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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. That's a no for me. He's not my taste, but I could see how others find him attractive. I'm personally not attracted to men the same age as my father.
  2. 1. Mmmhmm! Infinitely. 2. Ooohhh, tough question! I like it… But, I started dating my SO when I was only 18… And he was my first boyfriend, so I’m actually not experienced enough to give good advice about that. However, I do have an observation: This might sound bad, but I think there are some single people who need to lower their expectations a little bit. It seems like some of them are looking for a perfect person that only exists in a fantasy. I think people should try to be a little more open-minded and not so quick to write someone off. (Deal-breakers being an exception. We all have those.) I’ve just heard some really silly things about the dating scene that make me shake my head. Also, sometimes I hear “I deserve this, I deserve that”, and I think the people who say things like that need to take a good hard look at what they bring to the table themselves. As for making a relationship last… I think a big part of that is learning when to drop something. Sometimes you just have to just agree to disagree. There doesn’t always have to be a “winner.” 3. It’s… Alright. I don’t really like it or hate it, to be honest. I wouldn’t complain if it was playing in the background, and I would definitely prefer to hear jazz over rap or country music! 4. Vancouver is very… Rainy. Haha, I’m not sure if it’s known for this or not? Our weather is similar to Seattle (our American neighbour) and London. There’s no doubt that it’s a beautiful city, though! We have the ocean and the mountains… Plenty of forests and hikes nearby... It’s a lovely place to live. (The average detached house is over a million dollars, though!) Housing/rent is ridiculous here. I live in the suburbs and commute to the city for work because I can’t afford to live downtown. I don’t mind, though. It’s not so bad! Transit here is pretty decent. The people here are polite, but not as “friendly” as Americans, I’ve noticed. I’ve been to the states a lot, and I noticed that people there are far more likely to engage in full-on conversations with strangers than we are. Vancouverites seem to be terrified of this (myself included). 5. Ahah, I expected a question like this! I see a lot of myself in him, which is why I take such a liking to his character. (Although, he’s much braver than I am!) As for the womanizing part of him, that’s definitely NOT like me, but I find it kind of amusing. It reminds me of how my SO used to hit on me before we started dating. By chance, Inigo was the first child character (besides Lucina) that I recruited in Awakening. I thought, oh neat, this guy has a great design and he seems pretty good, so I put him on my team right away. (I also LOVED his English voice and wanted to hear it more. ) It was his father & mother support conversations that really made me like him. His other supports were funny and entertaining, but I really liked those two in particular. When he showed up again in Fates, I was thrilled. I really liked the way they built on his character in Fates. In Awakening, he revealed his sweet side in only a few supports, but in Fates, his supports were consistently good. He did a lot of growing up between Awakening and Fates, and it was nice to see the difference. 1. It’s a tie between turn-based role playing games and turn-based strategy. My video game reflexes suck, so I'm awful at real-time games! 2. Hmmmm… I’m gonna go with Sci-Fi! 3. I’m not all that interested in history, so I can't think of anything to say to this. I'm sorry! 4. I used to speak French somewhat fluently, but I pretty much haven’t spoken a single word of French since high school (over 10 years ago), so my French would be… very, very, very, very, very, very rusty now. I could probably still understand it, I think... Speaking it on the other hand... would be embarrassing. 5. 22-25 degrees and sunny. Perfect, warm (but not too hot) weather! 6. I like it because it reminds me of Friends, which is one of my favourite shows. It’s one of my “happy” shows (along with Sex and the City). When it’s on, my mood just goes right up! I’ve re-watched it so many times… It’s a good background show for me! 7. Those are those floofy things that you wear under dresses to make them poof out more, right? (That sentence was pretty brutal, eh? ) I like ‘em! I’ve worn one under my Halloween costume before. 8. They’re neat! 9. I don’t mind at all! My answer is going to be pretty boring, though! Hehe. I’m a booking clerk at a hospital outpatient clinic (the one I’m at is related to Dermatology). I’m so comfortable here... I never want to leave. Well, except when it’s time to retire. The nurses and docs I work with are awesome, and so are the patients. The patients really spoil us too... Around Christmas-time, we usually get a few cupboards full of goodies. Our "stash" lasted us until June this year. Also, I like that my job is pretty simple and stress-free aside from a few people getting upset about waiting times (nothing at this clinic is ever really urgent). People ask me sometimes if I ever want to move up and do something “bigger”, but I honestly have no desire to do that. I make enough money to live somewhat comfortably and foolishly spend my extra money on Fire Emblem Heroes. 10. I love the name Clara for some reason, and my SO likes that name as well, so that would likely be my choice for a girl. I haven’t thought of any other names, though! I guess I should start thinking up some boy names! VI. Flight. I'm definitely not a fighter. VII. I'm afraid I'm not really into that stuff. Sorry! VIII. Summer. Vancouver has beautiful summers, and they're dry! It doesn't get too hot here, either. It's just perfect! IX. I do! It's INFP. I feel like it fits me. I think I remember there being a Myers-Briggs thread here about a year ago or so, and INFP was the most common result by a landslide. I thought that was interesting. Seems that people with that personality type are more likely to flock to these forums?
