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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Huh, I dunno if it's generic or not, but that's actually kinda good.
  2. The Witch ! The Witch ! Finally, Camilla will have a class other than Revenant Knight that show off her boobs. Eh, I wonder how the Ballistician will work ? I mean, it couldn't be bows ?
  3. How can Izana be RNG blessed, since it's his base stats ? >_> I shouldn't complain since I have so many good units like Mozume and Kaze, but geez. Oh well, thanks for answering !
  4. What is that that character on your Avatar ? Just curious. It does look like an older Kamui :o

    1. Taka-kun


      That was definitely my intention :) However, to unveil the mystery, that is actually Saber of Black, AKA Siegfried of the Nibelungs, from Fate/Apocrypha.

    2. B.Leu


      Thank you very much for answering ! :D

  5. There seem to be lot of sucky units. :/ Very, very much this. It doesn't help that stat-enhancing items are very rare. :/ I leveled her up a lot, and I loved using Elfie, it bothers me. Hmm, how is Izana stat-wise ? Here a comparison with Leon. Nohr side of course. Leon Dark Knight lv10 Izana Exorcist lv7 The freaking level I gained him, like seriously. What's up with this game giving me character that are better than the one I train ? >< You shoud probably go Hero first just for Sol, then, straight Berserker.
  6. Well guess what, I don't get it either. Even if people have different tastes, I believe that those you mentioned are the 'common fetish that everyone should love and understand', alas, not everyone love or understand them.
  7. Eh, as long as it's not ugly... more wanking material is always good, I guess. I'm asshamed of myself for saying this. :p
  8. Yeah, Pieri and Elfie were both promoted at lv20... though Pieri might have been promoted at lv19. Hm, It looks like Elfie really was bashed very hard by the RNG. It's always sad to see that. :/ So, I guess I'll have to buff her by stats-enhancing Items that I usually don't use. But it's worth it right ? All in all, thank you very much for your answer ! It helps me a lot. :D
  9. I dunno why, but my Great Knight Elfie lv 8 is frail as crap. It must be because she get doubled a lot but geez. :/ Pieri is better and she is level 6 Great Knight. Stats comparison: Elfie, Great Knight lv 8 Pieri, Great Knigh lV6 If I had know, I would have trained Cyrus more, or someone else.:/ That, or Elfie is only good as Knight and General.
  10. Well, for someone who's not eloquent, you are very eloquent actually. Hmm, I don't really agree with you about the choice. I thought it was stupid. The choice is basically everybody saying, 'We're your real family', and that's it, not any arguments, no anything just that. Even the third path is basically Kamui saying 'we shouldn't fight, we can work together', how about bringing up some arguments sometime ? Like 'hey, you lied to me all of my life', 'are you sure you are not hidding something from me ?', something, instead of playing the goody two shoes. It doesn't help that your families are just so stuborn for no reason. Bah. I also don't like how the game have to make you feel bad. I don't care about 99% of Hoshido or it's characters, I choosed Nohr, because I gave a damn about Nohr's characters. I don't care if Sakura is crying because her soldiers are killed. If the game put into my face 'oh it's sad, I'm sorry lalala...', something like that, the game is telling me what to feel, and to me It's bad writing as it's finest. .... Well, what I do care however, is when Ganz and Iago kill people just for the evulz, it was just so freaking stupid. It's even worse when the game is basically saying: Hoshido => Good guys, your true family, well not really but this will never be developed as it should be, you should join them. Nohr => Bad guys, not your true family, you shouldn't join them. I haven't played the Third path yet, just read the summary, but it is apparently the same if not worse, since it will still guilt-trip you for not choosing anyone, despite them swinging weapon at me and not listening to pretty much anything. And some people wonder why I would ever want to kill those idiots. I should be feeling bad, not KamuI, and the story should never tell me what to feel. Especially if it's that obvious or dumb. I said it again, a path where I could kill them all, or a real independent path, would've been great.. Sooo, that's the third path excuse ? If you talk about Touma, you're tranformed into foam ? How. Freaking. Convenient... I don't dislike Aqua, but damn, dat walking plot device. Oh yeah, am I the only who find Lilith's death in Nohr stupid ? Just asking now that I think about it.
  11. Hmm, if I said I enjoyed seeing Sakura crying in despair, would I be considered a sadist ? I want to break her more... Not very pleased by Kamui's BS though. Also, lol, the game give me Izana lv 7, who is as this one or two stats point, to be better than my Leon Lv10, wtf. :p
  12. It's the eyes, if you look too deep into them, Sandima will take your soul. :p Kinda weird how the spirit forest is in the middle of the road just like that without any problem for Deirdre. I guess they respect/fear them that much
  13. Mozume is super-kawai and have a tragic past. Plus I'm a sadist who love to see her struggle and shake.
  14. Is is a good thing that this writer worked the third path ? I mean, I haven't played Dual Destinies but... Pretty much this actually. I mean, as much as I like Senran Kagura, the story isn't great at all, the plot actually started out good and promising, but at not even half of the game... Kinda sad all thing considered, especially if you look at it from the perspective of a first time player. .. I'm not blind, I know this game is boobs and smash, but still.
  15. Stupid Manga logic ! This game is full of it. Really, really full of it.
  16. Aw, shit. :/ I don't really don't know what to say, it sucks.
  17. Indeed he is simply fabulous. If at 50, I look like that, holy crap, I'll be happy.
  18. Am I the only one who think that Sakura looks like a bird ? Heck, she even coo like one. Must be kinky in the bedroom if you're into that. ... still kinda kawai as fuck though. I can't really tell exactly , just seen the summary, but she look like a walking deux ex machina, seriously, dat third path justification. Well... it's not exclusive to the third path, but gimme a break.
  19. It's even worse if you look at it from a story perspective: In If, you got a shitton of chapters with lot of main characters that you want to kill or that want kill you, by the end of the day they're not dead at all and are well alive, even thought they can and will kill your ass in everyway possible in classic mode. It's an another slap for people who play classic. Like I said, they're trying to get away really really hard from the 'people die when they're killed' idea. It's to the point where playing casual/phoenix mode are the mode that make the most sense... except it still don't make sense. :/ I'll play captain obvious, but saying that characters that don't die when they're killed, make sense is, not matter how you look at it, very stupid. The overall design of this game is confusing.
  20. Oh I miss them. Problem is, IS seem to want to get away from the 'people actually die when they're killed' part more and more, up to ridiculous level.
  21. Nuzlocke challenge, or Pokemon: Pokemon die when they're killed challenge. How shocking. :p
  22. Good thing I don't intend to have the children ! Mwahaha ! Seriously though, some death quote are harsh, and that's pretty good. Eheh, 'Jerks that do die when they are killed'.
  23. Yeah. I feel dirty too. Seriously, the way they look at you... :/
  24. This pink bikini is total narm to me. ... Then again, I'm not the kind of guy find those 3D model sexually gratifying Lucina's graceful ?
  25. Am I the only who do the Amie thing without looking at it ? And with no sound ? It's just so freaking embarrassing. Considering how flat Lucina is, it wouldn't be that good anyway...
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