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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. You'll love Fable III then, Thane. :p Robin's a trained strategist ? He is talented, yeah, but trained ? The dude have amnesia... not really a good idea to put him in charge, especially if since he is suspicious as hell... I honestly wonder if FEIf female characters weren't just just written as walking fetishes, because, you have such fat lot of those, it's scary.
  2. Boulder decided he was too fabulous to be a Priest... and to have good growth. Rolf, it's Tethys who's good, the rest is garbage. :p
  3. You people sure are... random. I regret nuthing. Saleh, the memetic mindfuck of randomized FIre Emblem.
  4. So many OP units. :o Garcia can such a sword though. Ismaire confirmed official best waifu of all current LP.
  5. Maybe they do ? I mean, I don't wish that for them, it could be unhealthy... :p But maybe they already do ?
  6. I just read Kamui/Kazahana support. Holy crap, zero respect from that girl, the support is literally about her being an annoying twat and Kamui trying to say sorry for no reason, or rather, for 'offending' her, but that's the same BS-bag that don't make sense. Straight to the waifu-trash can, unless she give awesome stats to Kanna.
  7. Exactly, just tiny battle but nothing that matter at all. I'm no an expert in war, but I think that in 20 years or so this Hoshido/Nohr should have already ended. Hell, even just 1 years should be enough.
  8. it sure is better than the baking baby in another dimension thing. And it's a war, of course the time is goind pass..... even though the kid seems to be 20 year old, so that mean that 20 passed without anything going on. So, yeah, it might not be perfect,
  9. Seems like a lot of convenient (and bad) explanation that's don't make much sense to me. :/
  10. Dat troll. You have no idea how much I'm laughing like a hyena right now. While bathing in your despair. :p
  11. Eh, I'm not an expert of how it work, I dunno if it would be possible. Oh boy, and Garon, the real Garon, he was apparently a decent guy. So why did he kidnapped Kamui ? Because Hoshido kidnapped Aqua first ? it would put Hoshido in a not so good light... Well Nope ! Turns out the reason Mary-Sue-land kidnapped Aqua was only and only because Nohr kidnapped Kamui first ! And even if they did such thing, they treated her perfectly right to the point Aqua have nothing but praise about them, despite being apparently treated like crap by a lot of (unseen of course, sans Takumi) people. The writing of this game is such a waste of opportunity. ... Well, at the point we are, I guess saying that Hoshido started to do crap first would a step forward, I guess ?...
  12. We thought we would have Ganondorf. in fact, that was more or less what they promised, but Instead, we gained a very stupid and very general villain. And let's not even talk about this whole plan of 'Garon is a monster, we can't tell anyone' and 'We must make Garon sit on the Hoshido throne-blabla BS'. Holy crap, I already have an headache by just talking about it. Who came up with this crap, seriously ?
  13. Pretty much this. Fiora actually have a decent characterization, a voice that I can actually enjoy, better haircut. Added to that, she have better stats and a better personal skills, though it doesn't mean much for the last one... So yeah, Fiora's better. Gary-sue shota-love. More seriously, hating a baby for what the father did would be pretty dickish. Huh, I wonder if they harbour any resentment toward Kamui or his Nohr siblings ? Probably not, we can't have our character be dickish in any way whatsoever, that would make them evil. /sarcasm
  14. ... I have to admit, I didn't though that I would heard of Quest for Glory other than name thanks to a death screen about a credit card.;.. XD Thank you for telling me ! Older game are better anyways.
  15. It must be a fun game, dying like that. What is it ?
  16. Ah it wasn't just me who was seeing things then ? That good to know... Panties... wtf game... >_< Eh, and to think I reclassed Elise into Maid for the Gratitude skill. Joker have such a better voice, it's as much fanservice, manly voice and all but at least, I don't cringe while listening to him. Still feel awkward though.
  17. How do you not plan to have a kid ? Especially if you are a dragon ? Cuz you know, dragon, bloodline, that's a big deal in the series, not thinking about that would pahetic for a character... or a plot. Right FEIf ?... Sheesh, I want to tease you with some Naruto BS, but can't find something right now. :p So. Many. Possibilities. And it basically show what FEIf shouldn't and should have done. Daddy, daddy, what about the wafius and husbandos ? I don't want to have sex with my aunt or my mentor.
  18. Well, that's not far from the truth, Apparently it's because humanaty-senpai forgot about him or something. It gets dumb when you remember one thing: FakeGaron is Ankanos' familiar and he want to kill Kamui. Which means that from day one, Ankanos wanted to kill his own son... but never tried it until the start of the plot. Reminds me of Tobi from Naruto that BS.
  19. Well, I have no intention to truly do PVP, but holy crap, if someone managed to recruit those kind of units... Demonic Ganglari +63 ? WTF ?
  20. It's not really an accomplishment to be better than Grima. :p And better ot not, Hydra is a big waste of potential, especially since... He is just Kamui's dad. Seriously, the things that could've been with that is mindblowing ! Like, putting Mikoto in a not purity-suish light, or like it's been said, him being the 'chief' of the third path instead of the 'friendship is magic' BS. But, nope, like Grimy, he's just a crazy dragon who's the mastermind behind everything and do (very crappy) things just because the writing say so and nothing else. GG IS.
  21. Eh, personally, I like the ears. Aha! I was a furry since the beginning ! She's good especially compared to the other children who are just so freaking boring, even compared to most first-gen, it's pretty good. Like, seriously, red riding hood, who's a werewolf, with Nah's clothes, It's awesome ! It's as if the designer worked harder on Velour than any other character. It annoys me how much the S-rank with Kamui doesn't have that much soul in it. Like you have Ryouma/Kagerou, it's not that great, but geez, there's something behind it, classic and good. Then, there's Kamui/Kagerou who's just.... 'I want to protect Kagerou... as a man !'. What. They might as well not write any support with MU, that would be better, and it'll make our imagination do the work, sans some lines.
  22. Fury-fetish ? Nah, I agree, it's cute. It's simple. And funny, Velour who look at everything but the ring. :p
  23. As long as he doesn't become Super-Emomui, I'm perfectly fine with your idea, because, really, if he did his best, he have no reason to angst at all... and I hate angst so freaking much. Though you know, if he have the capacity to do things on his own, he should have the capacitiy to not do most evil things that he is ordered to do, especiallly since he have people behind him. Of course, when Daddy or MacBeth (I can't believe that's his japanese name) is looking, Kamui's screwed. Except if he has a plan but that would be so freaking convenient and bad as hell... one the other hand, if Kamui didn't expected that... Truly, the writers of If didn't know what they were doing, or were bashed around left and right. :/
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