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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Okay, I guess it's time to start investing in some 4*+10 characters for the arena bonus. Hana, you're up! I have a couple spare Wo Dao+s sitting around, so I'll feed one to her and give her a go! Time to grind some SP...
  2. 1. What was (or has been) the game's best moment (can be an update transition, a period of the game)? Skill Inheritance. It really changed the game for the better. 2. Who's your favorite unit (based on gameplay, skills, stats, VA, design, whatever has the most weight to you)? Dancer Inigo. I think he'll most likely appear again on the March (?) legendary banner, so I'm going to try to save a lot of orbs that month in preparation for it! He's currently at +4, and with enough orb saving (and some money), I might be able to +10 him! 3. What has been your biggest achievement in the game (it can be content completion or unit building)? Hmm, I've been staying in Tier 20 since August, so I guess that? I was also pretty excited when I built my Laslow up to +10. 4. Your favorite story chapter? Don't have one. The story is bad (which doesn't bother me in the slightest). 5. Your favorite Event (CYL, TT, VG)? TT mini! Those rewards are sweet. 6. Your favorite Special Map (GHB, BHB, daily unit, special maps)? Camilla's Warriors map. 7. Your favorite banner? Performing Arts, without a doubt! --- Yay, congrats! Hopefully they drop her to 4*, so she'll be easy for you to +10 (if that's what you're aiming for)! --- I think Arena Assault is fine... But, I have to admit it's becoming a little bit of a chore for me these days. I like the idea of it, though. Being able to use everyone is nice... I just find it more difficult than the regular arena because fighting +10 dudes with +0/+1-2 dudes is tough. It also requires a lot of time and careful attention, and I have to focus a lot when I'm selecting my teams. It's mentally draining if I lose someone near the end & have to start it all over again.
  3. 1. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 2. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 3. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 4. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 5. What are your pet peeves?
  4. Whoa, what??!? Caeda is pronounced "see-duh"? Wow. I was very off. I've been pronouncing it "cah-eh-duh". Also, I say Ephraim as "eff-raym". Pretty sure I say Myrrh and Lyon wrong as well. Seems I'm just terrible at pronouncing these names. However, I have always pronounced L'Arachel correctly. As for mountain, I'm pretty sure I say it without omitting any letters.
  5. Well, I know from experience that it is definitely possible to have breasts that large without having back pain. You just gotta have the proper support! Which she, uh, does not have... I guess she's fine without a bra, though, since her magical tatas seem to defy gravity. I do wonder how that shirt-like thing is supposed to stay in place. It must be glued to her. --- Very happy to see Celica in first place! I'm voting with my Nintendo account on my phone and without an account on my laptop, so that's 2 votes per day. On my phone, I've alternated votes between Inigo/Laslow. All of my laptop votes have gone to Inigo (because I think his Awakening version will place higher). Damn split votes!
  6. Beat Infernal with Laslow, Inigo, Olivia, and Fjorm. I'm happy to say that Laslow was the MVP!
  7. I was unsure at first whether I wanted to use my orbs on this banner. But... Myrrh seemed pretty interesting as a unit, and Eirika is well, Eirika. She's cool. I thought about it, and I decided I just couldn't sit on this massive pile of orbs any longer. I needed to make a dent in it... 4* Ogma 3* Henry 4* M-Corrin 3* Raigh 3* Draug 4* Cain 4* Barst 3* Barst 3* Draug 4* Cecilia 4* Laslow 4* Henry 4* Camilla 4* Eliwood 3* Raigh 4* Roy 4* Fir 4* Hana 4* Cecilia 4* Chrom 4* Arthur 3* Cherche 4* Beruka 4* Nino 3* Gunter 3* Stahl 3* Beruka 4* Laslow 4* Boey 5* Amelia (+Atk/-Spd). I was not very happy to see her this time. I guess I'll merge my other one into this one, since my other one is +HP/-Spd. 4* Eliwood 3* Beruka 4* Henry 4* Tiki 4* Fir 4* Henry 4* Soleil 5* Mia (+Atk/-Res) New. Okay, I was a little happy to get her, especially with a good nature like this! 3* Tiki 5* Young Tiki (+Atk/-Res) New. Wow, another new edition with the exact same nature as Mia! I'm okay with this. 4* Caeda 3* Laslow 4* Raven 4* Athena 5* Myrrh (+Def/-Atk) New. Yay, I finally got her! Her nature seems... eh. -Atk always sucks, but +Def might make up for it a little? I'm just happy to have her! Can't wait to level her up tonight. 4* M-Corrin --- Um. I spent just a few more orbs than I wanted to, but eh... They were all saved orbs, so I didn't drop any $$ this time. I'm still at 80 orbs right now, so I'm not in terrible shape. I can buy some for the legendary banner if I really need to, but this whole saving thing is really paying off! I will surrender for now and try to get Eirika another time.
  8. Ah, I'm torn. I have 260 orbs saved up, but I'm not sure whether I want to try for someone on this banner or not. I recently decided that I would try to spend my orbs more wisely (for characters I really want or merges on characters I like to use), and SS is not one of my favourite FE games. Thoughts: I was quite surprised to see another Eirika. I don't really have much of an opinion on that. I guess it would have been nice if they gave that spot to a male instead? I think L'Arachel should have been a staff user. (I know I'm in the minority.) The art looks great. Thumbs up! I do like Eirika, though... And Myrrh looks good. I'll have to think on this some more. Throwing some orbs at it wouldn't be too bad... but... Legendary banner coming up...
  9. No preference. I don't pay attention to the way it is when I put it on. My fiance prefers it over, though. I don't really get why it matters. He changes it if I put it under, I think.
  10. I never had any school closures for snow/ice until post-secondary My school district was very strict about closures! My parents had to call in for me a few times because we couldn't safely get to school in the snow. (My high school was in a very hilly area.) It's very difficult to get anywhere in Vancouver when it snows.
  11. Regular arena took me a few tries to get a deathless streak due to some stupid mistakes. For example, I unexpectedly lost Laslow on my 7th battle due to me not paying attention to Christmas Chrom's skills. I baited Chrom with him, and I wasn't expecting Chrom to double attack. I think Ignis or something went off as well. Haha. Surprisingly, I finished Arena Assault on my first try! Usually it's the other way around for me! Arena: 5076 Team: Laslow +10, Reinhardt +9, Inigo +4, and Fjorm +1. Arena Assault: 5090
  12. Results before closing: Arena: 5070 - Rank 2837/5356 to stay in 20. Arena Assault: 5060 - Rank 2499. Getting closer and closer to the 3000 cutoff, oof.
  13. Only barefoot. My feet are always hot, and my apartment is quite hot as well. I've never once turned on the heat in the four years I've lived here (and I live in Canada). I often have to open the balcony to get some cool air in, even in the dead of winter. So, yeah, definitely barefoot!
  14. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 5. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 6. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 7. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges, or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 8. If you could time travel, where would you go? 9. What are your pet peeves? 10. What are some of your favourite TV shows?
  15. All 7 of my votes are going to Inigo. I hope they combine votes this time for characters who appeared in 2 games.
  16. That would be neat. I'd like that. I'm so used to most of the enemies having DC in the arena anyway.
  17. I like Corrin! I find her/him very likeable. I like my lords a little flawed, I guess! --- I'm almost at 40k now. I'll be aiming for the top 5k rank as usual.
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