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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Ah, yeah, I have always seen Effies and Hectors, but usually with other infantry or just 2 of them, so they were easier to deal with cause they usually just moved 1 space. This week I'm seeing a lot of 3-armour (with march) + dancer teams, haha. I've been in the 720s for probably a couple months now and this is a first for me! Need more anti-armour weapons! That was tough (well, AA, regular arena team handles them fine).
  2. Ahhhhh, yessss! Finally got my AA deathless run done. I tried last night, but couldn't get it deathless. I tried several more times earlier today too. I hate Christmas Tharja and Halloween Jakob! Oh, and Effie with Berkut's Lance. Seriously, what's with all the armours this week? My score isn't really much higher, so I know it's not that. Maybe it's just bad luck or people are building their teams more around the Christmas units... I did run into a lot of Christmas Lissas too, but I don't have much trouble with her. Armour March is scary, though. Kind of makes me prefer the horses a little. A little. (Not that there was any shortage of those either this week, ahah.) I don't mind Rein anymore because I have 7+ people to counter him. In a way, horses are easier for me to deal with in AA because they have 3-move and you can just bait them out with someone who can kill them on the counter. Firesweep Lyn sucks, though. I got the regular Arena done on my second try because my main arena team is tougher, so that wasn't too bad. I struggle more against the armours in AA because my other dudes are a bunch of scrubs. Even when they have a colour advantage, they can barely scratch an armour (especially a +10 one) on a defense tile. That desert map with the square/water in the centre gave me some trouble against Christmas Tharja a few times cause I couldn't get her off it... I need to invest in more armour slaying units now, because these guys are taking over the arena! I only have Tobin and Fred trained up. Anyway... Arena: 5058 Defense: 596 Arena Assault: 5076 I think I ran into one with 53 speed or something ridiculous. I can't remember if that was even buffed or not. Wowza, I wouldn't have expected her to one-round Ryoma either.
  3. The game's felt kinda boring lately. I hope they have something new planned soon! I'm almost finished all the January quests. After that, I'll have nothing left to do.
  4. Haha, hmmm, I wonder if it was mine. I had Laslow up for the first day of the last round, but I put up Rein on the second day.
  5. I had the music muted when I recorded it, though, so I know it can't be that. Also, YouTube said I violated the community guidelines (and not a copyright thing). I dunno, I'm so confused. I asked them why it was removed, but haven't heard back yet. I looked through YT's community guidelines, and I can't think of any that the video is in violation of... It's just a recording of me clearing the stage, after all!
  6. Hey guys, I got a message from YouTube saying my video was flagged because it violates their guidelines, but I'm not sure why because nobody else seems to be having this problem & their videos seem similar to mine? This is the first time I've tried uploading one, so I'm kinda clueless. Does anyone know why this happened?
  7. I nominate Cute Chao and XRay. (On mobile, so I can't do the red text.)
  8. Yeah, true. I always keep my score high enough to stay in the top 5k, but I can't remember what I had last time. Must have been a bit higher. I expect people to go a bit nuts on the last day too, so I might have to top it off a bit. We shall see.
  9. I ended the final round with a score of 1,990,420 and rank 668 in the army. Total score was 3,430,814 and rank 129 overall. Happy with that. Most frequent SF allies: @DefaultBeep's Clarisse @Momentai~'s Brave Lucina @Lord-Zero's Eliwood Thanks, guys! Another ally unit I got a lot was a really powerful +9 Hinata. I don't think that guy is from these forums, though.
  10. A score of 150,695 has me at rank 1848. I could probably ignore the TT for the rest of the time left and stay in the top 5k, but I'll do the 3 battles a day for the next couple days for the items.
  11. For fun, I tried doing all of the quest requirements in one go on Infernal. Success! Team: Laslow, Olivia, Sharena, and Anna. My first attempt at making a video, hehe:
  12. And, Azura wins! I feel like a winner, though, with my sweet score.
  13. Yeah, haha. My rank in round 1 was awful. I hoarded flags too long and then we got stuck in "same hell". I didn't spend a single flag that round and ended up in the 10,000-30,000 rank range. I did better the second round, with a score over a mil. Right now I'm at 616,099 for this round, with 1800 flags left to spend now. Glad to hear Laslow worked out well. If you had a Brave Lucina up before, I got her a lot! She was great and speedy. I recently switched my main dude to +9 Reinhardt for some variety.
  14. I've got 2710 flags to unload for team Lissa. Haven't used any yet. Waiting for the next multiplier, which should be around 6x, then I'll start getting rid of them.
  15. Hehe, yeah, I guess it's better than nothing. 3* Bartre awaits us with those 5 orbs.
  16. I don't like to be negative, but man, do I ever dislike Bound Hero Battle revivals. Feels pretty pointless to me.
  17. Well, I guess it's nice to be on the winning side of the multiplier screwage this time. I likey them victory feathers... --- Ahaha, I love that. Yay! Nice Soleil, hope I get her! She has such a beautiful attack stat (and speed!).
  18. Welcome back! Sounds like you might be a bit too hard on yourself if you consider an A- a failure. I can understand how you feel, though, since you're not used to it. However, from my perspective, if you're getting straight As, you're doing great! Not many students pull that off. Even though you fell short of your own expectations, you're still kicking school's ass.
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