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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. The different layouts have different features (some have impassable trees, breakable walls) but these can't be manipulated. Available buildings/decorations depend on what route you are doing. All of the styles have the same full area although some areas have more impassable tiles within the border than others.
  2. For My Castle sets, Hoshido and Nohr both have 3 appearance/layouts. I presume IK gets both sets. Hoshido: Hoshido Castle (red castle, cherry trees) Wind Village (desert, mountainous) Izumo (wood walls, forest) Nohr: Nohr Castle (trees, stone castle) Chevalier (plain stone building, inner wall around center) Muse (land areas divided by canals)
  3. Naw, I feel you. I don't really care for Sumia or Felicia because 'clumsy' feels like the central character trait instead of a charming add on. I think it usually works best when it contrast to other "strong" traits that character has, to balance them out. I probably wouldn't enjoy dating a super clumsy person in real life. Don't drop the baby!
  4. I wouldn't say it's hard to understand. People want to feel needed/helpful so people with minor imperfections can be seen endearing. ie, a woman with no vulnerabilities doesn't need you. It works for men too. A man completely devoid of vulnerabilities would be hard to approach, right?
  5. I didn't miss it, I'm just expressing that her negative traits outweigh her positive qualities, in my opinion. The good doesn't wash away the bad. I'm politely disagreeing with your opinion. I'm not telling anyone who they're allowed to like or not. But you shouldn't like Pieri and you're a bad person for doing so.
  6. I waifu'ed Cordelia but I find Matoi a bit boring. Granted, Matoi doesn't have a Chrom obsession but she doesn't have the survival guilt thing either, which gave Cordelia more depth. "I'm so perfect, but I want to be more perfecter!" Easy there, Marry Sue. I think the bust joke is a better punch line than "I can't help being so awesome". Just anime stereotypes. Clumsiness shows vulnerability that some find cute in girls.
  7. Because that's just what this game needs more of, more negative gay stereotypes. The latter idea might work better but I don't really think Fire Emblem is the best game to discuss issues of sexual identity. I don't dislike everything about her. Her supports (with Lazwald iirc) mention her befriending and teaching thugs and lowlifes to be better people which I found interesting. The problem is, you can't be an active serial killer and be on the "good guy" side. Psychologically broken or not, that's a bad thing and must be taken seriously less the other character's moral integrity comes into question. Someone mentioned elsewhere that we've had psycho characters, like Karel, in the past but they were treated with more fear and wariness as one should expect.
  8. You have a number of preset layouts depending on your route (all of them in Revelations iirc). You can talk to your helper (Felicia or Jacob but you can change that too) to change the appearance, layout, name and music of your castle. I believe the max number of characters is 58.
  9. My OC is a Nohrian character using a Naginata (far superior to the "lances" used by white piggu gaijin). Come at me bro. #beatingthesystem
  10. It was kind of a boring support anyway so no loss there. Kisaragi looks good with Aqua's hair color though
  11. Interpret it how you like. I'm just telling you what happened in the support. It ends with Takumi saying "From now on, as an older sister and younger brother, let's exist hand-in-hand." I still think them getting married felt really weird.
  12. I'd like to see a Dark Souls-like story with FE gameplay. Maybe the main character would be undead (and thus functionally immortal) and recruits other characters to help break the curse. That or just put DS characters into a FE game. Let me Skinship Artorias and Ornstein, you bastards. I don't have an armor fetish. [spoiler=Or Belka and Yukimura.] I already play Fates like Pokemon. Gotta catch all the generics.
  13. Nice ideas. A shame they didn't get anything special.
  14. There's not much you can do about consequence-less support grinding in Birthright/Revelations, unfortunately. You could equip the joke weapons (there are a few other weapons that either can't kill or even heal the enemy) so you aren't getting too much experience per battle. For the best (read; worst) weapons, you can use: Kunai: Small stone (weak, can't double) Bow: Horizontal Yumi (can't double, 1-2 range) Zero's Sadist bow (can't double or kill) or Cupid bow (weak, heals enemy after battle) Tome: Petit Fire (weak) Sword: Takumi's Bamboo Blade (can't kill or double) Axe:Carp (weak) Lance: Pieri's Little Lance (weak, can't double)
  15. How does critical avoid work? Looking at the interface, it has a value for avoid but I don't see anything for critical avoid. You can get more feathers with the Battle for the Strongest Royal DLC. But yeah, Galeforce won't trigger on attack or guard stance so it's use is more limited (not necessarily a bad thing for game balance)
  16. He's the boss of Sophie's chapter. Pretty cool design. We need more playable beards.
  17. Neat. I fully support Pieri being replaced and a battle hardened warrior would be a good adviser and guardian to Marx. My plans for Nacht were to have him as a grim fighter but warm around his niece (whom he adopted after his sister and brother-in-law died). He would become the commander of the Nohrian army after Marx defects to the rebels.
  18. She has a custom outfit. I don't see why they couldn't give her pants. I don't see why they couldn't give all the female characters pants.
  19. You know, I immediately recognized my mistake after replying to your earlier comment but I was at work so I didn't have time to edit it. I thought I was posting in a character discussion thread so I misinterpreted the context of your post. I agree with you here. Eponine won't be censored considering even more problematic characters like Tharja who made the cut. Fans aren't the ones who decide such things anyway. Indeed. The biggest problems started in Awakening, although they cranked up the unfortunate implications to the max in Fates.
  20. Doesn't stop all the "Aqua-neesan" comments from Takumi. Their C-A support (shallow as it is) is basically Aqua wishing they could be closer as siblings and Takumi getting over his wariness of Aqua. And then the S rank hits and "I've always loved you as a woman."
  21. "Sibling relationship", as in they are like siblings.
  22. Don't worry, the awkwardness is still there. Aqua can marry Ryouma and Takumi and they have a sibling relationship. Grinding is by nature "going out of your way" so it isn't really easier to get all the kids in Hoshido, they just have more grinding options. Nohr players can grind support points by doing my castle battles.
  23. You hit the nail on the head and really showed just how much S supports ruin characters. @Mox might be okay with that.
  24. 1. Gay marriage is legal in the USA and while we still have a long way to go before total acceptance, we're making progress. 2. If people in the game had an adverse reaction to Kamui being gay, that would be a reflection to their values, not ours. 3. All the homosexual options in Fates are already deviants and unusual. Take that as you will.
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