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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I'm aware but two people talking to each other once or twice does not a relationship make. I thought this was a "Love interest" thread not the "Who I imagine would make a good couple if they actually had a meaningful relationship" thread. On that subject, however, I hope I'm not the only one who ships Bobo Fett x Sarlacc pit.
  2. That does put a damper on most romantic relationships.
  3. As for my opinion on certain couples: Lyn x Hector: I thought they had an organic relationship, both being headstrong and honest to a fault. Hector is an emotional guy and Lyn can connect with those feelings. Lyn not fitting into Lycian society is a compelling argument for Lyn x Rath, however. Micaiah x Sothe: I know that some people are squicked out over the family-like relationship they have but I think the game makes it ambiguous enough that they could be like siblings or something more (unlike Fates where we have to shout out sibling titles every other word.) I actually like this ship more than most because the two care about each other deeply and routinely show it. Is it odd to say that I find their romance more likely exactly because they aren't overtly romantic? Like, there is no need to express romantic platitudes because they already trust and love each other. I swear, I don't advocate incest. Ike x anyone: Ike always struck me as being asexual and not very emotional in general. I think a good love interest is going to be involved in the development of the protagonist. Someone who helps the protagonist through their emotional lows and makes them a better person (and vice versa). I think the children in Fates are so poorly tied to the plot that they may as well be non-canon. Azura has 3 unique supports with Corrin, she's Corrin's primary advisor and companion and they're both Vallite royals. Revelation, the implied canon route, has you putting down all your chips on her and together they unite the world. I think that's a lot more evidence than any other possible pairing. Wat?
  4. Outside of Shadow Dragon gaidens (you know why), I always recruit everyone possible and I don't let anyone die even if I don't like them. No one left behind on Nekoknight's crew. Even Pieri.
  5. True but her stats aren't as well distributed as Ursula nor does she have a brave weapon like Reinhardt. Cecilia has +3 attack on Ursula BUT -7 speed, so where Ursula can double a sizable portion of the roster, Cecilia can only manage a modest 31 speed after a Hone Cavalry buff. Yes, she hits like a tank but other characters do it better.
  6. I don't know. People keep bring her up when discussing Horse Emblem but I think she's pretty rubbish compared to Reinhardt or Ursula. She hits hard but she's way too slow and has terrible defense regardless. She falls into this uncomfortable zone where her defenses aren't good enough to tank but her speed is too low to be a reliable attacker. I suppose she could be decent with TA + Gronraven but I'm unimpressed. She counters Reinhardt which is kind of nice.
  7. I never spend money on digital consumables, let alone ones without a guaranteed result. There are characters I want but it's not worth it to spend hundreds of dollars on a game when I can get a similar positive experience by paying $40-60.
  8. My current Horse Emblem team has Ursula/Jagen/Gunter (going to switch out for Xander)/Dancer or bonus unit. Yes, the team is all about supporting Ursula (Blarblade SI) whose only real weakness is brave bow users and the fact she can't be everywhere are once. What I would suggest (and what I am working towards) is building your team around buffing your horse mage (Hone/Fortify Cavalry + Xblade = +30 damage) and use tanky units to stall or mop up whatever you mage left behind. As for character choice, Eldigan has similar stats to Xander and Reinhardt is better than Olwen.
  9. That's why I never pull unless I have at least 20 orbs. You never know when you're going to get 5 spheres of the color you want. (Then again, had you not pulled when you did, you wouldn't be in possession of a Ryoma and Hector).
  10. I feel like Micaiah would be on Team Ike (ironic, I know). Her game opens up with her leading a rebellion and she absolutely has personal stakes in the war, namely Sothe.
  11. I know we can't expect that much from a gaccha game for story but I don't care for how they handled Veronica. She's an evil, gloating brat for most of the story and then they reveal "lol jk, she's actually just possessed and ronery". Color me surprised if there isn't a evil dragon behind it all. I think the story would be better if other characters were allowed to do anything. Every non-Heroes character basically shows up to say they are bound to a contract by Veronica and by the end of their world, they're free and we never see them again. Outside of Xander (lol), there aren't any characters who are willingly working with her or have any agency of their own. A gaccha game should have more of a "the adventure continues" approach to indefinitely drawing out the story. Heros' approach so far has been "literally nothing happens" rinse and repeat.
  12. Moonbow and Reposition are also on Palla and Selena (3-4* characters), respectively.
  13. Seeing the comments posted here, I really wish there was a hero trading feature. Some people are swimming in character that others get none of. Tharja is the highest Red Mage on the tier list and while Odin isn't good, he's the only source of Blarblade.
  14. Boots: Armor only - Move +1 Retreat: If an enemy attacked this unit and lowered their health below 50%, this unit can move that enemy's move +1 Run Down: If an enemy is below 50% health and one tile outside of this unit's attack range, this unit may move up to a tile and attack that unit. Safeguard: Halve out of battle damage effects on this units (Fury, AoE spells, Poison Strike, Savage Blow) Riposte: When this unit is attacked, it starts the battle with -1 on its Special Trigger Corrosion: Special Trigger 3 - The enemy that attacked this unit has their weapon unequiped until the end of their next turn. Wouldn't this have to be a passive skill for it to work?
