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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Lol, I know, right? Amera's naive, slow, and forgetful XD Why wouldn't she climb into another tree? x3
  2. I guess the jump thrust is good, but wouldn't the spear be more angled downwards because of such?
  3. I know. I don't know you. Why would I add you? :<

  4. ((Kanami, I love that line "She be hexing us Bob!" XD I don't even know why. Also, I like this random soldier that I have made, so he shall bumble about for a while :3)) The guard, promptly named Dirk, was contemplating how he could have his revenge. Dirk was a simple man. He lived for himself and for money. By letting this girl get away, in front of a group of villagers, he was losing one of the things he lived for: money. He picked himself up off of the ground, and grabbed his lance, not caring about the blood continuously dripping from near his ear and his nose. "I'll get you, girl, I swear it." he mumbled to himself, pushing his way past the group of people and trudging off towards the village. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amera had found her way past the front guards into the village, only to notice some smoke coming up from a certain area of it. "Maybe that's her..." she thought. What else could have caused it? Well, there were a multitude of things that could have done it, but, it was better to check there than nowhere. Why am I looking for her, anyway? She's probably already gone, and I have to go meet with king Celice... But why should I, after the welcome I received? Her mind was wandering as she made her way to the source of the smoke, to find some village guards attempting to put out multiple small fires. Not one to be trusting of the guards, but wanting to find out more, she nudged one of the ones who was taking a break, or what looked to be one, against one of the house walls. "Hey, uh... What happened here?" She asked, hand near her hilt in the case of a poor reaction. The soldier was tired, almost too tired to respond. His reaction was delayed, but he shook himself awake. He kept his eyes closed as he turned in the direction of the voice he'd heard. "Sorry, ma'am. I've been tryin' me h'rdest with the fire, an' I'm a mite tired." His accent was pretty heavy, but Amera got the gist of it. "There was a witch, scary one that, who set them trees 'n fire. T'was th'most frigh'enin' thing I ever sawr. If I can remember correc'ly, she passed out yonder" spoke the soldier, lifting a tired arm towards the village's exit. Already gone "Thanks~" She said, quickly passing by the working soldiers, in the direction the one specified. Upon leaving the village, Amera spotted no one in the distance, a little disappointed that she couldn't even thank her savior. She was immediately cheered up when she spied a nearby tree. If she were a more intelligent person, she wouldn't have done this, but, alas, she climbed up the tree and found another branch to lay down on. "I guess I can take another rest. All that action from before's made me a little tired" she thought aloud, unknowing of the person sitting against the tree below her.
  5. No worries, you're new to this I've RPed for, like, two years, but stopped for two years, so, I might be just as bad sometimes XD No sweat off our backs to let you get into the hang of it. EDIT: Kai's right. Read some good books, maybe the LotR series, or something else action and adventury.
  6. I see your point. I shall wait, then, for those others to post mainly Furet.
  7. So, Kanami, not going to post anything else, or do I need to edit more into my post? XD
  8. adsf is just the a s d f on the keyboard. It's easy to type out and it's like a facepalm, I think.
  9. ((Yeah. It didn't really fit with the events of everything, and it made it seem like Oifaye was just time warping himself to where everything was going on. He also repeated what I posted, for... Whatever reason. So, for the sake of making the RP flow, we ignored it))
  10. asdf, I didn't catch Cam's @____@ CAM, not a cat.
  11. ((Wolf, not cat XD)) This guard was not having a very good day. The rock hitting his ear made him groan in pain, as a little bit of blood started to drip from where the stone had hit. His head spun in the direction of the throw, spying the culprit running back towards to village. "YOU, AFTER HER!" he barked, his voice full of rage. His comrade, startled, only nodded his head and went after the woman. The soldier turned his face back to Amera, only to see her head hit his. Amera was getting desperate, so she'd decided to headbutt him, smacking her forehead into his nose. He screamed, and flew back off of her, clasping a hand over his nose. Jumping to her feet, she retrieved her sword and starting running to the village as well. She shouted back to the villagers as she left "You might want to get some better guards if they can't capture one little girl!" A few of the villagers frowned at her, but most of them just cheered and chuckled, happy to have seen a good fight. Amera was actually going after who had helped her. She had to pay her back, somehow. Maybe some money would be enough? That woman did save her. Her hand shot into her pocket as she ran, feeling the fifteen or so gold pieces she had. Not much, but she could spare a few.
  12. If he really wants to get upset about it, he's going to have to just get over it, 'cause, seriously, that post is time skipping, repeating what I posted, and ignoring most of what's going on XD He's new to RPing, so I can forgive him, but I really think it would be in the RPs best interest to ignore the post.
  13. Yeah, ignoring it I am. Kanami, go post something pertaining to the soldier holding Amera down. Choose to help, or point and laugh XD
  14. I don't think he can bring in the upper boxes, because he has to stay within the limits for the GBA template. This IS going to be inserted into a hack XD
  15. asdf, I dunno. I want to keep going, but I dunno if I should go off his post, or just ignore it and keep going. asdfasgvreg
  16. ((It was kinda both. I really want him to fix his post, and stop spelling Oifaye wrong XD I don't know if I should post before he fixes it, so...))
