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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Kind of makes you wonder who he saves his best trap for. Garon; when you're so lazy and evil, you can't even be bothered to use your best traps on your arch nemesis. "Did you just move all your archers like 20 tiles in one turn?" "Yeah, so?" "That's against the rules, right?" "Screw the rules, I have money!"
  2. Don't the vulnerable parts mostly just come out in support conversations though? Outside of the "choice" scene, he's usually confident and stubborn to an extreme. "Over-thinking" is the name of the game when we go into speculation mode. ;) It's not too late to put him in a Bride outfit.
  3. I was going to say "Hire the guy who did Katarina's DLC artwork!" but sure enough, when I looked up the artist, it was Kozaki. We need more Grandmaster style outfits and less Sorcerer outfits. The generals from the GBA era onward had angular shoulder plates that were disconnected (the early ones were more rounded). Awakening Generals have a single shoulder piece that's rounded and enormous, making it resemble a turtle shell your character's head awkwardly pokes out of. As for Awakening hero's, they feel too sci-fi to me. The way all the plates connect together, and especially the guard around the neck looks really out of place in a low fantasy setting.
  4. The support gaining method is pretty ass in the GBA titles but don't let that discourage you. They're fun games and I'd recommend 8-7-6 as some others have said. The mechanics and graphics will regress but the difficulty (and story for the Elibe games) will progress more smoothly
  5. I dislike it. Granted, I have some bias from playing the Japanese version first but I think the vulnerability expressed in the Japanese version was more moving. Marx's uncertain "Come back to us" is more dramatic than the more matter-of-fact "We're your family" in the English version. Likewise, I'm worried Takumi's portrayal will make him sound like a prejudiced jerk instead of just being deeply insecure. That's the whole reason people grew to like him. But is this really greying her character? Sure, calling people scum based on their nationality is "racist" but their grudge is justified. Nohr is still the evil empire and Hoshido the peaceful paradise. Unless Hinoka goes around kicking Nohrian puppies, her slurs are hardly disproportionate to what Nohrians did to her family. Keep in mind, they killed BOTH her parents (one recently) and kidnapped her brother. You're wrong. The OTHER characters sound-proofed his room because they were tired of hearing his wheezing. Kamui with asthma is canon now.
  6. Creepier is when Kamui starts inviting loli's to his room while his spouse looks on in horror. Creepiest is when Kamui's spouse is a loli so she doesn't understand what's wrong with inviting young girls to your room to fondle them. "Feel that thing strengthening against your butt? That's our support bonus."
  7. I don't know how viable they are for competitive play, because it seems like the game is more geared towards the player phase but they are pretty good in my opinion. As good or better hit than iron but better damage, even during the player phase. The avoid penalty sucks but if you're already tanky, maybe that's okay.
  8. Don't forget to lock the door before skinshipping yourself.
  9. I have mixed feelings. In some places the art director dun goofed with ridiculous fanservice but for the classes that don't have it, they're all well designed. Look at Heroes or Cavaliers (male only) and tell me those aren't fantastic. Even knights look great in Fates. I'd say my favorite designs came from Elibe and Tellius but Fates is generally pretty good. Awakening was pretty bad but there were a few winners in the bunch (Tactician, Chrom, Mymidons).
  10. Pokemon are essentially pets. It's okay to pet pets. Unsolicited petting of people is wrong.
  11. Pokemon are animals. Pokemon are not people. Seriously, guys.
  12. Well, I love the crown anyway. I'd like to see a drawing of Camilla but with the pants of the standard Revenant Knight class. It's mostly the battle panties that bother me. Thor, are you out there...? No bara Camilla tho
  13. You could also just find someone from SS who has a Midoriko with the skills you want. Once the game gets released, there will probably be a thread devoted to people's castles.
  14. I'm really liking the long ranged side tilt. People keep harping about Smash getting a lance user but DUDE, his arm turns into a lance! DUDE! In general, I like characters that play a mid-ranged game, which is why Robin is one of my mains. Maybe Kamui will play similarly, trying to keep people out of range and using counter for when they get in your face.
