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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I dunno man, we're pretty mature and civil here I think, we're all bro. Or you have a strange definition of 'extreme fanboy'. :/ Just look at what Awakener said, can't have more cool than that. Oh yeah, I've read that resume yesterday, pretty fun to read !
  2. I'm going to get hated, especially by Awakener, but to me... Aqua seems to be more and more like a stupid mary-suish walking invisible plot device. It's simply terrible, I don't know where to start... well, actually I do: Basically everything she say and her oh so good 'plans'. I'm not sure if I should blame the plot, the writing, or the character though. :/ They gloss over many things in FEA, but there is not much anyways. In If, it's in a way worse since there's a lot of important things that should be discussed about. Big time.
  3. Dat Lord. Worst Lord ever. But Those dogs though.
  4. Batou, aka, the Ganon wannabe. Huh, they believe in God in Jugdral ? Huh...
  5. The Boulder decided that he was too good for the shity holy hand grenade. Holy crap, Knoll, that waste of an original class. ... The hell is that boss ?! XD
  6. Not like the characters at all, they just look like somekind of cliche manly-grec-statue thing. It's dissapointing. Still pretty to look at though but... it feel like a waste. Honestly I only ever used them as decorations. And because I can buy them.
  7. Well, there is a Dragon class in the game. I wanted to use breathes so much. ... Plus, it's less lame than those dragonstones that make you feel like a slug. I agree with you for Dark Blood it's lame, but do you know what's funny ? It's actually useful with the Dragonic Curse skill ! Kamui sensei, teach me how to spin books in my hand... What is this Lilith lookalike though ?...
  8. 17 turn ? How many levels did you gain ? Just asking.
  9. And it's only on Kamui/Aqua ? How. Convenient. :p Too bad it seem that both side apparently still continue in their BS even after joining you, thus destroying a perfect opportunity for good development.
  10. But wasn't there somekind of promise forgotten by mankind or something ? Seriously the plot of this game should stop being convenient as hell. :/
  11. Eh, it reminds me of Tales of the abyss. :p
  12. I think you're right actually, I read a lot of those manga, and indeed, if the manga follow the exact same storyline as the game, there's not much point, just curiosity's sake. Now if they took a lot of liberties on the other hand, that could be more very interesting as well as good. *cough* FE4 mangas... Hey, I can dream !
  13. I wonder if Kamui didn't do that on purpose, like, he/she knew they would fight and all. :p
  14. You know, the more I think about the witch class, the more I think about Nyx too, because, you know, Nyx's backstory/situation and all. It's almost as if the Witch class was created for Nyx. AdultNyxDLCconfirmed
  15. T-they're not going to humanize him by giving him some sort of sad sob-story, and 'he wasn't such a bad guy before', right ? Right ? Please...
  16. Not sure if I should be dissapointed or jealous. Y'know, it doesn't show a good image of the game. One of the best waifu is an long-lived, fun-loving furrybait. :p You'll love Luna then.
  17. Oh, that's a purely stand-alone DLC ? I didn't know that actually. Forgive me. I'm still perplexed about it. I mean come on, let's say Takumi is married to Oboro ? Nothing ? Stand-alone or not. I find that kinda lame... well, no one will miss anything by marrying X to X instead of X and X, so that's good I guess. Yeah, not my brightness moment talking about Kamui/Aqua here, since the DLC is clearly about the siblings, I just dislike having a canon forced in my face.
  18. Joke, joke. It was a joke. This would be too good to be true. :p
  19. Oh yeah, I remember that, I did this chapter on lunatic not too long ago,. It was actually pretty fun ! It's not only Xander though, there's also Pieri and Lazwald. No worry, Garon stay where he is. :p You don't seem interested by it. :p
  20. My ! Thank you very much ! No idea how you did all of that though.
  21. You can't run away from the poor plot forever ! If it's not an original plot or a gag manga, it doesn't interest me. Well, i say that, but I know pefrectly well that I can read the manga, I'll read it.
  22. Aaaaaah, the good ol' kinky dragon sex ! I loved this one. ... Does Kamui have any reproductive organs in this form ? Eh, they didn't have more dialogues line than Kamui/Aqua, that's for sure. I dunno, Sumia/Chrom Chrom/FRobin and Eliwood/Ninian doesn't seem that much forced to me. Just Sumia/Chrom that is annoyingly pushed in front of our face.
  23. I died ! xD Somebody must do a meme about it. Seems like BS this super sense personally. :/
  24. Kinda funny how assexual Kamui is, but if it's Aqua, IS decide to make him peep. *shake head* Oh, but I agree,no matter how much the voice and boobs tell me to say anything against Camilla. And that's precisely a part of my point.
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