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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Aww, thank you! I got your Clarisse probably somewhere between 5-10 times? She was good! I was impressed with her Attack and Speed with that Brave Bow+! Life and Death works really well for her.
  2. Whoa, I ranked #177 on Team Katarina. Guess I'm going to team Sigurd now? --- Aww, thank you! <3 Mine is +Spd/-Res. I tried pulling for one that wasn't -Res, but the only ones I got that weren't -Res were -Atk, and I didn't want that. With the DD seal, he handles a fully buffed +10 Rein just fine even with -Res, so I'm pretty happy with his nature now! The +Spd has come in handy too because it's helped him avoid being doubled a few times. I'm sure your nature is fine to take on Brave Lyn with Bowbreaker and Gronnraven+, even with -Def. I'll definitely be trying to get more of him for more merges if he ever comes back. I like using him in the arena! Edit: Oh! @Rafiel's Aria Forgot to mention, I got your Lucius a lot, and he kicked so much ass!
  3. Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Gonna try to snag myself an army rank in the top 1000.
  4. I'm on team Katarina and I haven't spent a single flag yet. Looks like there will be many more multipliers to come... When should I start unloading them? Hmm...
  5. What does 'thot' even mean? I never hear anyone use that word IRL, but I've seen it online a few times...
  6. Ooh, I hate Horse Emblem on that map too. I usually bait Sigurd with Laslow since Sigurd rarely runs Swordbreaker, but separating Sigurd from the rest can sometimes be impossible. My Reinhardt's tanked a few hits from him before too.
  7. That's definitely happened to me several times on the lava map (original one). Especially if it's Horse Emblem. Infantry mages repositioning themselves on that map has been a problem for me too, though.
  8. I tried the first one shortly after it first came out on the PS2. My little brothers really liked it, but I couldn't get into it. (At the time, I was a bratty teenager who thought that the Disney part of the game was really lame. ) I haven't tried it again since then. Seems to be a very well-loved series, so I don't doubt that the games are good.
  9. Happy. (In Cordelia's voice. I've been playing too much FEH...)
  10. Whoa, looks like Katarina is going to be getting a lot of multipliers this round. @Rafiel's Aria I think I just got your Lucius and he is so good. Very impressive! The newest update really fixed healers up.
  11. Okay, done with the Children of Fate banner now. I got the two peeps I wanted (Soleil and Shiro). Pulls since my last post: 4* Jagen 4* Nowi 3* Odin 4* Sully 4* Reinhardt 3* Gwendolyn 3* Shanna 4* Florina 4* Nowi 3* Donnel 3* Odin 5* Shiro (+HP/-Res)
  12. Damn it, seems I cursed myself by saying this. I just finished my deathless AA run, but almost every freakin' team had a Rein+Bow Lyn+Dancer. Reinhardt is fine cause I have at least 7 counters for him, but I ran out of B-Lyn counters early on since I only have like, 3 or 4... That was tough. Thank god for the items! Arena Assault: 5054
  13. Yay, another new high score for me. I love this team. Olivia weeks are the best! Team: Laslow +10, Rein +7, B-Ike +3, and Olivia +2. Seems that the 720s are where Horse Emblem finally starts to slow down. I did run into a 3 horse + 1 infantry team worth 726 points, though. There's still some horsies running around, but way less than the 710s. I think most of the teams I ran into had a Dorcas, actually. Laslow likes him. He likes Ayra, Mia, and Sigurd too, since they never seem to run Swordbreaker. Still haven't done AA yet.
  14. Rank Updates: It's a week of all-time highs for me, even my defense win score (although I had less wins than usual this week). Arena: 5022 - Rank 2024/5077 to stay in Tier 20 Defense: 600 Arena Assault: 5052 - Rank 1583
  15. Whoa, congrats on 3 focus 5*s in 20 orbs! That's amazing... Nice way to start the day! Meanwhile, I'm pretty happy with my +Atk Soleil in ~50 orbs. I'm still going to try for Shiro too.
