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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Welcome to the 700s. (It sucks here!) I struggled a lot getting a deathless run when I first got into this range a few months ago. I called it Horse Emblem on steroids. Congrats on the score and deathless streak. I am crossing my fingers that you can stay!
  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Ryoma had the biggest team out of the whole thing. I'm not 100% sure, though. Amelia lost the same way he did. (Consecutive 7.4 and 7.5 multiplier for the other team.)
  3. Awesomeeee! I get so excited for these. It's a little silly, isn't it? Hehe. Now I won't be so bummed about returning to work on Tuesday after a long weekend. I'll have this to look forward to all day since it airs 30 minutes after my shift ends! So curious to see what they have planned... And hell, if it's all just Christmas themed stuff, I won't be disappointed because I love Christmas. (Tree's going up on Sunday! Yeah, I'm one of those people.)
  4. 1. What three words best describe you? 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. Do you think social media is making people more narcissistic? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What is something you have tried that you will never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 15. What has been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
  5. Aww, I've missed out on 1000 victory feathers now... Oh well. RIP Ryoma and Amelia. Taken down by the almighty multiplier. I guess I'll join Takumi. I'm not really a fan of him, but I haven't played FE6 yet. Might as well support a character from my favourite game! He kicked ass on my team in Birthright.
  6. Yup, she rocks! I just switched my rep to Reinhardt, hopefully that helps (if you even get him, haha).
  7. Not many people here on team Amelia, eh? I had a friend who kept giving me a Hector, so I sadly deleted him/her (hopefully it wasn't someone from SF - I don't think it was). It's tough going up against the fast swordies with two axe dudes... Or even 3 axes if my random ally is another Amelia! My Amelia is -Spd too, so most of the sword users will double her. Now I keep getting a +10 Gwendolyn from @Ice Dragon (I believe), which is pretty sweet! --- Also, I have a friend request from someone named "CW", is that someone from here?
  8. Hmm, the only one that instantly comes to mind is Ayra for my free summon on the TT banner. I've had a couple other free 5* summons, but they were duplicates that I didn't really want (5* Roy and 5* M-Corrin). Also, I recall making 1 last yolo pull for an additional merge on my B-Ike on the last day of his banner, and I got him (with only the 3% rate). That was definitely lucky! I don't often have great luck. I rarely get the character I want without spending a lot of orbs (100+). However, there's been a handful of times when I got the character I wanted within 60ish orbs, which is pretty good.
  9. I think of it like... Winning a lottery or a raffle or something. You could have 1 person who buys a ton of tickets, and another person who buys 1 ticket. The person who bought 1 ticket could get lucky and win. Just because the person who bought more tickets "deserved" it more, doesn't mean the lucky winner shouldn't be happy about their winnings. I don't believe strategy has anything to do with a character winning these things, though. The winner just depends on how the multiplier goes in the final few hours. I think most people save their flags for the last several hours now because it will get them a better rank, but some people who can't play as often will have to use theirs any time they can. With such a large amount of people playing, from all over the world (with different reasons for spending flags the way they do), there isn't really a way to make sure everyone's on the same page. That being said, even though it was due to luck, you have every right to feel happy about your favourite character winning! If people are lashing out on Twitter/Tumblr/etc about the win being undeserved, they are being childish. I can understand why people are disappointed about the Ryoma loss. We can be really emotional when it comes to our favourite characters. If Soren's team was 4x as large as Ryoma's, and he lost due to a multiplier after crushing the opposition for the majority of the round, you'd probably be disappointed, right? How people choose to express their frustration is what matters here. The people being rude about Soren winning are wrong. Don't hate the player, hate the game. If people are upset about it, they should submit feedback and move on.
  10. I think Ryoma actually had the largest team out of everyone too, haha. There were only a few hours that Soren didn't have a multiplier. Just super unlucky for Mr. Lobster, oh well... It was certainly interesting in the last few hours, so at least the multiplier spices things up a bit? Although, I would prefer that we go back to a 3x multiplier to prevent these major upsets. --- I've moved on to Amelia's team. If anyone would like to send me a request, feel free! My ID is 5247267905. Rep is currently 5* +9 Laslow, but I can change to a blue/colourless character if anyone needs help with the quests.
  11. I don't understand it either (don't like him), but I'm sure people have their reasons for liking him besides that. The world would be a really boring place if everyone thought the same way, right?
  12. No victory feathers for Team Ryoma. I did rank in the top 1000, though! Hmmm... Who to go to next? I benched Amelia in her game, but she's a little cutie pie, so I think I might choose her.
  13. Sooooo, Soren still has a multiplier. Boo. Hopefully Ryoma can keep the lead! I want my 500 victory feathers. A good chunk of Team Soren might be out of flags by now...
  14. Damn, I missed the early morning Ryoma multiplier. It must have been around 6 or 7am PST. RIP my rank.
  15. Annnnd, I'm done. Arena: 4964 Arena Assault: 5008 (New high score! ) --- I ran into an interesting team! All four Henrys were +10. That's some dedication.
  16. Awesome. I'll probably switch back to Inigo sometime tomorrow since people will probably be done the quest by then. Haha, actually you were right to use Tana against M-Robin cause my Innes doesn't have CA equipped (assuming it's my Innes you had). I have already finished the colourless quest with my own unit. I wasn't getting any colourless allies, so I just used my own to get the quest out of the way. Anything you want to put in is totally fine (as long as it's not red, ehe)!
  17. I changed my rep from Inigo to Innes. Hope that helps. Seems colourless reps are rare on Team Ryoma!
  18. If we're talking like, animals here... I'm 50/50, I'd say. I love dogs. And other cute, friendly animals. Cats are pure evil. (I'm definitely biased, so don't take my opinion seriously.) Wild animals like bears and cougars can be scary...
  19. Oh, I see! I did think it was odd that I didn't see her name on the list (since she's been a member for a long time). I didn't realize she went by another username at the time, haha. Claudius I
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