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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I'll try! I'm not gifted with words, though... And I'll be as vague as possible to avoid spoilers. I'm not sure if you've seen season 1 yet or not, but if not: The show is really neat because it's so... Strange? Yeah. Lots of weird, spooky stuff going on in this small town. (Note: The show isn't too scary to watch alone. I'm a big chicken and I was fine with it.) It's set in the 80s. Every episode made me hungry for more, more, more. It's really good at building up suspense, and it's hard to stop watching. Season 2 feels "bigger" because it builds on a lot of stuff we saw in season 1, and there are all these different different stories going on at once. (The episode in particular that I didn't like just had a completely different feel from the rest of the show. It headed in a direction that I wasn't fond of, and I was like, uhh, am I still watching Stranger Things right now? Luckily, it was just the one episode.) Personally, I'd rate season 2 just as good as season 1. Such an awesome show.
  2. Current Results: Arena: 5002 (personal best!) - Rank 1758/4757 to stay in Tier 20. Arena Assault: 4912, 1 death - Rank 3234.
  3. Tonight's Pulls: Halloween Banner - 72 orbs spent. 3* Clarine 4* Eirika 3* Arthur 3* Azama 4* Male Corrin 5* Lucius (+Spd/-HP) I knew a 5* healer would show up. I already have him at 5*, so good thing I didn't have a high pity rate for him to break. 4* Maria 4* Clarine 3* Cherche 5* Rebecca (+HP/-Spd) Oh, she's new! I'm fine with this. 3* Serra 4* Gunter 4* Jakob 3* Fir 4* Wrys 4* Olivia 5* Witch Nowi (+Spd/-Def) Nice! 3* Gordin Good results tonight. I am still hoping for Kitty Sakura and at least 1 of the armour dudes.
  4. Yeah, I lucked out this week, but I've also been finding the arena really tough lately. For example, the last two seasons before this one took me 10-15 crests just to get a deathless streak, if I recall correctly. I also find that the 700s-710s range is a huge pain in the ass. (I haven't seen anything higher than 720.) Half of the fights seem to be Horse Emblem on steroids. Blech! I also hate Firesweep Weapons. My current defense team of Laslow, S-Corrin, B-Ike, and Sharena seems to be getting me a lot of wins (10+).
  5. Promoted to 5*: -Female Robin -Xander -Camus -Arvis I have no plans to promote any of the other guys. I have most of them at level 40 4*, and I use the extra copies as skill food.
  6. There's a few really annoying maps that come to mind. Also, some characters really, really suck when you get them. You pretty much have to grind if you want to use certain people (at least in Lunatic). I didn't mind this since Revelation was the path I planned on grinding on. I played the games in this order: Birthright -> Conquest -> Revelation, which is ideal if you plan on playing all three paths. I personally recommend all three, but you may not have the patience for that. If you only want to play one, I'd recommend Conquest. I liked Revelation because I'm a sucker for happy endings. I also really liked seeing the two sides join together, and I didn't think Rev's story was any worse than the other two paths. (Again, I don't play FE for a good story.) If you're a completionist who likes reading a lot of supports, pairing people together, and getting all of the kids, then Revelation is pretty good for that.
  7. Bastian is only 24? Whaaaaaaat. Fire Emblem ages are weird.
  8. I actually laughed out loud at this. That's a great analogy, hahaha.
  9. I think I may know why. I go in with 1 unit at the start of my daily AA runs for the quests. I'm usually zoned out when I do it, so occasionally I'll accidentally select an opponent that gives me a weapon triangle disadvantage.
  10. I liked it a lot! Very suspenseful and well done. It's such a great show. Season 2 had a "bigger" feel than season 1, which is to be expected. There was one episode I wasn't fond of, but even that one wasn't bad, just too... Different? (You'll know which one I'm talking about when you get to it.)
  11. I do not feel dirty using the Reinhardt. He's on the majority of the defense teams. It's only fair!
  12. Sooo... I just stayed up all night watching Stranger Things S2. Worth it.
  13. Congrats on your first deathless advanced 7-win streak! Yay~
  14. Okay, that's fair. I can agree with you on that. Just to clarify, I'm not outraged or offended by her outfit or anything. Just feels like they missed an opportunity to give her something nicer to wear (IMO). This one looks just like her other outfit. I'm still going to try to get her, but if she was wearing a cute witch dress instead of shorts and a bra, it would've been cool.
  15. Eh, I disagree. Sorry! Even something like this would be cuter.
  16. My thoughts exactly, haha. Witch costumes usually include a dress... A google search of "witch costume" shows this. Why can't the poor girl get some clothes?
  17. I think people are just harder on Fates because it's the newest game in the series. (Edit: Oops, I forgot about SoV for a sec there. Well, I guess that's a remake. Let's say Fates is the newest non-remake game in the series, then!) I say give it a shot and see for yourself. The story is cheesy, but it's not the worst thing ever. Then again, I wasn't really blown away by the story in any of the other FE games I've played either... Personally, I think that cheesy, bad stories are just a part of Fire Emblem's charm. Overall, Fates is my favourite FE game. Awakening is a very close second. I don't know if you played Awakening or not, but I have a feeling if you didn't like Awakening, you probably won't like Fates.
  18. According to my boyfriend, when I'm laughing really hard it sounds like "heeheehee". He digs it.
  19. I think I like Sakura so much because she kind of reminds me of myself when I was her age. Except she's a much braver and better person than I am. Haha, aw man, presentations were the worst thing ever. Speaking of those, I remember I had a teacher once who made me stop and restart my public speaking presentation when I was halfway through it because I "wasn't looking at the audience enough". It was so mean. Your students like tests? What is wrong with them?!?
  20. I will be going for colourless & red in hopes of getting Sakura and Nowi. I'm not a huge Nowi fan, but a red tome flier is too good to pass up. Plus I need more red skill fodder. Her art is meh, though... And why can't the poor girl get some damn clothes for once?
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