  15. I like the Accessory shop because you can look at the character models up close. I'm not sure about all the applications and capabilities of Live2D but I'd like it if they had an expanded feature to see the character models and animations. Maybe they could have a animation/sound room using the Live2D assets? Being more connected to the characters is a good thing, I just wish they'd make it appropriate for the characters (ie you don't get to touch people's faces just because you're the protagonist).
  16. I'm glad Team A won. The mode would be 10 times more awkward if they went with what Team B was gunning for. Full body groping, yikes. I think live2D could be good if it was used in the appropriate places such as S supported individuals (as far as implied touching goes). I do like seeing characters animated and up close, however. Also; inb4 things get nasty and a thread lock. Personally, I find the 2D stuff can be a little distracting and over animated. Characters are constantly moving and looking at things so a conversation between two people would look strange in my opinion.
  17. I agree. "Sexualized" seems to have the connotation that a character's sexiness was amplified to appeal to a certain demographic but Bayonetta is primarily just a confident and provocative individual. Characters having a cleavage window or battle panties (certain class outfits) when their character doesn't really suggest a need or motive for it is a better definition of sexualized.
  18. My post was about being considerate of people who have different priorities for what makes a good gameplay experience. A lot of people are dismissive of people who value quality writing in a video game, saying it's insignificant just because they personally don't care about it. I won't slam people for valuing the gameplay over the story. I will criticize people who fail to acknowledge that there are multiple aspects to games besides the core gameplay, especially considering how much IS invested in the story this time around. Edit: By Sunwoo's recommendation, I've removed a section that was too personal. Let's be respectful of different opinions.
  19. For the record, OP, the story does suck, there is a lot of otaku pandering and a number of characters are badly written. But it has a lot of good things too. For positives we have: -Amazing soundtrack -Attack/Guard stance -Hidden weapons -Weapon diversity + weapon effects -New classes -Great class models (barring a few) -Refreshing Eastern aesthetics in addition to the Western -Personal skills + interesting class skills -Improved Skill gaining/class sharing method -Interesting map design (mostly Nohr) -Smooth map to battle transition -Good battle animations (although they did get lazy with a few classes)
  20. The designer being a woman isn't definite proof of their intention but it may hint that objectifying their own gender wasn't their goal. You seem to have a problem with sexualized characters, regardless of the context of why they are sexualized. CrimeanRoyalKnight says it succinctly. .
  21. I know this is a rhetorical question but I'll answer it anyway. People who aren't you. Whenever people say "who cares about", they are basically dismissing anyone who doesn't share their values. Even amongst the people who think Fates has solid gameplay (and the general consensus on the Fates board says that it does) a lackluster or downright bad story can sour the experience. I'm not even sure why you would ask such a question because you already know who cares. All the people you are responding to care. IS cares too, or at least pay lip-service to it. They hyped their fancy new writer and they split the story into 3 whole games because they felt the story was good enough to approach it from 3 different angles.
  22. [spoiler=Lancer is useless, you should choose a better Servant as your favorite.] Lancers are one of my favorite Fire Emblem classes, however. Iri would probably be a staff user with a freeze staff that doesn't break and Renewal. I'd be down for seeing the Fate Stay Night and Fate Zero Caster be represented as the Summoner class. Please bring them back IS FSN Caster personal: [Rule Breaker] When this character defeats an enemy with the Rule Breaker ability, they gain control of that enemy until Rule Breaker is used again. She'd probably have a Nosferatu and Lightning tome. FZ Caster personal [Eldritch Tome]: Stave use is unlimited and you get two phantoms whenever Summon is used. Up to 10 phantoms may be summoned at a time. He'd probably have the Warp skill too. I believe it's implied that Avalon won't work on decapitations so having Avalon in your inventory would be like having Renewal + Phoenix mode where you can only die to Lethality hits.
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