  16. Just trained up my Soleil to level 40. Holy crap, her Atk is crazy high! (Mine has the Atk+3 seal equipped right now too.) Awesome.
  17. Children of Fate - 61 orbs spent: 3* Sophia 4* Stahl 4* Est 4* Palla 4* Est 4* Mae 3* Oboro 3* Selena 3* Hinata 4* Subaki 4* Oboro 5* Soleil (+Atk/-Def) 3* Jagen 3* Subaki 3* Shanna Yay, my pink-haired Fates daughter came to me as +Atk! She's who I wanted the most. Now I'm going to snipe blues for Shiro from now on!
  18. I had to google this as well... I have very fond memories of the Sega Genesis and PlayStation 1, so that would be the 4th and the 5th.
  19. Whoa! Not on SF, at least. (That I know of?) People just tend to post a lot on this topic when the VG is going on, and there's a lot of hype and stuff. I like that part!
  20. Psshhhh, 26 isn't old yet. (I'm 28.) We're young and full of life! We don't have to complain about our aching, sore bodies yet. The late 20s are pretty nice, really! Y'know, I actually had a bit of a freak out on my 26th birthday because I noticed a faint, faint line on my forehead. I actually practiced smiling in front of the mirror without wrinkling my forehead. Anyway, I came across this quote that really affected the way I think about aging: "Growing old is a privilege denied to many." I really like that quote. (By the way, I wonder when the sore/aching body part of aging starts... Sometime in the late 30s, I suspect... Not looking forward to that.) --- On topic, I too am looking forward to this. Mainly for the feathers... But also, reading this topic during the VG is always entertaining!
  21. My free time on the weekdays is usually spent crocheting and watching Netflix. Those are my two main obsessions. On the weekends, I usually have at least one social obligation to go to, which is fine. It's weird... When I was younger, I loved going out. Now it feels a bit like a chore, and I'd rather stay home. Oh well, if I stayed in ALL the time, I'd probably want to go out once in a while, right? Sometimes my best friend comes over for a sleepover. We've been doing that since high school, and it's awesome. I'm not a big drinker. I usually only get drunk once every month or two. I like to host little parties once in a while, and playing hostess is something I enjoy. Currently, I'm on a wait list for a dog-friendly building, and I'll probably get in there sometime next year. I can't wait to get my own doggo. That will surely be my new obsession when that happens! I grew up with dogs, and I really miss having one around! Sometimes I feel really bored with everything, and I get a strong craving to have a baby... That really sounds strange, doesn't it? Don't worry, guys, that's not the only reason I want one. I'm going to wait until I'm ~30. My wedding will probably be around the summer of 2019, so maybe we'll try for a baby shortly after that. --- This is so me. Except... I couldn't do a presentation in front of 100 people. Also, I'm used to phones because I make a lot of phone calls at work. It was tough at first, though. The messages I left for people when I first started were preeeeeetty bad. Ahaha, oh, quite cringe-worthy now that I look back... It's kinda half-half who can tell I'm shy nowadays. When I was younger, everyone could tell. Now when I ask people if they can tell, they either say "yes, right away" or "no, not at all". I'm extremely chatty in small groups too, and large groups are meh. I usually won't go to something that involves a large group unless I have a friend who I can cling to and follow around the whole time. Yay, another crocheter! I just learned how to do it almost 2 years ago now, and I'm hooked. (Hehe, hooked, get it? ) I'm going nuts working on all these Christmas gifts now. I really should have started them sooner... In the new year, my grandmother is going to teach me how to sew!
  22. I'm curious about this too. I haven't given anyone a blessing yet. Yay! That's a great score. Congrats~! I'm surprised that 4956 was about to fall out. How is it doing the fights without a dancer on your team? Is it difficult? I've never had to guts to drop my dancer... I feel so naked without one.
  23. Toriel from Undertale. My fiance knew I would like the game, but I was too chicken to play it myself because my game reflexes suck. He wanted me to watch him play the whole thing, and I did! Loved it. Such a cute game (with awesome music). I liked Papyrus too... What a goofball.
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