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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Wow, Ryoma is in the lead out of everyone right now. Didn't expect him to have more votes than Amelia.
  2. Nice, server reset is back to 11pm instead of 12am for me now!~
  3. I ended up with 155,318 and a rank of 3982 right before it ended. I had some dudes to finish leveling up to 40, so I did that.
  4. We Canadians are weird. We use metric for most things, but the average person still uses inches for stuff like height/snow depth/penis size...
  5. My TT rank dropped big time today. I'm playing catch up now. Currently at 150,614, which is rank 5179. I'm just going to keep auto-battling until I am in the low 4000s.
  6. Well, I spent some money trying to get Katarina, but no luck... I blew through my monthly orb money already, so guess I won't be spending any more until December. Silly me. Meh, at least I got more Laslows (for my super merge) and some useful skill fodder. I'm not posting all of my pulls because I sent a bunch of people home already to make more room, ahah. Let's just say a lot of non-focus 5* reds showed up to ruin my day. I would say I was pretty unlucky tonight. Although, I am happy to finally have a 5* Tharja. I don't like her as a character, but she seems pretty good as a unit. Two 5* versions of her showed up, and they both had good natures! (+Spd and +Atk. I'm going to use the +Spd one.)
  7. I pulled a second 5* Tharja, and I'm not sure which one is better. +Atk/-Def or +Spd/-Res? They both seem pretty good to me!
  8. Wow, I'm surprised by all the nos! I often I feel like the odd one out for not liking weed. Iunno, maybe B.C. is full of potheads or something. Yay, I'm not alone... (Sorry it happened to you too, though.) Worst night of my life.
  9. Just wanted to clarify: If you were referring to my post about hoping Ryoma kicks Soren's tushie, I was just being playful. Doesn't matter to me who wins. (I may dislike Soren, but if he wins, I certainly won't be bothered by it.) I'm really just in it for the feathers. I am kinda curious to see how this one turns out, though. The winner isn't super obvious right from the start like the previous voting gauntlets. (Pretty sure @Tybrosion was just being playful too! I thought his fried lobster joke was pretty funny. ) Anyway, hopefully things stay civil. It is indeed just a silly voting thing that should not be taken seriously.
  10. Haha! All the lobster jokes are going to be fun. Kinda curious to see who wins this one. I honestly don't know who is more popular. I see on this poll that Soren is 4x more popular than Ryoma, but who knows, eh? I'm not a big time Ryoma fan, but he's the one I like the most out of everyone. (Plus he kicks ass in Heroes and his own game. )
  11. Oh, I just noticed the first round match-ups are posted. Amelia vs. Katarina right off the bat, eh? That'll be an interesting one! Oh my, Ryoma (my team) vs. Soren in round 1. I really hate Soren (sorry, guys!), so I hope we kick his tushie. It's on, hehe!
  12. What an amusing idea for a voting gauntlet! I like it. The winner doesn't seem immediately obvious, either. It'll be interesting to see how this one goes. My gut says Amelia or Katarina will win. I'll be joining Team Ryoma!
  13. Nooooope, I hate the stuff. It makes me crazy. Really, really crazy. And... Anxiety/paranoia explosion.
  14. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 5. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 6. What's something you've tried that you'll never try again? 7. What are you most grateful for right now? 8. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 9. If you could time travel, where would you go? 10. What are your pet peeves?
  15. Recent Pulls (Halloween Banner): 3* Virion 4* Lachesis 4* Titania 3* Gaius 4* Barst 3* Felicia 4* Rebecca 3* Gunter 4* Kagero 3* Matthew 3* Matthew 3* Gordin 4* Boey 4* Hinata 4* Soren 4* Gordin 3* Barst Aw.
  16. When the person in front of me on an airplane reclines their seat. Bye leg room. I get annoyed just thinking about it.
  17. I'm too awesome. Because I am so awesome, people around me are unable to feel anything but envy, which kind of puts a damper on things. What keeps you up at night?
  18. Annnnnd, I'm done. I had 1 death again in Arena Assault, but I should be able to stay in the top 5k anyway, soooo, good enough! Arena: 4966 Olivia +2 Brave Ike +3 Reinhardt +5 Anna Arena Assault: 4915 (1 death) That team was my first AA fight. I approve! Laslow and Inigo were both +10. Jealous.
  19. My score of 112,601 is currently at rank 1774. My goal is just to stay in the top 5k. I use a team of Sigurd, Deirdre, Arvis, and Azura when I do my 2 daily Lunatic 7 runs. When I auto-battle Lunatic 5, I set the team to Sigurd, Ayra, Deirdre, and Lachesis (weapon not equipped). Lachesis just capped her hero merit, though, so I guess I'll switch her out for another healer.
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