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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Yeah, you're right about that one. I'm worried about that seal as well. The arena is possibly going to get even scarier soon. --- Rank Updates: Arena: 4984 - Rank 1439/4474 to stay in Tier 20. AA: 4954 - Rank 1219.
  2. Ah, good point. Maybe I could give Rein Swordbreaker too if he becomes a problem.
  3. I'm kinda nervous about Sigurd... I rely on my Rein to one-shot all the reds and if Sigurd replaces all the Eldigans, Brave Roys, and Leos on the horse emblem teams, that might be a problem for me.
  4. Oh, my bad. Just deleted some inactive people and randos, try now?
  5. I guess I'll join in. If anyone on team F-Corrin wants to add me, feel free! 5247267905. My username is Kassie.
  6. Awww, you seem like a really sweet person, mister Buttmuncher. I like the way you think! Yeah, I thought it was normal too... I definitely got my fair share of spankings when I was a kid...
  7. Looks like the final round will be Ninian vs. F-Corrin! I'm glad. I don't care about winning, and going up against Ninian means we'll get lots of multipliers, right? I'll have to spend my flags more wisely this time...
  8. Gah, I only have 200 flags left. I didn't think the Corrin vs. Tiki match would have this many multipliers. My score is currently 822k for team F-Corrin, and I'm pretty sure I'll be bumped out of the top 5k by the end since I'm almost out of flags.
  9. Aww, kinda disappointed there isn't a trailer. Maybe they'll post one later today? New characters are fun, so I hope so! I only have 39 orbs saved up right now, though. (I threw all of my orbs at the PA banner until my Inigo reached +4 because why not. After that, I decided that was enough & started saving up again.)
  10. 1. Do you play Fire Emblem Heroes? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. What three words best describe you? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What's something you've tried that you'll never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What's been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
  11. I never skipped class in high school, but I skipped allllll the time in university. I was just so over school. Dropped out eventually and glad I did.
  12. Yup, I usually get @SatsumaFSoysoy's Celica and @Tybrosion's Ryoma. I occasionally get @Tactician_Iris's Ryoma. (They're all good since I'm using F-Corrin.)
  13. Ahahaha, that is definitely the most... unique... Hector I have ever seen. Good job - very beautiful. Gave me a good laugh.
  14. I think I'm getting baby fever. I never used to think babies were cute. Now I awww internally every time I see just a picture of a baby... I daydream a lot about having one. Pretty much every day now. I want to have one in a couple years, I think. I'm 28. --- Oh my goodness, that's hilarious. You just made my day.
  15. Argh. I finally got a deathless arena run. Once again, it took me like, 15 crests or so. The scoring range I'm in now is seriously tough. I got a new high score, though. Dunno if it was worth the pain or not, eheh... Next week my team will be quite different & I'll be back to using one of the Askr dudes as my bonus unit, so my scores will definitely be lower (and the fights hopefully easier again, frick!). Team: Laslow +5, Reinhardt +5, Inigo +4, and Brave Ike +3. I think I'll start taking snapshots of interesting/entertaining things I run into. Here's a couple pics: Arena: 4984 - Currently rank 766/4176 to stay in 20. Defense: 590 Arena Assault: 4954 - Currently rank 836. Also, I have a defense win from someone named "FUCKHORSES".
  16. If you're set on remaining free-to-play from now on, just consider this your "payment" for the game and move on without feeling guilty. You supported a game you like, got the character you wanted, and didn't have to spend an excessive amount of money to get her. (Although it sucks you weren't able to get her in that big pile of orbs you saved up! Bad luck. ) What's done is done, enjoy your Azura and don't feel bad about it.
  17. Awesome, I placed in the top 1000 on Team Female Corrin. Wow, I'm quite surprised that Nowi and Young Tiki lost. These matches really can go either way now... I don't really care who wins cause I'm just in it for the feathers (and it's kinda fun to use my friends' units ). I think the voting gauntlet is a snooze, to be honest. I personally can't understand why anyone would get worked up over it, but I guess everyone's different and I can respect that. My thoughts on the multiplier: I preferred the consistent 3x multiplier. I don't like the uncertainty about when I should spend my flags.
  18. Yups, it was 1 orb last week. I remember thinking the same thing.
  19. Got my usual haul of feathers/orbs/seals for staying in Tier 20 and top 5k in AA last season. Aw man, I'm really sucking at the arena tonight. It's so hard with the ranged dancers now. I also hate this set of maps. I think I'll put it down for now and try again tomorrow night when the gauntlet quests reset.
  20. I wonder when we'll get those apology orbs for the AA glitch last Monday.
  21. Awww, poor Laz! --- I'm curious to see how Corrin vs. Nowi will go. I think it'll be pretty close. Looks like Ninian has this gauntlet in the bag, though. Not surprising. I like her, so I'll pop over to her team if Corrin loses to Nowi. (This is all assuming multipliers don't mess with the results, ahah.)
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