  17. ((I would appreciate if 1) you let me play my own character and don't repeat things I've already posted and 2) you spell Oifaye's name correctly. Could you edit that, please? Also, I thought I would mention, she's at a village outside of the capital of Barhara. Oifaye must have some lungs to scream all the way past a village, and into the castle, which is a few miles away, which also brings to question how they got there so fast XD))
  18. Eh, go for it. You're interesting so far.
  19. Nanami Touko


    I do. Seth is god tier. His growths and base stats make him one of the best characters in the game. He can solo it on hard mode! Oh, hi, by the way XD
  20. No, you're right, Hatari, that shield is way too big.
  21. ((I think you got the wrong place, dude. Your little story there is pretty nice, though. Not my type of story, but still good.)) The crowd was getting bigger, as the soldiers heard a man shouting at them. The main soldier, fed up with this, gripped his lance. he would not have his peace disturbed any longer. "Fine! If you wont speak, you shall let your silence condemn you! You're probably a spawn of Loptouso anyway, with those ears of yours..." With this, he lunged at her, aiming for her stomach with the tip of his lance, ready to kill. Amera, as confused as she was, wasn't about to die to a random, generic soldier, especially if she wasn't in the wrong, or rather, thought she wasn't. Her eyes narrowed, and she quickly jumped to the left, letting the soldier rush into the tree, his spear lodging itself into the trunk. "Ah! Argh, demon! Stand still and let me kill you!" his voice snarled, not happy with this predicament, and a little embarrassed to have failed killing her in front of the crowd. He managed to un-lodge his lance, charging at her once more. She was beginning to get annoyed at this, and as she side stepped him, she drew her sword and smashed the hilt into the back of his helmet, sending him rolling behind her, his lance getting tossed away from him. He wasn't done yet, as his helmet had absorbed most of the blow. Angered, furious even, he got to his feat and ran at Amera, tackling her to the ground, her sword flying away as his lance had. They rolled for a moment, and the soldier ended up on top, quickly grabbing her arms and holding her down. "There! You'll get more than death now, fiend." He quickly glanced at his comrade, glaring, "What are you doing?! Don't just stand there!" As he said this, Amera kneed him in his chest, only to yelp out in pain as her knee collided with his plate armor. The soldier grunted, but his angry smirk did not leave. The other soldier who was just enjoying watching the fight, snapped back into reality and ran over, pulling a small rope from his side. Amera was none too pleased about being taken in; she had been called by Celice himself in the first place! As the soldier on top of her looked away, she began to chant to herself, hoping in some desperate way that her magic would work, even though it was so weak. To her luck, as she finished chanting, a dark cloud brewed itself over the soldier, bringing down a magnificent bolt of searing lightning onto his back!... Or so she thought, because after the spell had finished, the soldier seemed only slightly dazed. He quickly shook his head, and gritted his teeth. He was more than angry now. Getting hit with a thunder spell, no matter how weak, was not on his list of things to do today. "Great..." She muttered, not knowing what to do, now. The crowd watched with awe and amusement as the two fought, some gasping, some cheering, and all not knowing what to do about it.
  22. Jake-14 Rachel-20 Nell-20 Andy-20 Sami-25 Max-18 Hachi-16 Olaf-20 Grit-21 Colin-18 Sasha-22 Sonja-24 Kanbei-18 Sensei-16 Eagle-42 Drake-20 Jess-20 Javier-24 Adder-20 Lash-13 Hawke-25 Sturm-19 Jugger-21 Kindle-10
  23. I love how you didn't even sign up for this, and are now a part of it, Kanami XD Oh well, I wont complain As any normal person would, Amera was prone to rolling around in her sleep, and a tree branch would be an extremely dangerous place to roll off of. Such was her luck, though, as she stretched and began to wake up. An eye, half open, glanced around, her mind starting to wonder why there were leaves around her. Having forgotten that she had taken her nap in a tree, she rolled to her right, expecting ground beneath her. There was ground, and she felt it, after falling a good ten feet. She bounced a little, her head hitting the ground hard and her hands rushing to clutch it as she groaned. "Fuuuuuuuuuu....." she hissed, gritting her teeth at the pain. She sat up, awake now, and more than a little annoyed at her "eventful" awakening. "How the hell did I get in that tree, anyway...?" she asked herself, still not remembering that she had climbed it. A yawn passed her lips, followed by a stretch. Jumping to her feet, she finally realized the crowd behind her, as she began to turn around to see them all. "Eheheh... Uh, hi, everyone?" her voice startled and shaky, befuddled by the small mass that was continuing to stare, some scared, others just as confused as her. A few soldiers started pushing their way through the crowd, shouting above everyone "move, out of the way!" They had been called to see what was going on, and were almost as confused as the other villagers at this girl's appearance. "Who are you? You'd better not be causing trouble!" As soldiers were prone to say. Amera, still just as confused about the situation, trying to think of something to say, fell back against the tree. Being caught in between it and this crowd of people was making her speechless, literally. Especially because she didn't know, or couldn't remember, what she had done.
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