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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I met him when I was 18, just a few months after finishing high school. Thanks so much!
  2. Ah, so the Firesweep Sword is finally going to make its appearance. I would like to get Shiro and Soleil, even though I'm not a huge fan of their Heroes art. I'm going to keep pulling on the awesome 8% banner for now, so I might be a little low on orbs when this banner comes out!
  3. Yay! I just got my highest ever regular Arena score! I didn't fish at all. My Laslow just ate an Ike for Aether, so I think that helped my score a bit. Team: Laslow +10, Reinhardt +6, Inigo +4, and Lute +1. Too lazy to do AA tonight. It can wait.
  4. Total orbs spent: 195 (120 free orbs and 75 purchased orbs) My results: Boons/Banes of the 5* Dudes: 5 5*s in 50 pulls (10 full pulls) seems pretty close to average. Not bad. I think I'll avoid colourless orbs from now on. There's a lot of good stuff on this banner, so I'll keep pulling on it until it ends.
  5. I only know my blood type because it was one of our labs in high school Biology.
  6. Ooh, if I recall correctly, that makes you a universal receiver? Lucky you! I think I'm A+. Gah, all this talk of needles reminds me I need to get my flu shot this week. I'm required to get it for work and the deadline is December 1st! I'm a wimp so I'm dreading it...
  7. Rank Update - 5 minutes to closing: Arena: 5002 - Rank 2084/4928 to stay in Tier 20. Arena Assault: 5022 - Rank 1501.
  8. As someone who has spent a lot of money on this game, nope. Also, yeah, I agree that people tend to post their pulls more often when they're good.
  9. Meh, I spot a few typos and things I want to fix in my last post, but I'm not able to edit it for some reason. Guess I'll just have to live with it, but it bothers me.
  10. Whew! Sorry for the delay in answering my final questions. I had a busy Sunday! 1. S Support: Definitely Laslow! A+ Support: Sakura. 2. A skill that helps me escape the battlefield as quickly as possible. I can't think up a name for a skill, but I would love to have one that gives my buddies a stat boost of some sort! 3. Probably Astra for how cool it looks when it activates. And... No, definitely not! Haha. 4. I really do. I prefer the 3DS games to the older games. (However, I think all of the Fire Emblem games are good and enjoyable! None of them are bad, IMO.) 5. I can't think of one... Honestly, I would rather not participate in a battle, eheh. 6. The Bifröst staff from Fates, a pegasus, and Lute's dress. 7. Being in a play sounds like a nightmare to me... I have stage fright. Let's go with Mikoto, so I can pass away at the beginning and sit the rest out. 8. Lissa. She seems like a lot of fun. 9. If Selena (FE8) counts as a villain, then her. If not, Berkut or Lyon. 10. Let's go with Inigo cause he's my fave~! What I would ask... I dunno, my usual questions? I'm not good at thinking this stuff up. 11. I actually can't remember if I've ever had a Fire Emblem dream... I probably have, but yeah, don't remember. 12. Story: Hmm, I like stories involving time travel (like Awakening), so I wouldn't mind seeing more of that in the future! Gameplay: More maps like Conquest's would be wonderful! Less like... Shadows of Valentia. I hate maps with giant empty spaces where I have to spent a few turns just getting to the enemy... 13. When I finished Awakening for the first time and had the desire to replay it again on a higher difficulty. 14. When I decided to join this site a couple years ago. I was too shy to post that much back then, though, but I started posting more when Heroes came out. (This is the only FE community I'm a member of.) 15. I don't do cosplay, but if I did, I would love to dress up as Celica. I love her design and outfit. 16. This one comes to mind: 17. Does joining up with Hoshido or Nohr on a Conquest or Birthright playthrough count? If not... Then I don't know... 9. Kind, passionate, and impulsive. 10. I think that happiness is true measure of success. Everyone has their own path to happiness, and it really doesn't matter what we do to reach it. All that matters is that we get there. 