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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. Loldiers are so not better than Snipers in FE10. Marksmen + 1~3 + Kickass Mastery = Fucking Pwn. I still like Loldiers though. They have a ceartin Charm. O.o
  2. :D Noone commented on my Sophia teir placment?
  3. I loved WindWaker. The Cartoon style graphics were cute, and there were craptons of sidequests you could do. I just completed the whole seachart :D
  4. I like Ephraim before he promotes, and I almost never use Osw1n. D: I really like Soliders & Axe classes that are on foot, and only use their weapon type. D: I know it is inefficent. But almost everything I do is. :/
  5. What needed Spolier Tags? Sophia for the tier above the teir above top teir!
  6. As much as I <3 Mist, she sucks ass. Even at caps. :/ (Unless you are just having her heal, at which point she rocks. ;D) I always give Mist Andolondite. (sp?) She still sucks ass though. D:
  7. I lol'd. I pick characters based on looks & Classes/Weapons, Because I hack & Max everyone anyway. I really don't give a fuck about tier lists. :)
  8. I normally kill Frey & Jeigan, and hack in a door key. I then revive them later with the Aum staff. (Around chapter 11~)
  9. But Beserkers = Epic Fugly. D: (Except in FE11) Besides, I hack & Play on CC, their pretty much the same with max stats.
  10. Well... That too... I hate Mounted Units with a passion. :/ They can't use Body Rings. </3 (If you max it, their con will be funny.) Because in Sacred Stones, Female Mounted units have a con cap of 25, their aid becomes three lines. :(
  11. That is why I hack to door keys. :) OR, if you are doing a marth solo (of the prologe) Because Marth is your only character, the door that you need to open with the decoy stays open atomatticly. :) You can then revive them later. :D
  12. I like single weapon classes better, and I don't like Beserkers. This is the same reason I like Ameila & Neph. (I make a team of one character for every S-SS weapon, and a flyer.)
  13. They do have good caps... Am I the only one who likes the super Jorneyman class? 18 skill + killer axe + innate crit = Win. (53 crit) He may not double everything, but he 1HKO's tons of crap. :D (Not hacked.)
  14. Yup... Bishops & Sages are awesome too. Bishops for Slayer, and Sages because their caps rock. :D
  15. IMO, in looks Gerik = Raven>Dieck. Anyone agree with me? And there are to many of these topics now. :/
  16. Their Bishop selves are fugly. Their Sprites as sages look awesome. :D And Soul, I MAXED MY CHARACTERS. THEY ARE THE SAME AT MAX. Franz = Seth when they are both maxed on CC. :/
  17. :D That one has alot of votes! Once MP is finished, we should start working on the next skin Party :D
  18. That is because their Loldiers? And Franz sucks ass against the tenth floor of Lagdou. 7x2 (Near Max) while they do 30 damage to him? Nothanks. Molder The Boulder and Artur as Maxed sages with Aura pwn the shit out of them. :D (This is on the Hard mode Patch, BTW)
  19. When I play FE7 on my GBA, I always want to go to California for some odd reason.
  20. Yes. I do that in almost every game. O.o I play thorugh it a few times, and then I hack it. If you have seen my "Magic Army Hack" I am going to make an easy, and an immesly hard version, so that I can max my characters stats and still have a challenge. Franz just died on Lagdou Ruins 10. :(
  21. They look so simlar! O.O
  22. I just started trying it out. :) And wow, you have five dots in ten days! O.o
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