  15. By this point, I have most of the 3-4* characters and a fair chunk of the character's available at 4* and over, but there are still some characters who evade my grasp at every turn. At the front of my list are Roy, Shanna and Cain. These are most important to me because they are the exclusive owners (at 4*) of level 3 Triangle Adept, Desperation and Wings of Mercy, key skills in many competitive builds that I can't seem to pull. Which of the 3* and 4* pulls have yet to grace your presence?
  16. From how much I've played (just the first two chapters) I can say this reflects my experience. (Although I chose my villager promotions based on what I thought would look the best rather than paying attention to those clues to their interests lol). It can't be said enough how fantastic the presentation of this game is. Full voice acting, animations (the animation can be a bit janky but I digress), cut scene art, town exploration and many other elements. The music is also a gem, even moreso if you listen to how the old tracks sound compared to the remasters. The maps leaves so much to be desired, unfortunately. A lot of maps are uneccesarily big and don't take advantage of their features. Take for example the final battle of chapter 1. You assault a castle and first you must cross a river. No enemies. Then you must breach a gate. No enemies. Then you take a LOOOOONG walk around to get onto some ramparts to defeat a small group of soliders (or just arrow them all to death from below) and then you fight a small force in the courtyard and you win. This is a castle siege and you fight two bloody groups! Also as Thane said, fighting summoners. This is a game where enemies are whittled down after several combat phases. Now imagine 6 enemies are summoned in a single turn and the summoner can just keep doing this without consequence. I can respect wanting to keep the feel of the original but maybe they could have made some parts less....shitty? Don't get me wrong, I think Gaiden has a lot of interesting ideas but I think they failed to polish a lot of things anyone could tell you aren't fun.
  17. As heated as these Faye discussions can get, I'm glad she's no where near as poorly written as Japanese!Soleil. I hope we can all agree Soleil is worse than Faye.
  18. I can agree insofar as being petty and selfish are indeed qualities you might see in love-struck children but Where does this ever come into the story? As far as I can tell, most of the cast can handle the trauma of war just fine without becoming emotionally dependent on another. Anyone who is suggesting deep mental anguish as the cause of Faye's behavior is really reaching. I think the voicework helps to portray her as unaware of her jerkish behavior but I'm not sympathetic because she is still a jerk. Can we forever dispel this argument that "People only dislike X because it doesn't agree with their shipping priorities"? Think better of your fellow fans.
  19. Don't worry, I'm sure those will be the winners of the next CYL poll and get those weapons as alternates. Surely. I just got an Eirika as well as Hector and Ninian, two other characters at the top of my list. You're in luck for Takumi though, considering the current focus.
  20. I recently got a Ninian but her nature is not ideal (+HP/-Spd). I have a few spare Fury's to spend. Do you think it would be worth it to put on her to patch up her speed? Ideally a dancer shouldn't be getting hit at all but in the event that she does, 33 speed would keep her from being doubled by more threats.
  21. Just pulled a Hector and a Ninian (right after making a thread saying I'd strongly consider them for a custom focus). After getting burned on the PoR banner, I needed this.
  22. It will probably be a Tharja landslide (or Leo if enough girls are playing) but I'll probably place my vote on Sanaki or M!Robin. What happened to my Elibe mages?
  23. I've been hearing other people lamenting not getting the characters they wanted while their focus was around. But what if you could choose your own focus? I'm imagining a system that would help people getting those characters they missed without making it TOO easy to get everything you want. The way I'd set it up is that you would select 4 characters, 1 from each color. You would be able to pull from this focus as much as you like BUT, after you pull a focus character, the focus is closed for 30 days. Who would you put into a custom focus? For me I would do: Red: Eldigan - I like my horses and while Ursula destroys most things, she by herself can't solo a map without support, particularly if there are tough greens around. Eligan has a cool unique weapon and natural Fury, so that's nice. Blue: M!Robin - As much as the heart yearns for Ninian, my non-horse teams need a strong Blue caster. TA also makes him a strong counter to most colorless units as well. Green: Minerva - I'd like to build a flier team and green is the last color I don't have a 5* in. Minerva hits hard but unlike her brother, she is fast as well. Hector could also easily be a top pick. Colorless: Priscilla - This is just a personal choice. I don't have any characters in this category that I simply must have (besides maybe Takumi) but I love her artwork and mounted healers are pretty good for training units and other non-arena stuff. I don't think the devs would ever do this but it's fun to think about.
  24. I always assumed them to have specific dragon-slaying magic, in the same way certain weapons are blessed to slay evil.
  25. This sounds like a fun scenario. Id be all for different phases of the battle and side objectives. When PoR did that with the battle in Serenes Forest, it felt like a slog to me, without story moments to break it up. Maybe I'd feel differently if each segment were more distinct but I feel shorter battles is better for pacing.
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