11. Oh, I have many. Here's a few of them at the top of my head: A funny one: I have a weird, irrational fear of small talk. Yeah, it just really bothers me and makes me feel uneasy. It's such a normal part of my every day life, and yet it always makes me anxious. It feels fake... I don't like it. Eye contact. As soon as I maintain eye contact for more than a second, I forget what I'm going to say and can't properly listen to the person I'm talking to. Sleeping in the dark when I'm alone. I need to have a light or a TV on or something if my SO isn't in the bed with me. Luckily, I rarely sleep alone. Cats. They hate me. They scare me. Trying new things. I like being comfortable, and I like having a routine. Anything that brings me out of my comfort zone scares me immensely. Swimming in water where you can see a bunch of fish. (I was at a beach in Mexico and kinda freaked out when I noticed a whole bunch of fishies around me.) Holding babies. Getting bed bugs. My city has a big bed bug problem, so I have a fear of picking them up on public transit or something... If I get a bite of some sort on my body, I start freaking out internally. (Wow, I just discovered the bullet feature. If only I realized this existed earlier in my interview...) 12. Sit on my butt, crochet, watch Netflix, play games, or browse the internet (usually Serene’s Forest these days). 13. Yes, I had to take a step back a few years ago because I noticed this happening to myself. It got to the point where if I went to a party or a get together, I would be so focused on how I would look in the photos that I couldn’t enjoy things happening in the moment. I rarely post on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter anymore, and I feel much happier. 14. Ohhh yeeeesssss... Hugging people after a get together. It makes me uncomfortable, but I do it because it's expected of me. That silence is awkward. I think it's fine to have some silence in the middle of a conversation, but we always feel the need to fill it with mindless chatter. That we have to have an opinion on everything. I heard that it's a dating rule nowadays that people can't seem too eager or too interested right away, which I think is BS. Why do we have to pretend we don't like someone as much as we do? Why can't we just be honest about our feelings? That men can't cry or be too emotional because it's "unmanly." "How are you?" Answer must be "Good, what about you?" or things get awkward. That going to bed late and sleeping in late is considered lazy. I avoid mentioning it to people I don't know very well because they will probably assume I'm lazy. That women need to be hairless and wear "natural" makeup just to look presentable. Smokers get more breaks (in some jobs). Blowing money on overpriced drinks at bars/clubs is fine but spending money on video games is a "waste of money." That we can't pick our wedgies in public. Uhh, I'll stop now. I could go on forever, hahaha. 15. Free time. Having more money isn’t worth it if I can’t enjoy myself, and recognition is not something I’m interested in. I don’t enjoy “being in the spotlight,” and I’d rather live my life happily and quietly in the background. 16. Marijuana. I had a very, very, very, very, very bad experience. Worst night of my life. 17. Introvert. I need my 'me' time to recharge! Being social wears me out. I enjoy my time around people I like, but I need to mentally prepare myself for it. 18. My SO. Can't imagine my life without him. 19. I prefer things to be easy. I like asking this question because my friends and I discussed it once and I thought it was interesting that they all said they preferred overcoming challenges (and seemed rather surprised that I dislike being challenged). I don't deal well with stress. I will admit that overcoming challenges can bring me a great deal of satisfaction, but for me, it's simply not worth it if I can find an easy way out & avoid the stressful situation in the first place. 20. The future! There's so much I want to see! 100 years in the future, 500 years, 1000 years, 2000 years... How long do humans last? What kind of technological advancements are we going to make? I'm soooo curious! 21. I have quite a few... Here are some: One thing that instantly comes to mind (every single day at work!) is people who sit in the waiting room and stare at me while they wait. Why, why, why? Staring at me won’t make the nurses pull your file faster! It’s hard for me to focus on my work when I feel eyes on me. Read a magazine or something, please. It also bothers me when people hover at the front desk way too long. Shoo, sit please~! When people use the wrong they’re/their/there and your/you’re. It also bothers me when people say “I seen that.” Nails on a chalkboard, man. Boomers who put down millennials for, well, pretty much everything. Every generation has their own struggles. Also, embracing new technology is not a bad thing. Video games are not a waste of time. If you enjoy something, it is not a waste of time. Rude people who barge into the SkyTrain (it's like a Subway) before people can exit. Also, people who cut the line at the bus stop. What, you’re too good to wait in line like the rest of us? People on airplanes who recline their seat all the way for the whole flight. I get super anxious on flights due to the inability to move freely, and having my leg space taken away makes me really upset! People who take food off my plate without asking me first. 