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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Because obviously, Lucina saying that she is Chrom's child from an apocalyptic futur would be a veeeeery smart thing to do... The only thing you show is more and more inconsistencies 'only sought to change events that directly led to Grima's return', I dunno, they (read: Lucina) seems pretty determined to do things that has nothing to do with Grima. I mainly blame Robin's mary sueness on the crappy writing, it still make him a tad suish though, but not that much all thing considered.
  2. Ah, so that's the explanation of the 'Geez I'm sorry' part, it explain a lot of things. I thought it was really strange. I mean crap, Sigurd is such a nice guy, he would probably burn himself alive for the people he love if he could. I always thought that Verdane was somekind of tribal kingdom thing, that would explain a LOT of things. Aira's the best waifu of entire the game.
  3. It's fairly easy: Weaken an ennemy, and let Mozume finish him off, preferably with Kamui adjacent to her to be sure the ennemy die; It's not as hard as it sounds, like I said, it's actually easy..
  4. That make it even more stupid, and put (another) plothole in the game, since the main reason to why they traveled in the past was to change the future. How can can they change the future if they're not willing to work just a little ? If they didn't wanted to in the first place, that only make the entire timetravel thing even more pointless and mindblowingly stupid than it was in the first place, and holy crap, we're already beyond the bottom of stupidity here. Give it up guys, the plot is not good and it will never be.
  5. Yeah, that's freaking unfair, dishonest, and frankly disgusting. I often compare the Hoshido and Nohr ending with the usual FE bad ending that left things hanging and uncomplete, the Third path is basically your True Ending, except it's is a DLC (freakin GG...), but also screw even more the tagline of 'choice'. It's as disgusting as disgusting can get. It doesn't help that the writing is flat crap no matter how you look at it.
  6. Eh, for me more healing is always good to have, he's already good enough with a bow, plus Adventurer have good skills: Lucky Seven(!!) and Pass, Bow Knight have Rally Skill and Kunaibreaker. Or you could go Adventurer at first for Lucky Seven, then immediately reclass as Bow knight. That sounds like a good things to do.
  7. Then again, all the children seem really just that silly and nothing else. Ahah... He's a man in Japan. That would be hilarious.
  8. The kid almost killed his own father, willingly. There is also the whole issue of 'people can and will die when hit with weapons', do I honestly need to say more ? If you think I'm stupid for thinking it's stupid, no problem, let's agree to disagree. I might be wrong in the end. Still, the game doesn't seem to really like talking about death, the real death I mean, the common and fast one..God forbid that people die in a war. I can safely say that supports/chapters that was truly silly were rare, just like I can safely say the same for the super serious moment, and they didn't fall into violation of commen sense or wangst.
  9. I got to admit, I didn't enjoyed MM's dungeons that much, they're just too troublesome. :/
  10. That's the kind ot things that get people killed, of freaking course, it doesn't, they play it for laugh, even though the issue is actually serious. Is this game so determined to constantly kick common sense in the balls or what ? Like seriously... Get a better writing IS.
  11. I swear, it should be called the Convenient path. Or the BS path.
  12. I got to admit, that's pretty badass. :p Joking aside, you shouldn't have to worry, there's apparently not any 'wife/child' screen anywhere.
  13. Wha-, already ? Well I'm not complaining, thanks ! I'm going to be the one starting it. So is it me, or is the story completely dumb ? I honestly don't know where to start...
  14. I said it already, the outrealm is a stupid plot device that doesn't make sense. I killed myself into saying this multiple time... You're going to tell me that none of the children knew that their parent were the Sheperds of Ylisse ? That's make them and the story even more stupid. I know that informations are hard to find, but geez, it's their parent's job, not somekind of hard to find information, knowing about them and what they did, and they did the whole Walmart thing, is the bare minimum, especially if they want to 'save the future'. That make Cynthia even more retarded than I though... or maybe actually smarter ?... What I was saying for the mariage is that to have a kid generated, you must have two units married, thus in a way, it make sense that you don't hear about them gameplay-wise, but story-wise it doesn't make sense, since it's established that Lucina isn't the only children from the future. You see what I mean ? You're not going to make me believe that it would take 4/5 years for one of the kid to go to Ylisse, especially for some kids that at this from it. It just don't work.
