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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. No and no. With marriage, you're forced to come up with reasons for two people to socialize when they may have nothing in common. It just devolves into characters discussing their gimmicks. And when you get to the S-Rank support, the relationship changes into a romantic (and implied sexual) relationship with no realistic continuity or reason. S-ranks that don't sound completely forced make up the exceptions. Children are even worse because they warp the whole story around them (Awakening) or are explained so poorly, they hardly make sense at all (Fates). Genealogy is obviously the exception here but losing half your cast to replace them with children is also not very agreeable. If I were to change the direction of the series (because let's face it, marriage and children are going to be a permanent fixture, writing and story be damned), I'd make it so people only support with a selection of the cast and S-ranks will be to mark paired endings (be they romantic, bonds of fraternity or otherwise). Romantic S-ranks would just be the start of a relationship and their marriage would be discussed in the epilogue. The only thing that makes children special is the inheritance system but there are plenty of other ways to share classes and skills. I wouldn't mind marriage for just the avatar (another feature unlikely to go anywhere) or other select characters if their marriage were tied into the plot like a political marriage to secure military support. They could even have post marriage supports to develop the relation further.
  2. The most important part of designing a character is making them likable, so making them an edge-lord for the sake of itself would be a mistake. I'd like to see a more ruthless lord who has to make tough decisions, perhaps even seemingly cruel ones that would draw criticism from his retainers. "The power of friendship" and "everyone deserves mercy" are things I could live without in future protagonists. Joel is a good example of a completely ruthless protagonist that players can still sympathize with.
  3. I haven't tried her as a maid but she is very competent as a War Priestess and gets a unique model to boot. It will probably take some grinding to get ALL the children but you can get most just playing normally. More characters get married, more paralogues unlock to grind support points and the effect snowballs.
  4. Hm, we had some different experiences here. While Kagerou is definitely a great mage killer, she never had the speed to reliably double enemies (all my ninjas suffered from underwhelming speed, actually) so she was incredibly fragile and only effective at softening targets or sniping weakened enemies. Oboro on the other hand had great strength, speed and defense to be a powerful offensive and defensive unit. Even her resistance was high enough to not be easily daunted by mages.
  5. They probably will and it will be an incredibly barefaced lie. Considering the subtlety of some of the other S-rank supports, I wouldn't be surprised if they inserted some dialogue like "Elise, you're 18 years old!?" "Yup! I just graduated from medieval high school! I hope my diminutive size and the fact that I'm your sister won't dissuade you from having a romantic relationship with me!"
  6. While it's a tad bit easier to ignore than all the lolicon, incest and other sketchy elements being poured into the series, it still affects other entries in the series. All this "multiverse" and "outrealms" garbage has made the canon relationship between different games ambiguous at best. Awakening is "sorta" canonically tied to Fates. Through DLC, every game in the series is "sorta" related. Canon should never be "Believe whatever you want about the series, lmao".
  7. They can't use dark magic but considering the only dark magic available is a heavily nerfed Nosferatu, you aren't missing out on much.
  8. I thought Midoriko looked to be around 8 and Sakura + Elise 12-14. Take it from someone who works with children, they are really quite young.
  9. Some hybrid classes work better than others (and some characters are better at these classes). Maids/Butlers, for example can be effective support units but I feel like Joker is better than Felicia because his higher strength is more useful than magic when he doesn't use magic offensively (although there is a magic hidden weapon). I've enjoyed using Shura (based Bolt Axe) and War Priestess a lot. As far as single weapon type users vs multiple weapon type users, personally I think single types are often better. Snipers and Holy Lancers are crit monsters and the diversity of weapons means they have plenty of options, even without other weapon types to use. Oboro is my go-to unit for fighting Berserkers and she only uses Lances. Multi-weapon users run into the problem of not being able to master their weapon rank. Have run training your Weapon Master when you need to get two weapons past E rank again (promoted classes should start with D rank weapons). Weapon Scrolls are a blessing, but in limited supply.
  10. This. It's absurd that Midoriko could be a mother and even worse that she could have anything close to a normal mother/child relationship. But kids having kids is okay. Kana is uguu cute afterall. All this tells me is that Awakening and Fates did a lot to fuck up their own canon and the series as a whole for the sake of fanservice.
  11. There is no genderlock. On the Classes sticky, there is a screenshot of a Dark Flier Leon and Dread Fighter Felicia.
  12. It seems random to me but the number of characters you can meet increases by the rank of the onsen (one, two and three persons).
  13. How do the Dark Flier and Dread Fighter promotion items work? Can you use them each twice per play through? If you change out of those classes, do you have to use them again to change into them again, or are the classes "learned" and available again with a parallel seal?
  14. Wait, is that scene in the game? I don't remember that. Yes, it's exactly as you described. 1st gen parents are objectively terrible people for what they do to their kids. Kamui's scumbag level rises to infinity if you marry Midoriko because you knocked up your own retainer's very VERY underage daughter and then sent your daughter off to a secluded realm where she'd rarely get to see her parents. IS sure likes child abuse.
  15. To be fair, ignoring the implication of injecting your underaged sister with baby batter (haha, as if THAT was the most audacious thing in the game!), she's the most realistic sibling to fall for Kamui. Unlike the Nohrian siblings who you always knew and Ryoma + Hinoka who still remember you, Sakura only just met you. So... it's not quite as bad... as it could be.
  16. Kanna gets Dark Prince(ss), Kamui's other base class and Kamui's spouse's class. What classes does the other child get? Would a Midoriko born from a Fighter!Kamui get Herb Merchant, Dark Princess and Ninja? What about a Matoi born from that Kamui?
  17. I can't even imagine a Fire Emblem without incest and lolicon pandering! Oh wait, yes I can. [spoiler=IS, please] Maybe Midoriko is actually 4,000 years old...
  18. As of Hoshido 26, you don't get one so I'm gonna say no... Figures that the one class class that it would be good for can't use it...(unless you play the 3rd route).
  19. War Maiden is also an option. You won't be using that magic offensively but you'll get a powerful healer out of it.
  20. Velour's personal Skill Scavenge, might pair well with the mercenary skill Stubbornness. Together you'd get 30% of your health back every time it procs and with the Odd Cry skill, she'd get an additional 40% health back on odd turns.
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