every card does different things - for example, Kaguya's heals and Huang Zhong's rains down arrows on opponents for a certain amount of time - which does add a layer of strategy, but I feel like the mode would have been better off without it. Closing thoughts / TL;DR: Despite my many, many complaints (most of which I can possibly attribute to my general ineptitude, though I did play the entirety of Warriors All-Stars on Chaos difficulty and most of Fire Emblem Warriors on Lunatic difficulty), I still think that Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is a good game. There's just something cathartic about blowing away hundreds upon hundreds of mooks and hearing your character shout the by now iconic "Tekishou, uchitottari!" (or variations thereof, I know Ma Chao says something different) when killing an officer, or "Omae koso wa shin no sangoku musou da!" (or variations thereof) when the 1000th enemy has fallen victim to your spear / sword / throwing knife / umbrella / whatever else you can imagine. Maybe I'm overblowing my issues with it a bit, since going into it, I expected the best Warriors game ever - this fault lies entirely with the internet, btw - only to walk away from it, thinking to myself: what about this game was so much better than any other Warriors game out there? To me, it falls way short of delivering on the hype surrounding it and I will say it, even if two thirds of the Warriors fanbase will want my head on a pike for this one: as far as crossover games go, Warriors All-Stars did a much better job. Sure, it has less game modes, sure the cast is smaller, but the game itself is a lot more focused and knows what it wants to do and be. If anything, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate will always be the game that desperately needs to learn one lesson: less is more. Sadly, going into WO4, that lesson didn't seem to have been learnt, so my desire to get that game isn't that large, to be honest. Keep in mind that all of this is my personal subjective opinion on things. I'm getting crucified for this one, aren't I?
  19. ... by being faster than them on a random forum post. The proper way to create a username on the internet is...
  20. Play billards. Billards is a fun game, no matter who you're with. I also don't want to be anywhere near a Kardashian. WYR read a book about fish sticks or pasta?
  21. Granted, but it becomes a huge mess that spirals out of control when they have to deal with lots of demands for more mobile game characters from other properties to be added to FEH, resulting in characters from Fate Grand Order, Granblue Fantasy and Azur Lane to be added as well. Then, Pokémon GO fans chime in and want characters from their game, too, turning Heroes into a giant amalgamation of mobile games where nobody has any sort of clue what it's even supposed to be anymore. I had to look up what kinds of other mobile games existed for this one. If anyone was curious: Azur Lane seems to be a loli waifu simulator, where all the girls are battleships (?) and Granblue Fantasy has Tales characters in it. If Three Houses ends up being bad, I at least wish it ends up as one of those "so bad it's good" games that is unintentionally the most hilarious Fire Emblem game to exist to date.
  22. 1. I advertise Nights of Azure and 7th Dragon III all the time, so I have no problem with it. 2. No. I don't even have a phone to play them on. I do have a cellphone, but a really old one that still works for... whatever reason. I'm also not sure I'm into the whole gacha / fee-to-pay stuff the mobile market is infamous for. 3. Awesome movies and an iconic theme song. I also like the character. 4. Hartmann von Aue's Iwein was thought to have been written in the late 1100's. Does that count? 5. I've seen a few of the Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy movies, which were made in the 20's or 30's I think. 6. Outside of video games, I have to give that one to Goldfinger from the 1964 movie of the same name. He was one of the best Bond villains, in my opinion.
  23. There were so many posts in that thread that I honestly overlooked them. My bad, really. Has forgiven me for my mistake.
  24. 1. I speak German and English. I had French and Spanish in school and Latin during my first two semesters at university, but I've almost forgotten everything. 2. Fighting games and platformers are the bane of my existence. I can't even beat the first Mario Bros. Embarrassing, I know. 3. It's a toss-up between Arnice and Christophorus, the latter of which is in my profile picture. I find these two to be really well written and interesting characters and they stuck with me ever since I first played Nights of Azure. Really glad that they're both playable in Warriors All-Stars, as well. 4. It's a funny anime, but the memes and forced references are getting a bit annoying at this point. Though I will fully admit: the whole "You thought it was X, but it was me, Dio!" thing is hilarious, even if has gotten stale. 5. Etrian Odyssey Nexus and the PS4 remake of Tales of Vesperia hold my attention the most right now. 1. My personal favourite is when Chrom tries to teach the rest of the crew to get their capes to flutter like his. I don't know why, but I laughed really hard at that one. 2. Not right now, no. I have been meaning to, but studies and other reading projects (currently reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which is LONG) hold that part of my attention right now. 3. There are some funny Garfield comics in the weekend newspaper. My grandma and I love them. 4. I like trampolines. Used to jump around on them all the time during P.E. at school, to the point our teacher got really annoyed. 5. I'm skeptical, honestly. Ever since the whole Fates fiasco, I've become wary. Echoes redeemed IntSys in my mind, but even then, SoV was a remake, so they couldn't break too much, if that makes sense. The Persona-esque artstyle is intriguing and certainly something new and I'm interested how the other characters will look. I'm trying not to spoil too much for myself this time, however. Also, thanks for reminding me that I forget these two posts. I really didn't see them at first. My bad! To the mods: Sorry for the double post, too.
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