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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Granted, but Armor Knights, Generals and Great Knights are even more useless now due to the fact that every second Archer on every darn map carries around one of these. Ninja the Ninjas? I'd call that justice, tbh. XD I wish some FE games didn't show blatant favouritism toward Cavaliers and Paladins.
  2. Granted, it's a visual novel. But the jokes fall flat and the characters get dumbed down for the sake of humour. There is also a second part where all kinds of gross lewd stuff happens to all the underage characters. WTF brain? I would have nothing against an actual visual novel featuring Fire Emblem characters, all things considered. I heard there are a lot of them out there that have genuinely good stories. What's so bad about Veronica? I've never played Heroes, so I wouldn't know. I wish Arcphoenix wouldn't get Ninja'd so often. I wish the next FE game won't shoehorn in mechanics from past games just for the sake of having them.
  3. You can colour your own weapons with forging, but it costs one thousand gold for each colour swap and it doesn't show up during battle animations and only on the weapon icon. Also, due to a glitch that will never be patched, colour swapping disables the ability to increase any actual stats. I wish the characters of the next game are all likeable and none of them is an unbearable jerk or a philanderer.
  4. No problem. As for the question: Maybe. Maybe not. How many books would you need to feel comfortable sleeping on a couch / bed that is made of books?
  5. "Damn, can't read what's written on that wall there. Do I need glasses?"
  6. My favourite track has to be either Heritors of Arcadia or Twilight of the Gods from FE15. These two really blew my mind when I first heard them. I will, however, echo the sentiment that Radiant Dawn's soundtrack is pretty freaking fantastic, especially some of the battle themes. Stuff like On Glory's Wings or The Devoted will always have a place in my heart.
  7. Social media, because aside from this forum, I'm not using it anyhow. WYR be able to see perfectly in the dark or be able to fly?
  8. Because you are a good friend. Under how many layers of umbrellas would you have to stand in order to feel safe going out during a hurricane?
  9. I think it has something to do with her being a fortune-teller and using what I presume are Fateslandia's version of tarot cards for her fortunes. She also makes several mentions of "cards" in her victory quotes. I think one of them is "All in the cards." Dat pun. XD
  10. Regular. Because with Miracle Whip, as with any big name product, you're always paying for their commercials as well. So, the "no-name" product is not only cheaper, but it also tastes better, because the hole in your wallet doesn't annoyingly scream at you to regret every life decision you ever made. Holy crap, that went places... WYR be forced to paint your room blue or red?
  11. Gabby Jay. You can get hurt by glass if it shatters. I admit to not knowing who these two characters / people are, that's why I tried to make a lame joke out of it. WYR be invisible forever or have the power to read minds, but you can't control whose mind you read at any given time?
  12. Because Ninjas are sneaky and stealthy. They can also kill you before you know something has just gone terribly wrong. They're like Assassins of the east, silent killing and all that. Which apparently translates to, among other things, cute girl with bright white and pink poncho that is quite the loudmouth in Koei Tecmo's mind. Go figure. Why do some Japanese Anime and / or video game songs have strange names that don't make any sense when you really think about it?
  13. "Hey, Trainer? Can you, like, not evolve me? Look how cute I am!"
  14. Oh yeah, Sophie is so much fun to play as. So much fun, in fact, that I bought her home game. I also really enjoy playing as Oka, Arnice, Yukimura Sanada, Zhao Yun, Wang Yuanji, Ryu Hayabusa and Marie Rose. Also Tamaki. Tamaki is badass. Lowkey still hoping for a sequel where you can play as Malvasia, Aluche or someone else from Nights of Azure 2. Tell me about it. Controlling horses feels really awkward for some reason. You can't even use them to kill grunts while running them over (though I hear there is one horse in Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3 that can do that. I just haven't unlocked it yet.) Worse still, it's really hard to see what's in front of you, because , at least in the 3DS version of the game, the horse (or mount in general) blocks out half the screen. I got somewhat used to it with Shiida, but that doesn't change the fact that it's really bothersome and I still don't really like playing as any mounted character besides Shiida (weird, right?) because of that very reason. Other favourites from Fire Emblem Warriors include, in no particular order: Olivia, Navarre, Lyn, Lissa, Sakura and Chrom.
  15. Changed his name from "This boi uses Nino" to "Critcal Sniper".
  16. ... the largest bull in the herd. I grabbed the nearest tissue and...
  17. Because 12 year-olds think that insulting others is a way of showing how "cool" and "mature" they are. It's a puberty thing, probably. Why are most baby animals so gosh darn cute?
  18. I really don't get the appeal of it either, because different from fighting games or Pokémon (although it's a stretch and a really far one at that, because GameFreak doesn't have single gosh-darn clue what balance even means), Fire Emblem is just NOT a competitive franchise. And, more than anything else, relies on chance. And if chance screws you over, even a normally good unit can fall off hard. It takes just a few unlucky hits for Ryoma - the guy that can reportedly solo Birthright (which I will adamantly call a straight-up lie until I've seen proof of the contrary) - to fall, for example. That is why I believe that there is not a single objectively good or objectively bad unit throughout all of Fire Emblem (putting the words "objectively" and "good" / "bad" together in a single constituent is a contradiction by the very nature of the words, but hey) and that you'll never find an objective tier list, because personal experience ALWAYS plays a role in that kind of stuff. Average statistics can only get you so far when your Silas still has his base Defence by the time he hits level 20, whereupon he promotes into the world's squishiest Great Knight in Birthright, or your Camilla gets so shitty level-ups that you can pretty much bench her two or three chapters after she joins, because everyone else has long since caught up and even eclipsed her, for example. But I get that it's fun for some people to argue about that stuff, even if I find it quite pointless and time wasting to argue about a non-competitive single-player game reliant on a system based entirely around a random number generator on a "professional" level (and yes, I meant for that to sound pretentious) - time I'd much rather spend playing the game and having a ton of fun with it. Especially seeing how heated some of these debates can get, which provides loads and loads of entertainment. At the end of the day, I couldn't give a flying goat turd about whether or not a unit is good or bad. If I have fun using them, I'll use them. If not, then I won't, good or bad statistics, weapons and / or class have no bearing on that. When I call a unit bad, I'm always doing so from my own perspective, from practical knowledge about said unit, which is about as reliable as the theoretical knowledge, to be honest. The only difference is one is called "objective" and the other is called "subjective", and subjectivity is somehow a bad thing these days.
  19. I find it hilarious and lame at the same time. Be more creative, science! Gosh darn it. For real though, I had no idea that was a thing. You learn something new everyday... Why does "The Laundry Drying Pole" - as a sword's name - sound so much more badass in Japanese (Monohoshizao), yet so lame in English?
  20. I always pump every stat-booster into her (That Came Out Wrong), because I really like using her, as well. I have several "Bad Units" I like using, but if I had to pick a favourite, it would probably be Mia from Path of Radiance. I don't care what Mangs, Mekkkah or anyone else says, she always, always gets a spot on my team. And it always turns out to be a-okay, so... yeah.
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