22. Friends, Sex and the City, Gilmore Girls, Naruto, Dawson's Creek, Doctor Who, The Mindy Project, The 100, Game of Thrones, One Tree Hill, Lost, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Good Wife, The Big Bang Theory, Stranger Things, Supernatural, The O.C., Pretty Little Liars, House, Dexter, Nip/Tuck, Drop Dead Diva, 90210, Buffy the Vampire Slayer... To name a few. I always have something playing in the background when I'm at home. 23. I'm going to go with 2016... I think I finally entered my "happy place" in life last year. I also had some good personal growth. It was a great year. 24. Haha, if I’m being perfectly honest, I found most of these questions after doing a google search. I can’t remember what I searched for, but I found a bunch of lists of questions to ask, and I chose the questions that interested me the most. I ask the same ones every time because I'm too lazy to find new ones I always enjoy reading the responses to these questions, and I haven't had the desire to switch things up yet. 25. I would definitely be a passive ruler. 26. Legal naturalism, I think... But it might be better in theory than in practice... 27. Thoroughness. I would rather take my time and give something my all instead of flying through it “efficiently” and being less detailed. 28. Forgiveness. I forgive, but I don’t forget. 29. I have! It was a lot of fun. Hopefully I didn’t take too long to answer sometimes... I tried to consistently respond twice a day (except for today, hehe). Sometimes I have to think something over before answering it because I’m not always the greatest at putting my thoughts into words. 30. Hmm, I honestly can't think of anything! There was a good variety of questions. 31. You seem like a friendly, honest, and intelligent person with a thirst for knowledge & a good sense of humour. Your posts are very interesting to read, and you express your thoughts very thoroughly and clearly. Oh! I was pretty impressed that you remembered my old avatar pic, hehe. Very observant! I like how organized you are, and you do a great job at maintaining this thread. (Thanks, by the way! Your efforts are appreciated by us all. ) 23. From the start, eheh. 24. I didn't! My brother spoiled it for me, though. I didn't mind because I like spoilers! 27. I'm not sure what OP means in this context. Official Pairing? Opening Theme? I'll give you both. My favourite pairing would a tie between Naruto x Hinata and Shikamaru x Temari. I was always rooting for them to hook up. Oh, and if you meant opening theme, it's hard for me to choose just one, but I'll go with Haruka Kanata (Opening 2). 28. I watch them when it's my first time seeing them, but I usually skip them after that. Honestly, I thought most of them were a bit of a snooze (mainly because they disrupt the main story when I wanna know what happens with that!). Episode 101 is amazing, though! 29. I haven't! 30. N/A. Are they any good? 31. Reverse Situation. 16. I haven't really played any weird games, but the weirdest I've heard of would have to be the Atari Porn... 17. I did! I can't remember what it is, though... It was a long time ago. 18. Yup! 19. You mean the Ragtime Mouse, right? Yeah, I always get them right... But that's because I cheat and look the answers up! 20. Phoenix. Because Phoenixes are pretty... 21. I've played Bravely Default, but not Bravely Second! I should get on that. 21. I usually don't, but next year I need to drop some pounds so I can look good in a wedding dress in 2019! 22. I don't, but I think it's really pretty and I like it when I hear it. 23. Boring answer, but probably guitars since they're a major part of my favourite music genre. 24. I prefer to stay in nowadays. Back when I lived with my parents, I preferred going out, but now my home is my happy place & I hate leaving it. I love hosting things at my place. It's fun playing hostess~! 25. Celica because she is beautiful, brave, talented, altruistic, and has someone to save her butt when she messes up. --- Thanks so much for nominating me, guys. I really appreciate it! It was fun! I nominate Vaximillian for the next interview!
