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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. I'm using the ground loop isolater, but I'm also using an audio splitter so I can listen to it seperately from my headphones. There is lag between the 3ds and the computer and I hate desynced audio. The splitter may be causing a bit of a hum, or it may be that I upped the volume in vegas without taking it to an equalizer first.
  2. My quick and easy playthrough. Also LOL at boss of CH1
  3. Class is sooooo loonnnnggggg. College will be worse though.
  4. reddit.com/r/spacedicks I'll sub my friends to that subreddit if they leave their accounts logged in on any electronic device I come across.
  5. what is that? school blocked youtube and I wont be home for like 5 hours =|
  6. get a job. Buy digital copy. Profit. Unfortunately I don't get much cash anymore. Did PC repair, and everyone is gettin macs now =|. Idiots.
  7. I'm debating whether to get the 3ds bundle (though I don't even need it) or download FE13 from EShop.
  8. In class. Kinda bored. Dunno what to do.
  9. Probably procrastinating with something, as are all of us.
  10. You have fun with that while I enjoy my pasaran plush :3
  11. Oh please (@TC), I was top 16 in GBAtemp's MK7 tourney and I haven't done any worse than being 1 stocked by Tyrant's MK the one or two times I played him. its been a while since I played though ^_^;
  12. it requires ASM coding. You will have to learn how to change what files the game loads in certain situations.
  13. AR codes, redirecting the animations for "active" to "idle" when loading animations.
  14. Good job, but you are a year and a half slow: I fixed the curser freezing on unused classes long ago: As well as documented all parts of character data for manual editing: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=26096
  15. It has up to CH 1 now. I haven't been uploading many chapters since I have like 4 games being played through all at once right now.
  16. Blazer forgot me? I feel unloved. I'm the essence of FEDS hacks ;~; Well some of them anyways.
  17. I'll be uploading a lunatic reverse playthrough. (With minor hacks, nothing too game-altering)
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