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Everything posted by Neoleo21

  1. I thought FE:A's audio was fine with headphones.FE:IF probably won't have more voice acting thought it'd be pretty neat.
  2. Would be kinda boring if the two weapons triangle sets didn't interact with one another no?
  3. I think that's actually the mage character we saw in the trailer. Though I'm more curious about the assassin looking figures, because I don't think they're assasins, but ninjas.
  4. She's likely tied to Kamui by some means at the beginning of the game given that her map sprite appears in most battle sequences shown and her location in the trailer. The way her necklace reacted to the dragon probably means its this game's fire emblem.
  5. I'm pretty sure this isn't serious, but IS underestimated the 3ds, but kept feet off for the lulz.
  6. As long as it doesn't make positioning brain dead, we're good. I actually think this might happen too.
  7. Interestingly, why IS ice magic here? Statistically the original 3 elements were covered, so ice magic has to do something other than damage right?
  8. I would be ok if the avatar was the MC though. I don't think kamui will have tomes at all given his/her fighting style and armor. As a result, it also wouldn't make much sense to select traits like robin did. I hope that veteran is a late game scroll skill or something. Also hoping that since he's probably the lord, he won't be able to do crazy reclasses. I also imagine the support system getting tweaked, but kamui will probably have a support with the majority of the cast. Though, I think kamui will be addressed more directly more often (wasn't he called naive?) also being the likely younger sibling to max, kamui's flaw might be inexperience.
  9. I believe Kamui is related to the royal figure from the trailer as result, this leads me to think that Kamui and this dancer girl some how run away or get captured near the beginning of the game. Empire then accuses the eastern neighbors and engages in war, with Kamui's sibling Max leading the attack. At least that's my thoughts.
  10. He also worked on the first 3 Fatal Frame Stories, that's gotta be one pedigree right there.
  11. I just don't want a weapon combo so Powerful that it breaks the game, like Nosferatu/galeforce that's approaching MK brawl levels of OP. Having a go to weapon is fine, just make sure that it doesn't make positioning brain dead.
  12. Does anyone think Kamui is related to that old ruler we saw a glimpse of in the trailer?
  13. Eliminate Galeforce, more active skills like Gamble, bring back adept and resolve. Also bring back some of the RD's skills like stun (just don't give them a damage multiplier, kinda made the effect pointless). No Rally spectrum and limited Rally skills (to two preferably).
  14. If there's a legit chapter for them to justify it this time. Eastern side gets Pegasi, Western Side gets Dragon knights and Gryphons can do whatever. More usable mythical units were interesting to me in awakening and I hope they expand on that.
  15. That's an iron katana, I think its just the weapons triangle being tweaked
  16. Having some weapons being able to bypass pair ups would be really interesting and certainly be an excellent way to curb their OP ness and give a reason to have individual units.
  17. Yeah but it looked awesome then, Kamui looks like a wild animal here. Companies aren't people. Companies don't review games, individuals do.
  18. But are they the same Reviewers?
  19. Hmm, if you're talking about pair ups, then that's not really going to fundamentally change, but probably going to be tweaked as will the weapon triangle. I don't think we have enough info to really see any new or old mechanics.
  20. Reviews are VERY subjective. Those scores show consistency from those who have not really played Fire Emblem and know its systems and balances, Background on the reviewers matters greatly. Awakening was the perfect game for these people who wanted an accessible game to enter the franchise. Hence the high review scores. The perspective of people here on the other hand are more experienced veterans of this franchise, who know the flaws of the game because they've spent years with the mechanics of previous titles. I suggest you take your thoughts to the Awakening Board, and leave this one be, this topic concerns the avatar in this game, not whether FE:A was a godlike game or not.
  21. This franchise isn't ready to go back to consoles. Not after nearly dying off. I'm very happy they used awakening's engine and some of its assets, they can tweak things much easier and focus on new systems and refine their work much like with Majora's mask and Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. The game already looks nicer (especially the backgrounds) than Awakening as it isn't a early 3ds game.
  22. YES, GIVE ME STATUS STAVES (but please no Sleep, sleep is dumb)! Staves are probably the best in the game for strategy, Berserk is hilarious and terrifying and Torch is a must have for Fog of War levels (if we must have them). Warp and Rewarp are crazy useful (though it'd be more interesting if enemies used more of these within certain parameters). Barrier is really neat at times too. More status staves is always a good thing (as long it isn't like sleep). It would make sense for East and west to have different types of weaponry. I just hope that they're not reskins of one another.
  23. This. Miriel and Lon Qu' could have been one of my favorite supports if it didn't end in marriage.
  24. It was going somewhat nicely, then the thread completely derailed. I actually liked Robin on paper, a character the player could customize the look of, yet had personality like any other character sounded like a fine compromise. It just was too neutral and too overwhelming of the other characters in practice since Awakening tried to do too much and never really got around to doing it all with significant depth outside a couple of factors. This is what makes me interested in If, most of the groundwork was already done by Awakening from the engine to the sales. If can thus deliver a more focused experience with new ideas for the series that we want, much like the relationship between Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. Kamui seems to be taking the same approach as Robin, I just hope they make him like the developing Lords/Heroes you mentioned and not make a fool out everyone else like Robin did. Also, did anyone notice how ridiculous Kamui's combat animations are? He/She is swinging around a giant sword like an amateur...
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