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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Totally open with friends/family & somewhat open with acquaintances (assuming I'm comfortable around them). I need to get stuff out. That being said, sometimes when something big/depressing is troubling me, I might downplay it a little or laugh & make fun of myself to make it seem like less of a big deal.
  2. Nah, I play it because I want to "sink time" into it. People calling video games a waste of time is a pet peeve of mine. Entertainment is not a waste of time. If I look back and think about all the hours I spent playing the game (1-2 hours per day if I had to guess), I feel happy because it was fun. Oh, and the strategy part of the game keeps my brain thinking more than my job does, that's for sure.
  3. Aww, yeah... The AI can be so dumb. I take all positioning skills (and reciprocal aid) off them and remove the healer's weapon. I also unequipped Azura's dance. Seems to get me A/A or A/B most of the time on Lunatic 5. My team is Alfonse, NY Azura, NY Takumi, and Sakura.
  4. Or they're like me and they set it to auto-battle Lunatic 5 while they watched Netflix.
  5. Forgot to reply to this before, but congrats! Happy to share the Micaiah love~!
  6. Got this stuff out of the way so I can focus on the Tempest Trials. The regular arena was so easy for me this week. I really dig these new maps! As usual, AA took several tries. It's a bit of a pain lately. I have to focus too much for my liking, hahaha. Arena Team: Laslow +10, Rein +9, Inigo +4, and Fjorm +1.
  7. Azura: "Don't worry. If I can wield a pine branch as a weapon and emerge victorious, I'm sure these will serve."
  8. Grats @Rafiel's Aria! --- Forgot to post this pic earlier in the week. Roy Emblem.
  9. I'm happy to see that Fae is a bonus unit because she is probably one of my favourite enemies to face in the arena, and there are usually a lot of them to begin with. Now there'll be even more! Laslow does quite well against her.
  10. Speaking of sweet stuff and things that grind my gears, I hate it when people pronounce sherbet "sherbert". There's only 1 "r" in that word! We got some today and now my fiance keeps bugging me (on purpose) by calling it sherbert. Also, I really dig green apple.
  11. First GHB I've beaten on my first try. That was fun. Team used: Fjorm, Olivia, Sharena, and Anna. After using Sharena and Anna last time for the E&E BHB, I wanted to see if I could clear this one with them. Success! I recorded a video after, in case it helps anyone:
  12. Pleased to see they decided to go with NY Corrin as the fourth 40% unit. Alfonse as a bonus is nice too! I'll probably be auto-battling Lunatic 5 with a team of Alfonse (or Ryoma), NY Takumi, NY Azura (possibly with sing unequipped if it turns into a problem on auto), and weaponless Sakura. Looking forward to watching my orb/feather stash grow.
  13. Wow, my Micaiah and Sothe have the exact same natures as yours!
  14. I don't mind her nature! I'm happy she's not -Atk. Yeah, who knows, maybe the +Def will come in handy against those pesky armours, ehehe. That's what I would be using her for in AA (assuming she can survive a counterattack from them). I doubt she could take one down in one hit.
  15. Luck shined on me tonight. After being burned by that legendary banner, I was a little nervous. I really wanted Miccy and Sothe. Here we go: 4* Nowi 4* Abel 4* Tailtiu 3* Matthew 3* Serra 4* Oboro 5* Klein (+HP/-Spd) 5* Sothe (+Atk/-Res) 4* Beruka (No blues) 4* Oboro 5* Micaiah (+Def/-HP) Oh my god. I pulled them both so fast. I couldn't be happier! This might be the luckiest I've ever been. The cherry on top was seeing my fiance get Zelgius on his free summon! So happy for him too.
  16. I really like your openness and honesty! Your posts are always interesting to read. Animal cuddles are the best. Also, totally agree with you on #8. Haven't tried it, but my SO and I aren't into it at all. I want nothing to do with that area. Oh, and I looooove Friends! It's one of my "happy" shows that I leave on a lot in the background at home. I replay the entire series on Netflix every few months. Aww, this makes me sad. I hope you find happiness in the future so you don't feel like that anymore.
  17. I think you're right about that. --- I really want Micaiah and Sothe. Fingers crossed. Their art looks great! They look fun to play with too... And, of course, I like them both as characters! Not really interested in Zelgius. He looks good, but swords aren't something I'm lacking. I have 133 orbs saved up, but that doesn't mean I'll get any of them with those. We'll see! I hope I don't have to spend money. I'm still hurting from Christmas.
  18. Thanks. I appealed it and they removed the strike and put it back up. (Talk about a pain in the butt for the first video I ever tried posting!) --- Anyway, here is mine. Should be working now!
  19. Oh my gosh, all those weeks of Arena Assault make Squad Assault feel like a freakin' breeze in comparison. Makes you realize how important skills are in making a map challenging.
  20. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
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