  15. That's kind of reminds me of this pokemon rom hack called Pokemon Sweet. Maybe in future Fire Emblem, you'll be able to bake your own baby. :p
  16. I said it in another topic to someone, if you want to compare a portal that transport you to a specific location, and a portal that can transport you through time/space/world/whatever when the plot, the DLCs and the devs want at any time for completely BS reason, be my guest. I might come as an ass in saying this, but the fact remains: The outrealm is a shitty poor ass plot device and it will remain as such no matter how much people want to deny it. By logical potential, I mean this Laurent, by example, apparently landed on the main timeline one, wait, I just seen it on the wiki to be sure, THREE years before anyone else. Nothing is done with that, the dude apparently wandered in a desert all alone for three years, and he didn't thought about searching for Lucina or what ?... Same for the other children, they seem contend in doing crap, instead of completing their main objective: Saving. The future. God forbid that those characters have a brain for once. And I know, there must be the mariage first, for the child to be generated, otherwise it won't make sense, thing is, it doens't make sense in the other direction either. Likewise, Lucina, well, she did shit too. like seriously, even after, it's established she come from the future. And in the end, those idiots are useless, they are only saved because of random stupidities and deux ex machina that I'm supposed to take seriously.
  17. The characters are stupid and most of them are just walking stupid anime cliche. Half of the dialogues and supports are complete crap, but I can say that some of them are good, but they are very very rare to find, otherwise, if they are not just there, they're just dumb and/or centered on the humor and nothing else. Remember when humoristic supports were rare to find ? The story is mindblowingly stupid, full of plotholes and deux ex machina, devoid of any quality, subtlety or common sense one would expect from a Fire Emblem game. Not gonna list them, it would be like talking about Naruto. The story also seem determined to never ever use anything to it's potential. Chrom's father was a fanatical maniac ? Only one line is given and nothing else. Validar is Robin's father ? Only one line too. Walmart is a conqueror who's goal is world peace, and has apparently en empire behind him. How about you talk about it, stupid scenario ? Or at least, make sense about it ? Because with such stupid villains with him, it's hard to tell anything. Speaking of that, FEA love to tell you what to think instead of being smart. And let's not even talk about all the villains that are so stupid and generic that it hurts. Lucina want to kill Robin because she know that he'll kill Chrom ? Don't do it in the end because friendship, despite her actually saying and trying to do something smart for once. Time-travel that is never ever used to it's logical potential All the so called 'crowning moment of awesomes' such as Emmeryn's 'sacrifice', Yen'fay wanting to protect his sister, and Robin's gambit have nothing awesome at all, in fact, they are so ridiculous, it's not even funny. Oh yeah, and Awakening introduced the worst plot device ever called the Outrealm, that is so incoherent and dumb that we might as well talk about the Naruto's final arcs. Despite it not making any freaking kind of sense, some people persists is saying otherwise, and visibly IS agree. GG. All in all, Awakening have the kind of story you'll expect from a crappy manga and nothing more. Good thing I can ignore my dislike for this story when reading a fanfic, eh.
  18. Eh, you sure ? i never seen much DLC's trailer, especially for japanese games. I don't really know. :/ If that's the case, well, my bad then. ... I'm still pissed off at this canon path. :p
  19. Wait, excuse me ? It has a trailer ?! Don't misunterstand, it's badass well, the end is, but seriously ? A trailer ? Sigh, it really is the canon path... I dunno, Kamui is at this to hit the rocks on the rift.
  20. Ew ew,. just... ewww. Well, that would kill the pairing... I'm not sure it's a good or a bad thing. xD Anyway this whole reincarnation thing... it's BS, pure BS.I ignore it completely. Leave us alone with FEA already IS. ><
  21. If it bothers you, do like me, just ignore it, it is a violation of common sense anyways. Plus, the kids are apparently all weird as hell. FE15. Send the baby in space edition.
  22. Her voice make me cringe. Rubbing Felicia's face ? I'm not masochist, or at least not that much.
  23. -I dunno if it's unpopular or not, but I honestly believe that the Souls series' NG+ is pure bullshit, it change all the ennemies into PV bag that two-three shot you. Its not funny. I'm all for replaying the the game, but if it's to have such poorly designed difficulty. -I think that FFVII is freaking overated, I don't think it's a bad game by any mean, but it's not the freaking bible of RPGs that people make it out to be. -I honestly don't give a crap about the FFVII remake. -Have I said that I disliked Tales of the Abyss's story ? Too much BS in this one. -I honestly like Castlevania Lords of Shadow, I think it's a very good reboot. Great story, great gameplay, though I miss my Metroidvanias. Y'know, Kysafen, there's some point that I disagree with, but I like half of what you said.
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