  11. 1. I'll do two different lists... The good stuff and the bad stuff! My positive personality traits: Kind, passionate, agreeable, humble, loyal, trusting, emotional, playful, sensitive, appreciative, forgiving, undemanding, and generous. My negative personality traits: Indecisive, obsessive, fearful, naive, impulsive, neurotic, nosy, unambitious, stubborn, childish, paranoid, passive, and undisciplined. 2. Hehe, depends on who you ask~! People close to me: My fiance is asleep right now, so I texted my bestie and asked her how she would describe me. She says: Intelligent, compassionate, nerdy, crafty, creative, and fun. People who aren't close to me: People usually describe me as "shy" or "nice." (Those are pretty much two words that defined me my entire school-aged life.) As I've grown older, I've become much better at hiding my shyness, so not everyone can tell now. 3. I don't usually form an opinion on someone until I see more of their posts, so my first/current is the same. I think you seem like an honest and polite person. You express your thoughts very clearly & in a respectable manner. I like the detail you put into your posts. Also, you seem open to trying things that a lot of people wouldn't give a chance (like playing through FE1), which is pretty cool! 4. Hmm... Kindness, loyalty, and a good sense of humour. 5. People who are overly critical can get on my nerves. Sometimes I wish some people would just chill out and appreciate something for what it is, instead of looking for things to pick apart all the time. I also get kind of annoyed by people who complain all the time. 6. I'll definitely be missing a few, but here's my list: Barney, Duck Tales, Big Comfy Couch, Sailor Moon, Sonic, Power Rangers, Samurai Pizza Cats, Original Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Digimon, Pepper Ann, Recess, Doug, Rugrats, Beasties (named Beast Wars in the US), Reboot, Goosebumps, Stickin' Around, Malcom In The Middle, Gargoyles, Scooby-Doo... 7. Aww, these are some nice questions. I'm taking a trip down nostalgia lane. - Nintendo games like: Legend of Zelda 1 & 2, Megaman 6, Super Mario 1 & 3, Duck Hunt, Dig Dug, Punch Out... Can't remember any more right now. - Sega Genesis games like: Shining Force 1 & 2, Gemfire, Sonic 2, Golden Axe, Ecco: The Tides of Time, X-Men... That's all I remember. That Ecco game creeped me out big time. 8. I haven't really played much of those games, but I usually pick Princess Peach. 9. Cecil, Terra, Aeris, Zack, Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Tidus, and Rikku. 10. Dunno why you need my opinion, since the guy in the video did it just fine! Ummmm, I wouldn't say I give good advice, but here are my thoughts: Start by approaching her with some normal, friendly conversation, and pay close attention to her body language. If she's avoiding eye contact or giving short answers (ones that tend to shut down conversation instead of inviting more of it), she's probably not interested. If her body language is pointing towards her possibly being interested, simply ask if she would like to grab a cup of coffee or something like that. If she makes excuses or says she's too busy right now, don't keep pressing because that's usually a 'no'. If she's interested, she'll make time for you. If she declines, say something polite and move on. 17. I wouldn't say I have a favourite. I love all dogs! Buuuut, I guess I think cockapoos are the cutest. My parents have a cockapoo, and he's adorable & has the funniest personality I've ever seen in a dog. 18. I'm not a big Disney fan, but I liked it back in the day. My favourite Disney movie was The Lion King. 19. (My fiance is a big gamer.) Own now: PS4 PS3 Probably a PS1 + 2 in the closet somewhere Xbox One Xbox 360 Nintendo Wii Snes Classic 3DS DS PSP Probably a GBA in the closet somewhere Owned in the past: Original Nintendo Sega Genesis 20. Oooh, there are quite a few! Let's see~ - Asatani Tomoyo: Ephraim, Eirika, Berkut, Ayra - Chiko: PA Olivia - cuboon: Palla, Reinhardt, Olwen, Lukas, Tana - Fujikawa Akira: Celica - HAKO: Elise, Caeda, Shanna, Felicia - Kawasumi: Gray - kaya8: Azura, Fir, Maria, Priscilla, Katarina, Tobin, PA Azura - Kita Senri: Ryoma, Cecilia, Karel, Brave Ike - Kippu: Linde, Ninian, Elincia - Kozaki Yusuke: