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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. My first exposure to Fire Emblem was through Smash Bros melee, but I didn't really know the characters or where they came from. I saw Roy and was like "Ey, it's the the sword guy with the red hair and the flaming whatever, let's give it a go~". Later I saw an ad on TV for Blazing Sword (wah-huh? Fire Emblem had advertisements!?) and got more interested. I was determined to play the after seeing a special ad and review of Blazing Sword in a gaming magazine. The Fire Emblem sticker from the magazine is still on the door to my room back in America.
  2. Is it strange that I haven't seen a single Midoriko on any team? And I've visited a lot of castles.
  3. Takumi's dislike of Kamui is fairly justified though. It probably part of the reason he is so popular.
  4. You do. I think Shephen subscribes to a "only the basics" set of rules for the game. No DLC, nothing gained from visiting other players, etc.
  5. People really talked up that personal skill (and it's helpful that he can heal with the pegasus skill) but you're going to have a bad time if you think he's going to be dodging attacks to keep his health at max. Why would a 'tanky' unit have a skill that helps him dodge anyway? Kazahana should have got that.
  6. Sounds good. I suppose it would be good to have a combination of alliances by marriage and obedience by intimidation (the hostage stuff).
  7. Personally, I liked what the balance they had between Chrom and Robin. Sure, Robin got a lot of praise thrown their way but it felt mostly (there are times when it was bad, however) proportionate to their role in the story. One would expect that the tactician of your group would be a important person in, well, a war. Fates was a big step backwards however; the player worshiping warping the plot and characters to give Kamui way more focus than he deserved. I could see them going two ways with this: 1. Give the "avatar" a more defined (and likable) personality and keep the player input restricted to customization and some dialogue choices. It will not be "you" anymore, but you'll have some power to direct them. Defined characters are always going to be more interesting than self-inserts, so why pretend otherwise? Tactics Ogre did a good job of giving the player's character options and importance without it turning into a feet kissing contest. 2. Make the avatar a supporting character that doesn't hold as much sway over the plot. Choose who you romance, choose your class and appearance, maybe even choose from a set of personalities that define whom you can support with. Considering Fire Emblem's target audience, this would probably be a favorable method. I'm not very optimistic about future avatars. People who appreciate well written stories and characters are probably in the minority compared to those who just want fan service and to be worshiped.
  8. Romance is generally best left to minor sub-plots/character development. I like Crimson x Ryouma because it seems like it's a romance that could blossom as the two fight alongside each other as opposed to either one actively trying to court the other. How exactly would you frame the development between Leon and Flora? I don't recall them speaking to each other in the game. [spoiler=concerning your spoiler]Do you want them to die? Artificial humans don't last long in Fate/Stay.
  9. Likes -a lot of the class outfits and battle animations look great -plethora of new classes and skills -the attack/guard stance system -improved skill gaining system -hidden weapons -many new weapon types -Nohr chapter design -music -Oboro Dislikes -the story (particularly Nohr) -weapons not having unique icons -many characters not having any unique color pallets -awkward/excessive fanservice (certain class outfits, stripping, my castle stuff) -player worship -poor integration of children -undermining the family themes with casual incest -unable to buy limited stock items at other player's shops
  10. >gay couple producing children >Hana x Lazwald = Blue haired Soleil I will accept that a wizard did it. A lot of these pairings look really good, especially Ryoma x Crimson. All that red and gold, it's so beautiful. I'm almost more upset that this pairing isn't possible than I am about the story as a whole.
  11. On the subject of underwhelming units, how should Tsubaki be utilized to be the most effective? I know he gets Swallow Strike but it can be frustrating when he's only doubling on the player phase.
  12. Yeah, it's not impossible to beat, just tedious. The jars slow down your momentum and (unless you memorize their location or use a guide) they are difficult to use strategically.
  13. If you battle them you can get up to 3 battle points and 3 visitor points. +1BP for participating in battle, +1BP for winning, +1BP for giving them a battle rating. +1VP for visiting their castle, +1VP for giving their castle a rating, +1VP for giving an accessory
  14. I see, that's a bit more encouraging then. Still, that's a lot of points to grind.
  15. Is there a way to make your battle/visitor points roll over to other save files or does each save file have to earn its own points? Looking at the max number of points you can get, you'd have to win 3,333 battles on a single file to max out your ranking...
  16. Just tested it out, doing stuff at other people's castles also gets you point (I'm not even sure how to tell if other people visited you). 50 points isn't too hard to get, I suppose.
  17. According to Serenes, you can increase your visitor rank by going to other castles, giving them accessories, giving them a rating or visiting all their facilities.
  18. Do you get visit points by going to other castles? I don't recall ever getting that club.
  19. I presume he is referring to the title of the thread. It should be "Couldn't care less".
  20. Wouldn't you just get their secondary? Edit: Nvm, just saw Riolumaster's post.
  21. In my personal headcanon, Robin married and knocked up all of them and is the real father of Lucina. It's all part of a plot to break Chrom's spirit for...reasons.
  22. If I had to take a guess, I'd say they haven't because Fire Emblem is high fantasy, focusing on a romanticized medieval period. Gallant knights, noble princesses, plucky heroes and all that. Post-apocalyptic ruins of the past era doesn't feel very Fire Emblem to me. That said, it sounds like a really cool idea and I'd like to see it.
  23. Robin: It was either your brain damaged older sister or your daughter. Chrom: Yeah, this is marginally better.
  24. I haven't used Galeforce but I doubt it's nearly as useful considering it won't work in Attack or Guard Stance. You can also get the Dark Flier item from the Battle for the Strongest Royal DLC if you don't want to buy the 3rd route.
  25. Don't give them any ideas. Jokes aside, I'm really glad they didn't pull another "Emmeryn" and bring Mikoto back from the dead. What they did in Awakening was pretty tasteless.
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