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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I'm both sad and a little relieved that Christmas is over. At least I don't have to go back to work until next Tuesday, so I have a week to mourn Christmas being over. 3
  2. Hahaha, well, I like Inigo for other reasons, but I'm okay with the womanizing part of him because it doesn't bother me. I like Zidane too. Best FF protagonist! Canada's pretty cool. What makes you want to move here? 164
  3. Same here. A lot of feathers. My Laslow is +10 and my Reinhardt is +9 (only 1 of those Reins was pulled as a 5*). I haven't left Tier 20 since August. Seems the cutoff is rising at an alarming rate, though! 142
  4. I'm not married yet, but I don't see how spending married days with a spouse would be any different than the non-married days if it's someone you had been dating (and living together before marrying, as most people do)? Awww. I think you're sweet, actually. I kind of have a soft spot for that stuff, though, because my SO did that to me before we started dating. I honestly thought he was super annoying at first. We never would have gotten together if he hadn't been so persistent. Once compliments become sexual in nature, that's when they get into the "creepy" zone (IMO). Currently, you seem to stay far away from that zone. Never go there. High five. I'm in the 5k+ club too. 140
  5. Awwwwwwwww. But... It's the most wonderful tiiiime of the year~! Yay! --- I'm in a good mood cause I'm now on vacation until January 2nd. 473
  6. Haha, seems this is the new picture thread now. You are all beautiful inside and out~! (But some of you guys need to smile more for the camera. ) 470
  7. I am considering 5*ing her, actually, since she's pretty cool. I'll have to check which natures I have.
  8. Aww, no worries! I was kinda joking around a little bit with the crying emoticons, hehehe. Like I said, objectively, he ain't good, but building him up was a lot of fun. For me, it's more enjoyable doing that than getting a good unit that I don't have to invest in. (I do use Reinhardt, though.)
  9. Haha, I built mine up pretty well, so he does a good job on my arena team now. I wish he didn't need so much investment to be good, though. Oh well, that's part of the fun!
  10. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
  11. Update: Got my defense win! I stacked greens with Brave Ike, Hector, Minerva, and Inigo. Now I'll take the dancer back out again.
  12. No defense win yet! I've never had trouble getting one before... I noticed they slowed down in the last few weeks too. I used to get so many! Guess I need to switch things up now and add a dancer. Who's stealing all my defense wins? Arena: 5040 Arena Assault: 5036
  13. Wow, I clicked on this thread wondering what it was and discovered that it's actually the counting thread. Lots of interesting talk going on in here. I'm an INFP! Unfortunately, I think it is a myth that only teenagers get acne. I still get it and apparently my dad still had it at my age too. Also, my favourite love song is: Just kidding. 201
  14. Yeah, that makes sense. I hope you're right! I kinda hope Summer Corrin is one of them. I just want a version of her that isn't -Atk, hehe. Should be easy enough (hopefully I didn't just curse myself).
  15. Nice! I like seeing less common units 5*ed. Everyone deserves some love. I once ran into a Horse Emblem team in the arena with Gunter, Peri, Stahl, and Rein. Pretty unique (except Rein, of course).
  16. Agreed. Girls wear pants too! Like, there's the female Corrin, who seems to just be wearing underwear? Not even a skirt. (Don't get me started on Effie, haha.) It also bothers me that Catria doesn't appear to be wearing underwear under that dangerously low skirt. --- I'm kind of scared about the possibility of a seasonal New Years banner. I spend money on the game (not whale amounts, but a decent amount) and if there's characters I want on a banner, I will get them. There's also that possible 8% banner coming up, and the possibility of that having dancer Inigo on it scares me because I want more merges for him... 2 seasonal banners in a row is going to be killer. I'm already broke from Christmas. My credit cards are crying. Damn you, IS! Haha. I spend a lot on Christmas because it's my favourite holiday. On an impulse, I just bought a Nintendo Switch + Zelda game for my fiance on top of already having bought him a bunch of shirts, chocolate, and Persona 5. He's gonna have a good Christmas. But, yikes. 'Tis the season to be broke. Already looking forward to my three-paycheque month in March... *Sigh.*
  17. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 3. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 4. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 5. What are your pet peeves?
  18. Okay, I need Lissa. Her art is so good, and I'm a fan of her character. I want Chrom too... But if I don't get him, I won't be totally heartbroken. Tharja is a red armour mage? Oooh. Not a fan of her, but I guess she looks kinda cute? I'd also like to pull blue cause I need to try to get more 4* Reinhardts. Gah, guess I might as well just pull everything except colourless?
  19. Oh d'oh! Hahahah. I did give Rein another merge for my offense team, but I forgot he's not on my defense team. (I refuse to put him on my defense team anymore cause he's annoying to fight.) Sorry for the confusion. My defense team is Laz, F-Corrin, Brave Ike, and Fjorm. I will edit that, thanks. Maybe it's Fjorm that's boosting my defense score, then. Usually my bonus unit is an Askr unit. I also used Lute +1 as the bonus before Fjorm, and I think she was worth more points too... Less wins those weeks as well.
  20. Nah, if anything, I think bringing back the Warriors maps shows that they really listen to us. Those maps are so helpful for SP grinding. However, I'm not really into the BHB re-runs. Those are lame. I don't feel like they favour new players. More new content would always be welcome, though!
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