Alfonse, Sharena, Veronica, Bruno, Anna, Brave Lucina - Sencha: Summer Corrin - Seo Kouji: Lute - Wada Sachiko: Barst, Virion, Marth, Cherche, Titania, Brave Roy - Yamada Kotaro: Lyn, Narcian, Bride Lyn, Brave Lyn The picture I used for my avatar looks like Wada Sachiko's style to me. (The picture was on one of his FE Cipher cards.) Assuming it's her, I really wish she drew Laslow/Inigo in Heroes. I love her take on him! 11. I'm going to assume we're talking about the main Fire Emblem games here (and not Heroes): Astra comes to mind. It's so much fun to watch it activate when battle animations are on. I also like Aether because extra damage AND healing is pretty cool! Least favourite... Probably Vantage on enemies or high-damage skills that can activate when fighting against a boss. 12. I haven't. 13. Sorry, I don't. I don't really watch TV on the TV, if you know what I mean. I just stream stuff on Netflix and watch DVDs. 14. Naruto! That show makes me happy. 15. I played a bit of Brawl at my friend's house in 2007 or 2008, I think. --- I'm going to stop here for now, and I'll answer the next two sets of questions (___ and Claudius I) when I wake up.
  12. 6. Yes. That part of the game was so funny. 7. Oooohh, yes! I've played: 1 (PSP remake) 4 (original and PSP remake) 4: The After Years 6 (original) 7 7: Crisis Core 8 9 10 8. I haven't. 9. I don't play many games these days besides Fire Emblem. (However, when I was younger, I played anything I could get my hands on!) Recently, I played Stella Glow on my 3DS, which was pretty good! I'll list a few of my favourite games besides FE: Final Fantasy series (particularly IX) Heroes of Might and Magic II & III Shining Force I & II 10. I like mercenaries a lot (who would have guessed?) because I like how high their HP and skill is. I also like using dancers, for obvious reasons. Who doesn't like an extra turn? Least favourite class: Probably fighter. I hate to use classes that have trouble hitting the enemy. I'm not a fan of seeing hit rates lower than the 80s. XXII. Western dragons. XXIII. Katana. XXIV. I haven't. My fiance (still have to get used to calling him that!) loves those things, though. He even researched all of the tricks to solve them as fast as possible. XXV. Ninja... Naruto bias? XXVI. That's an interesting question. I suspect that harsh truth is the more popular answer. However, in most cases, I believe a kind lie is more appropriate. XXVII. If I'm being completely honest, none of them. I guess I'll go with power because I've always been a pretty strong chicky! XXVIII. Emotions. Life wouldn't be worth living if we didn't feel so deeply. 11. Sunny! 12. I'm not a fan of mince pies, and I actually haven't heard of Christmas pudding before! I just looked it up, and based on the photos, I think I'll go with that! It looks tasty. 13. Heart. <3 14. Floral. I think 3/4 of the dresses I own are floral print. Floral dresses are my thing! 15. Hmm, someday it would be pretty neat to visit the UK, Australia, or Japan. (I'm kind of scared of the spiders in Australia, though!) 16. I think my first impression is the same as my current one. (I don't usually form an opinion on someone until I see enough of their posts.) You seem like a friendly, passionate, and artistic person. (And I approve of your taste in colours and Fire Emblem characters. Did you know there's a pink SF theme?) You're not afraid to "go against the grain." You also seem to be very patient and non-judgmental, and I'm guessing it takes a lot to make you angry at someone. You're a lot of fun! (Your art style is very unique and not a typical anime style, so it's nice to see your take on Fire Emblem characters. Also, I really like your colouring.)
  13. 1. A. Very nice! I'm not a fan of cats, and even I can appreciate those cute pictures! Hehehe. B, C, D, E. Ummm, those things are kinda weird looking. Why do they have plus signs for eyes? 2. I don't have much of an opinion on Feh. Hmm... I guess the way "Feh" talks in the English news channel is kinda amusing. 3. I'm sorry, I don't understand that reference. I googled it, but I still don't get it. 4. No way. Dude seems to make some good chicken. Nice video, my friends actually just introduced me to that show last weekend! (Well, YouTube clips of it.) 5. I haven't. What is it?
