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Everything posted by Melodi

  1. Aaaaand another update before school starts with some school-related stuff. [spoiler=It hurts my heart when no one replies to this topic]First things first, I have a little something I whipped up for a promotional thingy for the Anime Club i run at school. And then there's this thing, which is part of my summer homework for AP Studio To those of you wondering what this is, it's me putting on socks. Please, I'd really like some feedback on these.
  2. I swear, every time I check your thread there's always something magnificent to see! Your art style is so distinct and I absolutely love it ouo
  3. I always say i'll color stuff but then I never get around to it because I'm terrible

  4. Three days later, I've actually drawn things worth posting because the art block has been hitting me hard and so has last week of summer break feeling. I might post some more of the drawings involved with the whole pokemon silliness but really only if you guys say I should because i can't really decide on my own. [spoiler=Legitimately none of what I draw can be considered serious anymore] I laugh because all of these images are massive and I'm too damn lazy to resize Obligatory Lobster Lord art I'm going to color this in the near-future because I love drawing Marth okay If any of you remember when I said I'd draw Dancer Marth, here he is in all his heroic glory. Please, do tell me what you think! I'm always open to comments, critiques, and criticism!
  5. It's been like almost two weeks and I haven't updated at all. Time to fix that before school ruins everything. [spoiler=shrugging intensifies] Weiss' shoes make me angry [spoiler=Dumb adventures in pokemon????] Dumb adventures in pokemon Yeah... Yeah whatever I'll try and actually draw something for realsies later today
  6. tfw u feel like ur super needy and clingy because u get lonely kinda easy

    1. IceBrand


      That's why I always go on skype, just to keep in touch with friends.

  7. Just imagine a shark on a slip'n slide, tearing the plastic to shreds as it goes

  8. Holy shit I updated again within two days [spoiler="I've been drawing" did u mean "it's just kamui shit"] I'm probably gonna make this my Icon at some point I drew this
  9. I honestly tend to draw people looking happy and sweet and nice all the time tbh but thank you ouo
  10. I said I was gonna update and here it is, like 4 days late. [spoiler=I did do shit on zero too] I drew this during the school year but it's kinda cute u feel All I did was color his chest skin but u know, that's an update [spoiler=So I learned how to splice possibly?] Of course i made splices of myself why the hell wouldn't I? That's all for now! Feel free to tell me what you think!
  11. Oh my goodness your pixels are super duper cute and your coloring is honestly top notch! Can't think of much in the way of critique, since everyone's already said what I've seen, but I'm excited to see more from you! How exactly would you want me to credit you if I were going to use the Ryouma pixel in my sig? (which of course i'm going to do because ryouma is my favorite)
  12. Your chibis are so precious oh my goodness!
  13. Ahhhhh thank you! Tsuri's one of my favorite baddies from WatGBS and I think I might draw one of his friends to match him
  14. I have almost nothing to update with, but here is a Tsuribari. [spoiler=So yeah just be warned he has a fishhook through his head and is also dead] I'll probably update with more art later
  15. Everything deserves a mermaid au okay. Literally everything

  16. A+ Dancer Dozla. "These earrings are a symbol of my manliness" Looking at the earrings, they look like rigid loops of skin-colored metal to me... If you can, try and make the earring colors less similar to the color of his skin? Other than that, great job! ouo
  17. A Robin avatar in a sea of Kamuis. I feel so unique tbh

  18. The way you draw eyes is super cool! The way you draw in general is also super mega cool. I can't wait to see more!
  19. As usual, I'm keeping up with the whole "yo I'll do my damnedest to update this thread at least one time a week" statement I made because here I am bringing another update! [spoiler=My desire for new games grows ever stronger by the day] [spoiler=I'm SO CLOSE TO FINISHING ZERO] I colored in some of the lines on the face and hair because I was sick of them not being colored in. I'll probably do the same to the arm soon! [spoiler=Aaaaand now here's some doodles that resulted from me screwing around in paint] I had no clue what I was doing with the eyes. Also, I really want Splatoon. And now a less serious doodle that i'm putting into a sub spoiler because, while funny, this drawing is kind of crude in terms of humor. [spoiler=I think I drew this because i wanted to prove that Paint was a good art program] Except the person was talking about MapleStory and I found out halfway into my lazy coloring montage. That's all for now!
  20. Every time I see your art, it puts a smile on my face! It's just so cool to see your progress through some pieces and your work is so aesthetically pleasing and I absolutely adore everything.
  21. Melodi

    Arts stuffs :3

    My goodness, your art is phenomenal! I'm blown away by just how nice your style is. Can't wait to see more!!!
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