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Everything posted by Melodi

  2. [spoiler=anglerfish mermaid makes a surprising comeback]wowza final line before i started attacking it with gouache it looks weird rn b/c i'm still trying to build contrast in certain areas and that has been your update
  3. Still wishing school actually taught me how to study before I needed to know how so that I hadn't had such a hard time adjusting to high school =_=
  4. Thanks for the input! [spoiler=Am I an artist]i got markers for my birthday I tried my hand at splicing again for the first time in like... idk 6 months? Whenever the last time I posted sprite-y shit in here I was going to add glasses but then Cero decided it needed more muscles Sailor Shark's final form lol
  5. The project was 3 point perspective, making the curves and twists of the dragon something of a challenge to pull off, but I think that the added buildings of the city made the worm's-eye angle of it far more prominent for the viewer. If I had had more time/patience/larger rulers and more space on the table in the art room I feel as though I could have populated the dragon's back with more urban elements, but I'm not totally sure if that would have distracted from the fact that there was a city on what accidentally became the equivalent of Rayquaza. What are your thoughts on all that? Like, if I were to decide to re-do this piece digitally(or just draw over the current one digitally because I'm sort of lazy), do you see the possibility of adding more buildings on as disrupting the balance of the composition or do you think doing so would allow more cohesiveness in terms of visuals?
  6. Wow! An update! [spoiler=tbh i've just ben hella lazy about updating] Alrighty here goes Nearly completed Sailor Shark drawing that I'm working on on my phone some late night doodles from the other day aaaand a finished art project! Happy holidays to everyone!
  7. I started adulthood with 40 messages wishing me happy birthday ;u;

  8. Thank you!! It is a shark necklace lol thank you though ouo
  9. So I'm back with another selfie and this time, I'm even CUTER than before! Multiple selfies because i love showing off
  10. Small update before I log off for the night. [spoiler=I might be in another one of those art ruts where i have no desire to work on anything ] That's all folks. Enjoy!
  11. Not sure if this has been answered before, didn't see anything about it in the thread, but once submissions are sent in, is there somewhere where they are posted or will no submissions be showcased until after the period of submission has ended?
  12. I like answering questions time to answer this one I'm one of those people who gets really excited about the capabilities of living creatures. I don't have much of a real reason, but if I absolutely had to choose one to satisfy the requirement for a question, I'd say that the things we can learn about the living things around us will bring us all closer to better understanding why a particular phenomena or disease takes place and then utilize that to make this world a better place. I believe that one day through the strength of science that I will live in a world where nerve cells (which divide so rarely that a single nerve cell is likely to outlive its organism) could be repaired in such a way that would reverse paralysis or Parkinsons or MS or the damages left behind after a stroke or a world where I would be able to completely understand the biological mechanisms that cause me to feel emotions or that cause my dreams or that cause my thought processes. That's why I'm especially interested in learning new things that i can then loop back to a biological context, because it makes me excited as all fucking hell to be alive. Yes! The ampullae of Lorenzini do in fact do things! As for how, they do that, there's a special, hella conductive jelly solution and highly sensitive nerves inside each pore. The electromagnetic sensitivity has navigational uses as well as prey seeking. It's pretty cool. Hammerhead sharks are especially good at using the electrosensitivity they have to navigate the oceans of the earth, from what I have read.
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