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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I prefer this drawing style compared to the one for Rebirth. I dunno why, since they are both stupidly half-naked as hell. Maybe because I remember fondly of anime such as Slayer, Lodos and the like, or maybe because the body are more... modest ? Meh. Who knows. *shrug* ... I gag at the loli in page 1. :/ I wonder how Rebirth will be though, I really, really enjoyed Der Langrisser.
  2. Do SSJGod. With Pink armor. >:D Oh god, if only you could put them in your 3DS and look at those eye-bleeding things moving.
  3. Well, that sounds horribly convenient. As well as horribly dark. :/ EDIT: My, I almost forgot, thank you very much for answering !
  4. At that point, I begin to think he would do a fine Super Saiyan.
  5. I have nothing against waifus/husbando... if they don't make me scrath my head constantly that is. Seriously, the waster of support. I wanted to ask, what is this barrier that Mikoto created exactly ? I don't get it. Is it a physical shield that stop Nohr from entering ? Or does it just... steal their violent emotions ? This one doesn't really put Mikoto in a good light. :/ It sounds like something that was put like that.
  6. Okay. I approve what I'm seeing. At 100%. ... Oh, and, WHY ISN'T IT IN THE GAME ?! Just loot at Matoi, Foleo and Ophelia ! And it's also great on Sophie ! Srsly IS. ><
  7. Just hearing about it, I already dislike those maps. And to think I just finished the second version of If so I could fully enjoy IK... :p Bah, I'll play the damn thing and see for myself.
  8. So, I read on tvtropes that the localization team will change Felicia's personality, she is now bad at domestic tasks because, I quote, 'because she genuinely hates them and prefers fighting, rather than being clumsy.' Is that true ? And whadaya think if it's true ? Personally, I'm pleased. Anyhing to not have common sense (and my ears) destroyed..
  9. Hm, I guess snipy should be the better choice. Better cap, stats, and all. Plus...
  10. Indeed, why couldn't they be like that, indeed ? It's beautiful !
  11. It's worrysome, and also confusing as hell. The guys hyped the story so much, had so many possibilities, they really dangled the good plot fruit in front of us, and in the end... But I guess that in the end, the writing being crap really shouldn't be surprising if they said something like that, because we know what a generic anime is. :/
  12. Well first, it would be nice if they actually intended to do use grey and grey moralitiy in their writing in the first place. :/
  13. No shit Sherlock. :p I dunno who is Yoshiki Tanaka, but a quick google research tell me that I love his drawing style.
  14. I think that comparing If to Naruto is fun as well as being valide. :p That's another thing that bother the hell out of me. If Aqua is pushed into our face so hard that she might as well being pushed in our asses, what is the point of giving us thousands of waifus/husbandos ? It's pathetic that one of the better written support is Kamui/Aqua.
  15. Pepper, it's not my fault if the story is similar to Naruto. :p Good thing I'm not talking about it then. XD Alisa180, what you said prove my point exactly. The plot is flat out dumb and needlessly complicated for no reasons, and not enough complicated when it's actually needed. If the story is as developped as you said, why isn't it talked about in the game, hm ? No offense, but going into overly-complicated explanations and justifications is not going to make the plot any smarter. Just like it won't change the fact that the plot is flat out stupid. :/ Also, Marx/Ryouma support was bullcrap and obviously Hoshido-biased. Seriously, might as well call Nohr Slytherin and Hoshido Gryffindor. The whole plot is just like Naruto. Convenient. Plot device. Deus ex machina. Friendship is magic, Support or not. As if recent Bioware games were good story-wise in the first place. :p That much ? :o Then again, shame on us, expecting a decent story ! I'm so ashamed of myself...
  16. You know what ? I know where to start the comparison with Naruto. it show a lot of promise, lot of interesting questions, show a lot of problems, yet, they never try to go into anything, and everything just conveniently resolve itself. It's pathetic Kamui, like Naruto, is supposed to be some sort of saint that should stop war, yet, what did he do actually ? No seriously what did he truly do in this plot ?... This whole IK's treaty bs is so much like how every ninja village of Naruto become insta-friend and forgot that they hated each other in the first place. Kind of like Radiant Dawn too, while I think about it.
  17. I suggest that you play the ones on DS, I personally recomend you DQ5 and DQIX. There's Dragon Quest VII on the 3DS,but he didn't came outside of Japan, there's was a translation. but it was apparently stopped by Square. I don't recomend to start with DQVII or DQVIII, because those are huge huge games. Seriously, take a DS game, heck, even pick a SNES rom, see if you love it, and if so, devour all the others games, then nerdgasm. Warning, playing the fan-translated DQ5 and DQ6, then playing their DS counterpart can be bad for your health. :p Ah DQIV and the lack of party chat in localized versions, it still make me grumpy. :/ Party chat on DQV/VI is, basically, that each time you interact with something or someone, you can talk to you party member and, they comment on what happened. It's very nice, and add a lot of development.
  18. Okay. sure why not ? I personally think DQ is over, but I'm not complaining. Will it be a MMO ?
  19. Nier. And I haven't even played it in the first place ! >_> And I probably never will.
  20. I was going to do a joke, asking you if were into BSDM, but it woul be hard, since I see just how much fun it must have been ! Despite how evil the game is.
  21. A patch ? Ugh, not really professional... We've meet with a terrible fate, haven't we ? I regret nothing.
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