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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Let me rephrase my position. The two routes are not joined together in a single story like a part 1 & 2 BUT they are meant to be different ways to explore a single conflict, the war between Nohr and Hoshido. It's like Fate/Stay Night's routes. Each path is exclusive to the others but each must be played to appreciate the greater story being told. I think the other route being offered as heavily discounted DLC is proof enough that IS doesn't want you to stop at playing "half" of the FE14 story. Emphasizing each game having a unique story is tell the consumer two things, 1. this isn't one game being sold for the price of two, and 2. the differences between versions is not as trivial as Pokemon so you it's worth it to buy both.
  2. My siblings and I are Brown, Blonde and Red (orange) respectively so there can be plenty of diversity in real life. That said, in fantasy, particularly anime-land where distinct facial features to point out a family relationship are uncommon, similar hair colors are a common way to denote who's related to who.
  3. The two routes are being treated as two parts of a greater whole so I think they should have equal difficulty and merits. It's no secret that the developers want people to play both games. You might have a point if they were completely unrelated stories but they are heavily connected. Is it wrong to want both halves of an experience to be equally engaging?
  4. They said that of the three routes, Nohr would be the hardest, Hoshido the easiest and the middle path somewhere inbetween. Maybe 'easiest' will still be an enjoyable challenge but I don't think parallel versions should vary much in difficulty as all. Nohr could have a terribly written story, for all we know, but it's already trying to do something new, which makes it more enticing. If both paths are written with the same competency, I'm placing my bets on Nohr being the most interesting.
  5. As eclipse said, Awakening fans aren't a separate breed of players, different from the other members of the fandom. That IS is treating Awakening fans like they are different and need a simple, easy 'accessible' game is concerning. Unless they think change will literally melt the brains of Awakening fans, there is no reason not to include an equally interesting story and varied mission objectives for BOTH versions. These games are both FEif, so there should not be such a large difference in the target audience between versions. An Awakening fan should still be able to enjoy Nohr and a 'series veteran' should still be able to enjoy. Hoshido. There is no reason to make different versions to serve different audiences when both games can serve all audiences.
  6. Fire Emblem: De-feet is not an option Fire Emblem: Heel face turn
  7. Fire Emblem: Starting on the Right Foot
  8. I'm not saying I'd like it, just that it seems plausible that they would say "Oh yeah, we totally inferred that there would be a version split!" Naturally, if someone advertises a game, the default understanding of said game (unless it's Pokemon) would be that there is a single version of the game. It's still too much to say "They heavily implied it would be one game but lied, because it's actually two." (just from a story standpoint, I do believe a 'choice' of who you side with is undermined by having two separate versions)
  9. It says in the English trailer that "you can only choose one path" so they might be able to get away with saying "we technically hinted at only one path being available per retail version".
  10. Fire Emblem: Imouto Dilemma Fire Emblem: Zekrom and Reshiram Fire Emblem:White Piggu vs Glorious Nippon
  11. The beginning of the English version of the trailer is full of "what if" questions so it's probably going to stay the same. I think it sounds good.
  12. Pegasi are now being exclusively used by the not!Japan faction despite being creatures from Greek mythology. I think it's safe to say Fire Emblem chooses its own lore.
  13. I want to like this game but I'm a little worried the games will be watered down to charge you more for less. I'll wait for reviews before I make a purchase. Fingers crossed for a fairly priced combined version.
  14. How does it follow that Hoshido needs to be exactly like Awakening to enjoy the same popularity? Did the Fire Emblem fanbase collapse after Sacred Stones because of the lack of world map? If I knew nothing about Fire Emblem and someone told me that: Version A will have more diversified gameplay and a more nuanced story Version B will have less diversified gameplay and a more typical story I'd choose Version A without hesitation. Why would I choose the game that looks less inspired? It's funny how caring about good gameplay and story makes someone "hardcore".
  15. Just looking at the polls on SF, Nohr had TWICE as many fans as Hoshido did. And now on top of that, Nohr is confirmed to have more diversified victory conditions and a way to lower the difficulty. I think Hoshido needs positive attention a lot more than Nohr.
  16. Jeez, the more information they reveal, the more Nohr shits on Hoshido. Better maps, better story, better difficulty? It's like they don't care about the Hoshido version at all. It's one thing to advertise one version being harder but when you say one version is an all around better game, then you have a problem.
  17. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=53096&page=1 You should post in this topic if you want to discuss genderlocked classes. Don't forget to check the front page for duplicate topics before creating new ones :)
  18. What post people want is some moral ambiguity to give Hoshido more depth.
  19. I know you don't think the game needs to be more accessible but if you did want to make it so without resorting to a casual mode, what would you recommend? Personally, if I wanted players to experience what I regard as the definitive Fire Emblem experience, I would provide a casual mode with incentives to play classic like extra chapters/characters. It's not the same. It's true, that no one will ever 'stay dead' because the player will just start over but the point is, you're invested enough in the character that you want to start over. In casual, no matter how badly you play, as long as you beat the chapter, everybody lives. Classic reverses that to "You beat the chapter when everybody lives." It's like in stories that feature time travel in order to save someone's life. They aren't any less dramatic, just because everyone lives at the end. It was the drive for the perfect ending that gets you and the characters invested. That's the classic experience! (I'm pro-inclusion of casual btw) R-right, yes! Well, don't mind me. I'm off to do ... things.... in my very socially fulfilling life. I'm posting this from the symphony.
  20. Thread topic needs to be changed to "X is a good/bad thing" "Well, that's just your opinion, man."
  21. This is probably the best explanation for the low damage. Magical weapons aren't going to be effective against mages. Looking at that screenshot, does it seem like your characters are a lot stronger than the enemy? 16 damage from Kamui and (if your calculation is correct) 18 damage/2 from the cavalier. Those numbers seem pretty high for low level weapons.
  22. Why do you argue if your point of view boils down to "All opinions are subjective and all desires are equal. To claim otherwise is a display of bias." Why discuss anything at all?
  23. I think that's a pretty hasty conclusion to make. We have no idea about how Dual Strike damage is now calculated, the strength of her weapon nor the defense of the enemy. If the theories about your pair up partner having different stances (evidenced by there being a "Attack" window) is true, she could very well be in a defensive stance. But I digress. As far as fast classes go, from what we've seen so far, Thieves are on the Nohr side and Archers on the Hoshido side so that's one subversion.
  24. The fact that Kamui has 3 skills as a level 11 unpromoted unit makes me think that he got a bonus personal skill. 2 class skills plus the personal one? I guess as the Lord, all of his skills are personal skills.
  25. Class-locked skills could be pretty cool but I'm not fond of reclassing in the game so if I had it my way, all class skills would be locked. Personal skills are also pretty cool, provided everyone gets something.
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