  3. I. I just read up on them a little bit, and I think I'm going to go with water (for both)! II. I'll admit I had to read up on these too because I only knew a few of them. (Yay, I learned something new today! ) I'm going to go with gluttony as my sin. I tend to overindulge in pretty much everything I like, and I need to learn some self control. It's hard for me to save any money because of this... As for my virtue, that would be kindness. I would say that my kindness is a big part of who I am. III. Sacred Stones, on my younger brother's GBA. He told me I would like it because it was similar to Shining Force, and he was right! This was back in 2005. I didn't play another Fire Emblem game after that until Awakening, in 2013. Now I'm in love with the series! IV. I found this site a couple of years ago when I was looking for information on Fates (a few months before it was released in Japan). V. Indeed I will! No limit. 1. Hmm, I wouldn't say I enjoy cooking, unfortunately. I'm a little impatient around dinner time and usually don't want to prepare something that takes a long time to make, hehehe. 2. Everything! The decorations, lights, get togethers, baking, presents (giving and receiving), etc. Most people seem to be in a good mood around this time of year, as well. It's all just really nice. I would say that my favourite part about Christmas is the gift giving. I love buying/making people presents. (I go a little crazy sometimes, though! My poor wallet...) 3. Awesome! I can't stop staring at my ring, eheh. I've never worn one before. It's also nice that I can call my SO my fiance now. Calling him my boyfriend felt way too casual. 4. Oooh, my favourite ice cream would have to be a Safeway brand ice cream called "Nuttin' Better." It has chunks of chocolate and peanut butter in it. I also have fond childhood memories of it because my dad used to buy it for us as a treat. We all loved it. 5. Oifey. They make great weaponless meat shields in the early chapters, and in the later chapters, they have no problem keeping up with the others because their growths are still pretty decent. 1. I think my first impression is the same as my current one. You seem like a very patient and knowledgeable person, with a great sense of humour! You seem to enjoy helping others & giving thoughtful advice, which is pretty cool. I find it impressive that you can balance your life so well, being both a doctor and a mother of 2 young children, and still having time to enjoy some Fire Emblem. You're awesome! 2. Pretty boring stuff, hahah. I don't crave excitement. I hope to be a good wife and mother. I want to live a long, happy, and comfortable life without too much going on. (I guess having a kid will change that, but hopefully in a good way!) Luckily my job is pretty easy, and I don't take any of it home with me. Someday, I would love to move to a small town and see what that's like... Maybe when I'm retired. I also dream of reconnecting with my artistic side. 3. I used to be pretty uninterested in them, but lately I find myself daydreaming about having one all the time. Must be that biological clock kicking in. I would love to have a girl, but I have a feeling I'll get a boy, hahah. 4. Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation. I'm a huge sucker for happy endings. 5. Hmmm... The Dark Knight comes to mind. People were really hyped up on that movie when it came out. I didn't enjoy it at all, haha. --- I'll answer more questions when I get home to my computer! I'm awful at typing on mobile.
  4. Yay! This will be fun. I'm at work right now, so I'll answer some questions when I'm on my lunch break (in a couple hours). No question limit. Go nuts!
