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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Near perfection! 9.5/10 I should really buy one of these games just for dat music alone, holy hell it's so damn GOOD! Speaking of awesome video game openings: Tales of Xillia 2 - Song 4 U
  2. Has introduced me to one of my new favourite songs. (It's this one, in case you're wondering)
  3. The watchmen watchmen. Does anybody know what comes out when you mix Swiss Cheese, avocado, bat wings, rat poison and three strands of cat hair?
  4. Pretty relaxing. I like it. 8/10 Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book - Spring Wind Skylark Personally, I prefer the Warriors All-Stars version, but I really do enjoy the original as well.
  5. I'd love to meet my great-grandfather once again and show him a picture I've painted, so I'll pick the former. WYR eat stir-fried chocolate or overcooked strawberries?
  6. It's really hard to think of more stupid questions, to be honest. What do you usually do when you run out of ideas?
  7. ... to make a post so hilarious that everyone will start replying again (it probably won't be this one, though :P) The proper way to complain about something on the internet is...
  8. Because he was a d--- *is shot* *resurrects* Because he didn't like cherries. What is stupidity?
  9. I hope it's not too late to take part, but I did it as well. I'm eager to see the results!
  10. Because the devs / writers had a huge hard-on for the Royals. There's your explanation. But yeah, the EXP system in this game is atrocious, I will agree with that. Combined with the garbage tier unit balance that makes Radiant Dawn's look good (again, because the devs had a hard on for the Royals and definitely played favourites in other areas as well) it just sticks out so, so much more. On the topic of grindfest playthroughs: not even with the Boo Camp DLC map does this get any better, honestly. The golden Faceless give 20 EXP each at higher levels, that's 5 kills for a level up and at the point where you can buy Eternal Seals (Chapter 20+, a.k.a. the point where you CAN start grinding for skills in the first place) they have such high stats that only very very few units can actually kill them reliably. Adding insult to injury, some of them carry Wary Fighter so as to waste even more time. Not to mention that they hit insanely hard at that point in the game, so everything that doesn't have a high Defence stat is screwed from the onset (Bitchzura, Hana, Elise, Nyx, Retardtsuna, Niles, Felicia, Orochi, Anna, Reina etc. etc.) and I don't even WANT to think about any Bow-only unit without Point Blank, meaning you have to farm that crap, as well. And then, there's those stupid, retarded Golem things that can and will freeze you on the spot over and over and over again. Worst part: They can potentially put you into an infinite loop of freezing you in place over and over and there's not a gosh darned thing you can do about it. F***ing hell, why did I buy this game?
  11. Shares an interest in a particular franchise with the two posters above him.
  12. None of them. They all suck(ed). How many shots (of any alcoholic drink) would it take to convince you that there are three moons in the sky?
  13. Xander or Leo. Their Japanese names are literally (Karl) Marx and Leon (Trotzki). Why is white hair in anime / games considered "edgy" when plenty of irl people bleach their hair?
  14. "Target locked. Laser prepared for firing. Awaiting further instructions."
  15. Inb4 every character is just someone from Samurai Warriors 4 or Dynasty Warriors 8 reskinned. :P If they do make it, I hope it doesn't try to shoehorn in *shudder* an open world. Really enjoyed some of the early boss fights in VIII (the first and so far only Ys game I've played). I haven't finished the game yet, though. I don't know why. I always want to go back to the game, but I always end up playing something else, instead.
  16. Likes Eevee (and presumably it's evolutions as well)
  17. I think you'll be fine so long as you don't include beans and / or laxatives. Come to think of it, why DO beans create the most violent flatulences?
  18. Not to mention that, as action RPGs, translating their moves into a Warriors-style combat shouldn't be too hard to do. I mean, it worked for Nights of Azure, didn't it? It's a cool concept, to be certain.
  19. Sorry, not tired yet. How many times have you double posted since joining the forum?
  20. Crap. @NinjaMonkey Hates Pegasus Knights, Micaiah, Lena, Valkyries, Bishops, Sothe, "LOLivia" and most earlygame pre-promotes according to signature.
  21. Depends on which fox you mean, as there are many foxes out there. Here are some things I've seen / heard foxes say (guess which fox I meant with each line and win an imaginary cookie!): "I enjoy the despair that accompanies a battle." "No matter how hard it is, I have to carry on!" "Hey, what are you doing? I'm stalking a really weird bug!" "Heya, stranger! Want the ground tour and whatnot?" "You don't have what it takes to control my power! You are nothing more than a mere fragment of my hatred." "Mission complete!" Where's the imaginary cookie and why is it imaginary?
  22. Profile picture has either lava or a close up of the sun in the background.
  23. Nope. Did you ever dislike something just because it was / became mainstream?
  24. "Crap, I broke my Trainer's favourite vase! Better look as cute as I can so they don't suspect me!"
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