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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Yay, less generic but not by much. Also, what's up with her eyebrow?
  2. Sugoi is Japanese for Amazing/Awesome.
  3. He did pull his hack together, except he started working on FE7 instead.
  4. Wonder what Mao's gonna say when she sees what we've done to her topic here...
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVFgWDKBbvY Oh hey, more Persona 4. Fantastic.
  6. Damn. It would be really awesome to make an actual fully edited FE5 hack. Too bad we chose to take apart the GBA games, eh? :P I bet if Xeld, Nintenlord, and all them had gotten into FE5, we'd be making hacks of different games now xD
  7. Yeah, I saw those when I was playing FEBinary. Hey, Vince, d'you think there'd be any way for the hacking community to make some kind of event editing program/map making program for FE4/5? Off-topic, I know, but the question's pretty much been answered already
  8. 6 times. I think you're exaggerating a little bit :E And, why wouldn't I? There will always be problems with sprites that I can't see myself, or don't know, so, asking people for help is the best course of action. That way I learn, so I don't make the same mistake, and I fix the problem on the sprite.
  9. Yeah, the deadline's normally 5 days after the last one. Though, ALS might have to extend the date, since no one's entered, yet xD
  10. Theoretically, if you have advanced knowledge of ASM, and could program FE7's promotions like the promotions were programmed in FE8, you could. Go study up on how to use that Debugger!
  11. That's the problem you've had with the entire hair, especially on the right (OPV) side. Hair is supposed to be strands. Where there's normally a large chunk of empty space, most sprites put in the hair roots, right where you should have them on the right (OPV) side. For hair like this I suggest referencing Ursula Or, heck, splice it in, because I don't think you should be FCing this early into spriting. It's not a good idea. Her neck is also ridiculously long, and the shading all over the body is pillowed :E
  12. Suggestions? Try stuff, mess around, experiment. I'm not really good at suggesting things for splicing o ~ o I haven't spliced in at least half a year, now, and have moved to FCing, so, if I were to do it, I'd just make a new dress myself xD Really, experimenting is the only way you're gonna get better, and spice it up. Just give it a try. If you goof, you goof, and at least you can say you've tried, then.
  13. My comment was a shot at her design, if anything. It's rather bland, and she really doesn't look like she'd fit into a class. I'm not saying the design has to be OMGWTFSPARKLESEVERYWHERE (I mean, look at Dorcas), but, if you wanted her to be a dancer, you could give her a more dancer-ish outfit.
  14. Ruby should be civilian :E Her mug seems to match that class perfectly.
  15. I'm liking my 3DS so far. It's brighter than my DS, and has a longer battery life (when not using the 3D), so I can't complain. Didn't get any of the games, though. I'm waiting for May, so I can start downloadin' stuff of the VC, and June so that I can get Paper Mario. That's when this system's finally gonna start rocking.
  16. Living in Australia, huh? I wonder what's keeping her, then. I thought she lived in Japan, myself, which could excuse all her inactivity right now; all the problems going on over there. Hrm ' x'
  17. Maaaaaaaaoooooooo... Your souuuuuuullllll... Will be miiiiiiinnnnnnnne... Also wow, she's either dead, or her computer's been destroyed xD
  18. There's nothing much wrong with them. They're clean simple splices. What do you want us to say? :<
  19. Awesome :3 Because I kept having to lower the breasts, so, I just made the sprite taller along with it.
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