  5. I had a lucky night. A deathless Arena streak on my first try, and a deathless Arena Assault streak on my 2nd try. Awesooooome~! This rarely happens to me... I had a 720 fight with a scary Cordelia + Spring Camilla combo who kept drawing each other back. Camilla's attack stat was terrifying (60-something & she had Gronnblade+), and I couldn't get them off the defense tiles. They were sticking close to a Sheena with DC and 40 Def/40 Res, who also would not leave the defense tiles. I think I almost lost the fight, but I figured it out in the end. Honestly, I wouldn't have been mad losing a unit (and surrendering) to that team. They would have deserved the win. Luckily, my Laslow saved the day. Arena: 5002 Team: Laslow+10, Reinhardt+6, Inigo+4, and Lute+1. Arena Assault: 5022
  6. Thanks! It'll likely be ~Summer 2019 because I want to have lots of time to save up money, even though I want to have a small (maybe backyard) wedding. Not sure yet about the dress/colour theme, hehe. We want 1 kid, probably in a few years!
  7. Score Update: Arena: 4984 - Rank 2541/4890 to stay in 20 Arena Assault: 4950, 1 death - Rank 2574
  8. Awesome! Thanks guys! Lute will be more useful since she's ranged, so that's great to hear! Congrats on your new high score, @Vaximillian!
  9. Does it make it worse that my time zone is Pacific, and I still thought it was starting tonight? D'oh... I guess I was so used to 12am being the daily reset before, and now that it's 11pm, it threw me off.
  10. Hmmm, I'm not sure whether to use Lute (+1) or Alfonse as my bonus unit next season. Does anyone know how much of a point drop I would take using her instead of Alfie?
  11. Yeah, I got my team ready too! Aw, man. I know, right?
  12. Awww, I totally thought that the Tempest Trials started tonight for some reason... Now I'm sad.
  13. Thank you! --- Sorry to post more photos so soon after my first post in here, but I'm super excited about this. My 10 year anniversary with my SO was last night. And... I'm now engaged!
  14. Awesome, haha! I love seeing these kinds of teams (especially the Laz one )! I ran into a full +10 Henry team a few weeks ago. Congrats on your new high score!
  15. Enjoy! I was so obsessed with this game 17-18 years ago. It's awesome. Could you explain this? I've seen her called Aerith before by people on the internet. Is it her Japanese name? (I prefer Aeris, though. It's a very nice name. Aerith looks "off" to me, but I think that's just because I'm so used to Aeris.) IX is my favourite! I highly recommend it.
  16. My main priority is Spring Camilla, since I missed her last time, and she has proven to be an amazing unit. I'm thinking of sniping green first, then doing full pulls... But doing full pulls might be a better idea. All of the characters are so good! Hmm... I'm only missing S-Camilla and B-Caeda. Extra Hectors and Gennys for skill inheritance would be lovely. Hell, even Ike for Aether, Celica for DD, and Dierdre for QR would be welcome as well. This banner is going to be awesome!
  17. In my opinion, we are getting too many seasonal banners. I think ~4 seasonal banners a year is more reasonable. Easter, Summer, Halloween, and Christmas. I think the bride banner and extra summer banner were unnecessary. I admit, I loved the Performing Arts banner. All four of them were characters I like, in awesome outfits! However, I don't see why it couldn't have just been a regular banner. I guess it was seasonal since they're in alternate costumes, but ehhhh. They could have at least kept them in the main pool at 5* exclusive, like the Brave heroes. The seasonal characters are cute and fun, but I don't like that the seasonal banners cut down the amount of new/permanent characters we get. (Especially with the current trend of 3-person regular banners, with only 1 person dropping to a 4*.) Also, I have no problem with most of the seasonal characters being from the 3DS era because Awakening & Fates are my favourite FE games. Sooo, I'm biased. Haha.
  18. So I guess Micaiah isn't coming until the new year, haha... My wallet is pretty happy about that, actually. Seems there's a lot to look forward to! I'm quite excited for the Fates kiddos! My favourites are Shiro and Nina, so it would be cool if they made it on the banner. I wonder if they're keeping the Christmas banner release date a secret.
  19. Yup, that's me! Thank you! @Cute Chao @mampfoid @Arcanite Thanks, guys! Now, who next? Hmmm...
  20. Well... I failed to pull Mia, but opening red orbs allowed me to get the last merge I needed to complete this guy.
  21. Pastel colour combinations. Especially shades of pink and purple.
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