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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. I'm pretty sure Levin never talked about a different world, he talked about a different continent. (I believe it was from Archanea actually ? I don't remember.) But if you absolutely want to say that those example, like the dragon gate, that have a defined explanation, and the outrealm from FEA that have zero explanation (other than being a vicious Deus ex machina), are the same things, be my guest. I don't even know why we are arguing in the first place. :/
  2. Ah, AImee, I see, thank you. They could've just recycle some design ya know ? That happens. A lot. For a lot of games. Nergal wanted to open a gate, toward a dragon realm. Dragon. Realm. Not parallel, not past, not future, it's a dragon realm. And the chapter where Gotoh send Marth into 'another world' totally wasn't an obvious deux ex machina particularly added for the remake in case you lost Tiki and Falchion... Well, to be fair this one was actually fun. Oh yeah, and it was a one time only, not a 'zoom children from future everywhere' deal.
  3. Nope. Nope, noooppppe. Lalala lalala lala laaaaa, this doesn't make any sense, thus, this is not canon, Ia laaaa... Still thank you very much for the info, it's well, nice !
  4. Hell yeah it bother me, especially if it's face rubbing. But I'll wait till I have the game in hand to truly judge at 100%. And hey, the gameplay seems pretty badass so far.
  5. You know, I'm reading this piece of dialogue (thanks btw), and I was thinking that damn, she is less BS tsuntsun that I expected.
  6. It's alright ! If your love remain strong and pure enough, it is true love ! xD Oh god, this is killing me so much ! I dunno about you, but I laugh without even trying !
  7. I want to wait to see if the case of the three Nots being the original is really that stupid, but right here, right now, I really want to facepalm, this is just... mindblowingly dumb, I dunno where to begin. Still waiting for people to have hilarious reaction to it. I'm have to laugh a little. :p The shop keeper ? That's it ? Wow, it could've been something like the devs reusing designs, no ? It's kind of like the Zelda timeline, it doesn't make any sense, and things were better without it, especially since said form is a stupid deux ex machina that make even less sense than the norm. The games are better separated, except if it's for an explicit sequel of course. I'm sorry to say this, but yes the outrealm and world/time travel are stupid, it's been said thousand of time already by ton of people, and I don't have the patience (nor the english skills) to talk about it. It doesn't show a good side of me, but I'm sorry, and I fully assume it. ... Does people really need an explaination at why traveling between continent make more sense than time/world-travel though ?
  8. Are you serious ? Most of those hairstyles are goddamn awful ! FemKamui doesn't have much, but MaKamui is even worse, the only good one is his default one. So once again, haircuts are plain crap. Truly, they must've worked really hard for that ! And here I was actually dreaming of a Priam-like haircut,.. Bah. Oh well, thanks for the info !
  9. I haven't played Gaiden, but there is a difference between continent-travel and (very, very stupid) world/time-travel. Archanean shop keeper in tellius ? I actually don't see what you're talking about. You mean Anna ? She's the mascot and generally an easter egg, so... I wonder how people reacted to Camus being alive, right now, I think it's pretty badass.
  10. Ah, how to explain... Something like, We're at war, and time pass very very fast ? ... Yeah, still kinda unrealistic.
  11. Oh but I can recognize Tharja's waifuness potential, that's not the question. :p Maybe juste do something like, a out of screen time quick or something ?
  12. What a great idea, eh ? /sarcasm I just can't said it enough: it's annoying what they're doing.
  13. It's annoying, seriously, can't they just leave us alone already ?
  14. I just can't fucking wait Mikoto's S Rank ! 'D-dear, what would your father think ?...' I know, I know, this is creepy, and all, but I can't help but laugh like a hyena ! XD
  15. So er, are they on drugs ? The picture imply so.
  16. Shit ! I'm not watching the stream ! xD Kudos ! :D
  17. There is also that if they are truly the characters from FEA, this is pure crappy writing.
  18. Huh, Marrying Aqua to my MaleKamui seems like the best choice strategy-wise for now. I mean, olgically, You'll get two bery good kiddos in the end.
  19. First think first, thank you very much for giving us the info ! I freaking agree, it's annoying. :/
  20. *sigh* I'm sorry, but why ? Why doing that to us IS ? Why ? Still thanks for the info !
  21. Oh crap, I know that the amies's lines are such an obvious otaku bait that come right from the worst ecchi manga, and I should feel disturbed and angry, but I just can't help but laugh like a madman. It's just... well funny ! For the love of crap, don't censor/withdraw that, this is just too good ! Raise it to 18+ if you must, but don't take that away from me ! Though my good mood was immediately ruined with the revelation that our expies from FEA are really, well, the reincarnation of the characters from FEA, or whatever crappy justification they give. Apparently, Kamui too. *clap clap* GG IS, GG. Fucking GG ! ... How could Kamui know Sharla as a child anyways ?
  22. M'okay sure why not. Hopefully, then won't do crap with it, like SOME game that I know. ...the the fanfictions will rain even more huh ?
  23. Hey ! Thanks for all the shitton of info ! No wait, topic come back I love you ! Oh geez, Galeforce is back, shoot, so, does that mean we'll have to grind skill once again or not ? Most of them seem to be personal skills. Huh, there three kind of... Lethality ? A lot of 'Ken' skills, I'm confused. Eh, the kids are nice. Lot of expiiiiiiiiies from FEA though. :/ Still, there got to be a ton of canon pairing somewhere, and it's not cool, some of the children have such an obvious ressemblance with some female characters, it's just ridiculous. I mean, Ignis it's so totally Elfie the mother, Mitama is Sakura's, Ophelia being Odin's ? Yeah right, more like the dark mage girl's. And there is a tone like that, it's not cool. :/ Some of the kid are fucking badass, there is one who look like a golden Nobunaga ! With the mustache ! Y'a know I think the fat (I'm sorry but it's the word) kid is fun, I like her. Eh, that's pretty badass ! Somewhat scary, but freaking badass ! We all know who the lady is, but the first one... isn't that... ? And I'm suppposed to have them in my team ? Gee, I always wanted to S support my slimy undead evil dad and my undead evil mom ! I want to rub them already ! Speaking of dad, if the cloaked dude is Lobster Dad, I applaud, I freaking applaud ! Huhuh ! This one I like ! I agree he look like he have a stick in his butt.
  24. It was only a matter of time, don't judge me.
  25. I wonder if the issue will be addressed, because in good writing or rather, common sense, incest or the possibility of it isn't something you simply ignore. I'm not asking for wangst a la Eltoshan/Lachesis or Altena/whatshisname, but at least, something.
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