  14. 13. Yay, I like these Naruto questions~! Minato. I think he is so freakin' cool. 14. Gaara. I really liked seeing him turn his life around. 15. Hmmm... Maybe a three-way tie between Itachi, "Tobi", and Nagato. They all had interesting back stories. 16. He's pretty badass, but it's his goofy side that really makes me like him. (The way he always makes excuses about being late, how silly he gets when he reads his book...) 17. ... Hate that guy. 18. He's a great character. He often says things that I think but don't have the guts to say out loud because it would make me sound like a lazy ass. This video sums up why I like him: 19. I thought the start of the Fourth Great Ninja War was a bit of a snooze, but it's pretty good/entertaining where I am now. 20. I think he's an interesting villain. His story is so tragic. My favourite Naruto ending theme is the one about him. I linked it below if you're not sure which one I'm talking about. I liked the images it used. (So many feels at 1:00-1:05!) 21. Hmm, I've never thought about that before! I probably have. It can be a really inspirational show sometimes! 22. Ooh, this will be a long answer! I first started watching it in 2004 or 2005, back when I was 15 years old. I watched it subbed back then, of course. Anyway, I stopped watching it at some point (can't remember where I was in the series then), but I picked it up again in 2007 and watched up to the end of the first Shippuden Arc. I took a loooong break from the show again after that, and started re-watching it during the summer last year (dubbed this time because I don't like watching subbed anymore). Now I'm more obsessed than ever before. 16. Pictionary! 17. Night. I am the biggest night owl ever. I love the night... Always have. Mornings are extremely rough for me. Luckily, I work 11:00am-7:00pm, so I don't have to be up super early. (Still seems too early to me, though...) 18. That's a really interesting question. (Hmmm, how do I word this, though?) In most cases, I do think that how someone reacts to a work of fiction can reveal a lot about their personality. For example, someone who is highly critical of most books/games/movies probably applies that criticism to real life as well. 19. I'm not sure which game was my first one, but my first video game system was the original Nintendo. 20. I don't think that people should be considered criminals for using any kind of drugs. As for the people who are dealing the hard drugs, I don't know... I see them as criminals, so I guess they should go to jail? I'm kind of unsure about it. I'm not very knowledgeable about this subject. Also, my country is legalizing marijuana next year, and I support that. (As much as I hate the stuff. ) 1. Haha, I was expecting a question about my username. It's my favourite Iron Maiden song. 2. You seem like a pretty chill person who 'tells it like it is'. Sometimes blunt, but not rude. You don't bother yourself with small things (like punctuation ), but I bet you can be passionate about something that is important to you. Hey, since Bartozio is asking me Naruto-related questions, I'll add that you kind of seem similar to Shikamaru, which is pretty cool! 3. I would be a healer who never promotes because I hate fighting. I'm pretty strong (for a girl), and I have fast reflexes, so I think my highest stats would be strength and speed, which are pretty much useless on a healer who can't attack. I'm a wimp when it comes to pain, so my defense and resistance would probably suck. My magic, skill, and HP would probably be so-so. I would be a bad unit. Hmm, I guess if I were in Radiant Dawn, I could steal that skill from Elincia. The one that doesn't let her kill anyone. Then maaaaaaybe I would fight, ahaha. 4. I like them all just fine, but my favourite season is summer. 5. Ah, I have a few! Here we go... My favourite characters to use (not named Inigo or Laslow ): -The Reinhardt: He is so satisfying to use because he's like a delete button. Bam-bam, u ded. -Hector: I've had a lot of fun using him as bait. -Brave Ike: He ate a Hector, so he's fun for the same reason as Hector... Hahaha. -Olivia: Uhh, so she ate a Hector too... And she inherited a Ruby Sword+ and Green Tomebreaker. With all the good green mages running around, you can guess what she's good at! Plus she can dance. -Nino: This lil' chicky has helped me out with so many GHBs. Blade tomes are fun stuff. -Priscilla: She's my favourite healer to use. -Lucina: My favourite Falchion healer to use in the TTs. -Askr Trio: I enjoyed raising them up from 2-stars, so I use them whenever I can! 6. Power Metal. 