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Everything posted by Melodi

  1. Ah! I'd never have noticed if you didn't mention it! I can't tell what i was doing over there, but I'll be sure to fix that up when i go back into it. Thank you~
  2. Ahhhh, I can't wait to show more! I hope to post more of my stuff very soon (that is if i can actually draw anything that looks finished, which i think i can but shrug)! Ahhh, thanks! Sometimes the doodles turn out way better than the things that are actually planned out and all that jazz. Does he? I hope that's not a bad thing, but i guess it's because his eyes aren't as massive and doe-like as they are in his sprite! I'll try and post some more stuff within a day or two, thank you for all your nice words ouo!
  3. I really like the sketchy-ness of the Bayleef and Beedrill! They have a certain aesthetic about them that is very visually pleasing. Your color choices on the water in the Bayleef picture are especially nice, and I'd say that it's a very good first attempt at scenery!
  4. Sorry for the delay in updates! Here's a little doodle of Ricken I started messing around with colors on. [spoiler=Haha this thing is gigantic ] I'm probably going to clean up the sketch and color it for real soon, but wanted to get some feedback on what I've got down on the canvas so far!
  5. Sorry, Icarasu, but i don't do requests! It's hard to explain why but I just don't like to have someone else decides and sets the parameters of what I pour my creativity into it's just sort of difficult for me to do. Thank you all for your kind words! I'll be sure to show off more of my mermaid designs soon ouo
  6. So here I am, finally making an art thread. For the most part, I'm hoping to amass constructive criticism and hopefully strengthen my art style along the way! Before we get to the actual art, I apologize in advance for any low quality images, 99% of the pictures for the traditional art are taken with my phone. [spoiler=Old stuff] It sucks that I don't actually have the actual image for this next one but whatever, right? All that stuff is maybe a year or two old at this point and my art style has changed since then so none of it is really 100% relevant anymore. I could use more stuff for that last spoiler but it's not really necessary because I'm here to talk about more current pieces. [spoiler=More current art, Cutesy things]Okay so this is all going to be my more cartoony chibi stuff, which is for whatever reason the stuff I color most. Over the summer I drew up a boat load of mermaid designs that i sometimes still draw so yeah! The original drawing of this particular mermaid will be further down in the post. Edea Lee from Bravely Default Meduka Pitty Pat And to finish off this little chunk, have a little Agatha I drew for a friend. And now for my most preferred style, the not-chibi one. [spoiler=How Many Ways Can I Draw Myself Before You Get Suspicious]I'll might as well start with this one Up next we have random OC Anglerfish Mermaid Maybe I'll color that someday. Different OC that ended up as practice drawing butts. I'm never finishing this. And, to finish off this spoiler, something I drew yesterday! Because this is a Fire Emblem Forum, the obligatory Fire Emblem art! [spoiler=I'm hoping to expand to other FE characters but I've been lazy as of late so it's mostly Awakening characters right now]Lets do this! Henrizzle the Birb Wizzle Tiki The Actual Five Year Old MU, because why not? Ryouma from FE14! That all barely scratches the surface (especially the Fire Emblem Portion, my god), but I think it's a relatively good mix of my range of art styles and a good place to start. I hope to be posting mainly Fire Emblem related works, because we all can relate to Fire Emblem for the most part, right? Comments and criticism are welcomed and encouraged!
  7. *Insert pun involving Chrommunism and Marxism here*

    1. Melissa



  8. Very nice work! I like how clean your lines look overall and I really like the way you draw boots and pose them! Keep up the good work, I hope to see more from you!
  9. Boy do I want some Gangrilled Cheese

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