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Everything posted by Melodi

  1. OOOOOOOhhh I must've not fully understood your response when I replied! And No problemo~!
  2. I did in fact use a video! There's a gif of me twirling a broom handle in the post actually, but I'll post it again for you! So with the video, I used the nifty frame by frame playback that IOS has for videos to get my poses after I'd made a few basic sketches of the poses I wanted!
  3. So I've been doing some marker stuff today with these neat-o markers. [spoiler=MARKERS OH SHIT]I'm still working on blending without murdering the printer paper I've been drawing on. Harien's skin is too heavily blended, I hurt the paper with it. Kesta's eyes in the top doodle looked bad so i just sort of crossed them out My Kamui posting may never stop lol I also wanted to put art stuff in it's own spoiler so [spoiler=ART STUFF LOL]This next art project is called 'Rhythm in Motion' sooooo here we have me, twirling a wooden pole as though I were still in marching band And, for good measure I went to the trouble of making a gif of the full move five times through so you can get a better feel for what's happening in this picture [spoiler=WARNING SMALL ARTIST WITH WOODEN POLE] Aaaand that's it for the update! Tell me what you all think!
  4. It's October! And that means HALLOWEEN HOLY SHIT [spoiler=I drew stuff today guys. stuff that isn't lame]I was really feeling one of those moods where I draw Marx and Ryouma if they were in high school and it never fails to be enjoyable. Dumb headcanons involving Marx needing glasses and Ryouma getting shit for having SUPER LONG HAIR and as a result needing to tie it back which i feel like he'd really dislike for whatever reason. I literally haven't drawn Ryouma in forever so like idk what i was doing tbh And then I started drawing Kesta and Harien, aka my precious Kamuis Remember when I said it was October and that meant Halloween? I remembered that I was going to do this Drawlloween thingy so here's today's entry: If anyone cares to see them, I also have a fuckload of my concept sketches for my next art project, so holler if you want me to post 'em?
  5. Thank you so much for your words of critique! I'll definitely take it all into consideration as I continue on ouo I swear to god Mysti, you made me tear up with this ;u; Where do you start with art? Well, you really do begin with a paper and pencil and envision that which you desire in your mind before attempting to put it onto paper. At first it's not going to look anything like what you imagine it to look like, but as you begin to practice more and more it will become closer and closer to what you desire. I hope that helps? Also hey!!! I have the final product of my fabric drawing, so here you guys are: [spoiler=HELL YEAH] Here it is guys~! Also, thank you all for the really great comments that you guys have been leaving me lately! Your words make me really want to update my thread more often! ouo
  6. I'm screaming so hard right now i'm getting so many really sweet comments on my thread and it makes me really happy!!! ouo
  7. Every day I go outside, squinting against the morning sun, when the massive dragon made out of paper descends from the sky to capture me so we may do battle with each other so it may bestow my artistic abilities upon me for the day. I am carried to a mountaintop high above sea level where a massive pencil awaits me, for it is my weapon. A fierce battle ensues, but each morning I emerge victorious and my artistic abilities are once again renewed. That is how I became talented. Okay in all honesty, thank you so much for your kind words omg I have to say that art is really hard sometimes but it is totally worth all the practice i have put in to become as skilled as I am today. SO yeah thank you so much ouo
  8. [spoiler=Ugh I haven't drawn like anything this weekend]Here, have this charcoal drawing of fabric I've been working on
  9. FUCK YEAH I MADE SOME ART YEAH yeah... yeahhhhhh... [spoiler=Both of these are wips]I wanted a new background for my blog so I'm working on this And now: Proof i can't draw guys who don't look like fluff balls There's actually further progression of this drawing but I want to ask about the arm with his helmet in it and how that's supposed to look so yeah. EDIT: Holy fucking christ i just realized that I've had this thread up for 5 months! Wowza!
  10. Thank you! I like to think of the hat as being where all the ideas hide when there's not enough space to keep them inside, if that makes sense.
  11. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa yeah I wanted to update and put it in the thread anyways though ouo
  12. More shit to show off to viewers who don't reply [spoiler=yeehaw]I've been wanting to draw more Wizartist stuff so That's all for the moment, I'm gonna go through my sketchbook and see if there's anything else to show off, will update again in just a little bit. EDIT: I just ended up drawing smth on Miiverse because I'm hanging out in the basement and the lighting in here SUCKS down here. [spoiler=PITTY PAT]
  13. Just a few things to show off today, most of which being school projects lol. [spoiler=I apologize in advance for the sheer size of the images]There is to be no assumption that I, the shark loving trashbaby that I am, would ever perpetuate shark fear and stereotypes. guh the picture quality on this is so subpar We're drawing foldy shit for this next project so uh aaaand now for something much smaller that i drew a few days ago Obligatory fire emblem character for fire emblem forum That's all for now! I hope you enjoyed the art, please feel free to provide criticism.
  14. I have very little to show off this week, but it's all good shit ouo [spoiler=I make good art i swear]so i got my pit amiibo today, so I'm v happy ouo My smol flightless angel son I also am a sucker for sharks man, so here's my current art project for school okay but first here's just a closeup of the shark because I LOVE this pic actually happened before the one above it but whatevs
  15. Some small doodles from this week [spoiler=I'm so lazy about resizing stuff so these are gonna be HUGE]get ready for huge images everyone i drew my lionfish mermaid again ouo When am I not drawing myself tbh EDIT: MORE UPDATES [spoiler=BONUS UPDATE HOLY SHIT] I drew Pit today~! PleasE PLEASE PLEASe feel free to share opinions and critiques. Yeah I know these are mostly doodles but like, there is also like an entire thread of stuff you can tell me what you like and dislike and all that jazz about so please feel free to do it okay.
  16. Zero would totally be the kind of guy to jokingly stick his tongue out at someone when they told him to pose for a picture omg I have to say, the way you colored his little cape-y thing looks really good on him, so props to you!!
  17. I'm the cutest shark you'll ever meet

    1. Yari


      What about baby sharks?

  18. I am the cutest girl you've ever seen, and one you can never have ouo
  19. I feel like i should post a selfie, considering just how shameless I tend to be about them [spoiler=Lol I take so many selfies]I couldn't decide which one to so i just ended up with all three omg these are huge I'm such shameless tRASH about selfies it's great ouo
  20. It was a little activity fair to get the incoming freshman more involved in school activities, and I had the task of promoting the Anime club
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