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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Here's a better image of the tree pokemon, from Serebii. This thing is just speculation though. Oh, and for the final legendary, I'm calling a water/(Psychic) type. One sofar is a land pokemon, the other is a flying pokemon, it makes sense if the other was a water pokemon, just to complete the trio. Psychic because I'm not sure, I think they might be going for a trio with dark and fairy, but idk.
  2. Glad to see Donnels in his spot if number one. Keep it up Donnel!
  3. Either +speed/-skill or +luck/-HP. Love me some speed, skill makes it the most balenced. I love the luck stat for sexy Armsthrift activation rates, and -HP because it makes the stat spread super even and sexy looking. I really wish I could just not have modifiers. That stat cap spread is sooooo even and sexy.
  4. we should rename the site that, it would fit so much better. I'm just tired of people saying characters are sues. And they're never even the right characters by their standards anyway...
  5. Gameplay: FE13 Love everything about playing this game. Pair up is amazing. Story: FE8/4 I really love 8's story, Lyon is so tragic and I love how the story makes me feel something at his demise, unlike 90% of the other bosses in this series. Four just has an amazing story, imo. Music: FE13 Pretty simple. Characters: FE8 I love FE8's cast with a passion. I like how it's small and I really liked having twin lords, and everyone else. I also really liked Lyon. Difficulty: FE8/13 I really like games where I can grind and FE8 and FE13 both have easy modes regardless, so I enjoy them both. FE13 is nice because I can pick harder or easier depending on my mood.
  6. Cordelia isn't a Mary Sue. Why do people keep throwing around this term? A mary sue is a character that is a self insert for the writer/reader. Often, they have no personality so that the reader/writer can better imagine themselves as that character. From this, the writer often gives them special powers, because the writer wants to feel special in her self insert. Take Bella from Twilight for instance. Bella is extremly bland as a character, and almost always is just reacting to other characters and her surroundings. Her mind can't be read to make her special, so that Edward falls deeper into love with her. Now, Cordelia. Cordelia doesn't have a special power at all, and she actually has some personality. Sure, it's somewhat bland, but Cordelia isn't made to be a self insert character. That's what the avatar is for. You want a real mary sue? Look no farther. TL;DR, Stop calling people sues when they're not sues.
  7. I'd either do Tharja or Nowi, since neither kid has access to a bunch of skills and both would like Robin for their husband. I'd tend to shoot for Nowi, because Nowi offers manakete to Morgan while Tharja offers nothing.
  8. But counter is shit unless its street pass...
  9. I'd pair him with tharja, sully, or nowi so that their kids can get Galeforce and armsthrift. Pass down aptitude. It makes kids amazing and you don't have to grind as much. There are tons of other skills to use so losing it when they all hit their caps doesn't matter. Donnel!Noire: bow faire, Galeforce, armsthrift, vengeance, and LB. perfect setup.
  10. That's not blazer... Burning gravity is.
  11. Donnel can become one of the best units in the game besides lolavatar. He's got 85% growths in str, skill, and speed, over 100% in HP and luck to abuse armsthrift, and over a sixty five percent defense growth as a merc. Basically, he becomes. Monster super fast. He needs a second seal, but merc is amazing and he becomes a beast. He will never fall behind the rest of your team. He's not even that hard to train. Tonics, pair ups and forges all exist to ease the burden. Plus, he's not even like the normal est, since he comes before chapter 4. Chapter fucking 4. he quickly becomes a god. Finally, lets not forget besides MU that he is the best father for female children. Aptitude, merc, and peg knight? Yes please. You all are overstating how long it takes. Ove gotten him his level in his recruiting chapter in three turns. Unless you're one turning the chapter, hes not actually costing you that many turns. Overall, he gets the inverted rating of Fredrick. Lousy earlygame, amazing mid-late game. 6/10, +1/10 bias. 7/10.
  12. I did it multiple times on both the demo and playing the actual game. So I take two-three more turns to clear, but i can get him to ten by then. Veteran is broken. So no, it not ruining the RTU. Quite frankly, he's mediocre. He's not that great. For the record, I'll probably give donnel a four-five. He suffers during late game, but is easily one of your best post game units if trained. Fred is the exact opposite. If a unit has both eg. Chrom/MU they get a higher ranking 9-10.
  13. There have been like five other people who have given him a similar score. Do I need to copy+paste what they said?He "steals" exp, sucks in the long term. IMO, his only pro is his pair up bonuses. I can get MU ready to be promoted/sealed with similar stats (-the seal.) by chapter 2. That shows he falls off the face of the earth completely. By chapter 4, I've got a waaaay better unit. He's not even that great for earlygame. If this was lunatic, this would be different.
  14. You have to wait it out or battle it, AFAIK.
  15. Do it. Itll take you to 50 turns even.
  16. He sucks and falls off the face of the earth, he's overhyped, has a a crappy exp gain and doesn't have great growths. If this were lunatic, I'd give him a 10/10. But it's lolhard. And I'm typing on a phone. Why are you correcting my typo?
  17. Fredrick sucks. He falls off the earth and isn't even ness scary for earlygame. 4/10
  18. 10/10. I'd MU doesn't get 10/10 imma be pissed.
  19. He's pretty awesome. One of the best early game units. 8.5/10 + 1bias so 9.5/10
  20. How to test: Get two MUs. get them both to level 10 and reclass both to cav. Get to 10 again and reclass to priest. Problem solved.
  21. Gah, I'm so sorry Klok. It's up above.
  22. I think Camtech(?) modified it so only text editing is an option.
  23. Theres a mod of FEditor that allows you to do it. Let me upload it. Put this in your FEditor file, it should work... FE.zip Gah. Uploaded now.
  24. In my current play thorough, Lucina is actually one of my best units. She gains exp faster than everyone else, so I ran her through tactican and merc in like two chapters, since one enemy = one level. Basically, she's awesome.
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