7. Turn based RPG/strategy. XVI. I've only played the first 2 on the original Nintendo. We used to play the first one all the time when we were kids. We never beat it because we were terrible at it, but we loved it! As for the second one, I wasn't a fan and didn't play it very much. (I should clarify that "we" = my brothers & I.) XVII. I was an unlucky kid who never owned a Gameboy/Gameboy Colour, and I wasn't able to join all the other kids in playing Pokemon Blue/Red. I wanted to so badly. It looked like a lot of fun! I collected the cards back then, too. Recently, I tried playing one of the newer Pokemon games, but I wasn't into it. I only recognize the first 150 Pokemon. Unfortunately, I think the magic of Pokemon has faded for me. I really enjoyed Pokemon Go when it was first released, though! I played it for a couple of months, and it was great. Everyone just kinda stopped after that. XVIII. Overall, I think I'm a realist, but... I am overly optimistic when I am daydreaming, and overly pessimistic when I am nervous. XIX. I would rather feel cold than feel hot. However, I like summer weather better than winter weather. Summers here aren't too hot. They're just perfect. XX. Yes, several times when I was younger. We used to go camping a lot. XXI. In most cases, quantity over quality.
  15. 8. Haha, it's funny you should ask that. I was thinking of trying it sometime soon, maybe when I'm off for my Christmas week staycation. I've been putting it off because I find the art style very off-putting. I know that's a silly excuse not to play it, though, so I'm going to give it a shot! 9. It's currently up to episode 416 of Shippuden. I'm a teensie bit behind that. 10. Naruto is my favourite, without a doubt. I like rooting for him, and watching him consistently pull through & succeed in his goals is a big part of what makes the show enjoyable for me. 11. The Pain Arc. (I seem to be one of the only people who liked the conclusion, ehehe.) 12. A lil' bit about the characters, but nothing about the story. I'm not sure what to think of it. The idea of it seems a little unnecessary to me, but who knows, maybe I'll like it. 11. I've at least seen a few of the Star Wars movies, and they were alright, so I'll go with that. I've never seen an episode of Star Trek before, though! Not sure if I would like it! 12. Hahaha... Okay, this is embarrassing, but I'm going to have to look this up because I don't actually know the difference between the two. ... Alright, I did just did a bit of reading! I'm pretty sure I prefer Marvel. (Yay, I just learned something new.) 13. PVE! Playing against other people makes me nervous. 14. Ride a dragon! 15. I do not. 6. Ah, yes, I do like baking cakes and cookies and stuff like that! I can't say I'm very good at it, but it's fun, and I especially like the decorating part. It's also nice to get together with my girlfriends in December and bake/decorate some Christmas cookies! We do it every year. 7. I love pastel colours. Hmmm, I especially like shades of pink and purple together! 8. Yes, I picked up crocheting a couple of years ago! It's one of my favourite hobbies now. It's very therapeutic! I'm currently making a bunch of Christmas presents. 9. I'm not big on galleries, so I'll go with online. By the way, I noticed that people kept using your art as their avatar, so I took a peek at your art thread! Your stuff is so good! You're very talented. 10. I would love to be a good artist. I drew a lot when I was younger, and I keep trying to pick up a pencil and draw again, but my hand doesn't "flow" like it used to. I get frustrated that I'm not very good at it anymore... I think I'll stick with it and hopefully improve with time. I would like to get good enough at it to do some painting. It looks really fun! 4. I am. A few years ago, I listened to their album "Nightfall", and I liked what I heard. I haven't listened to them recently, but I really should! I just started using Google Play Music, so I'll add them to my playlist. Any song/album recommendations? 5. I do! I'll get to them eventually, hehehe. 6. Fire Emblem, but Final Fantasy is another one I really like. 7. I used to play the flute, but it's been over 10 years since I last touched it. I kinda gave it up when I finished high school. 8. I love California. It would be neat to live there, but America's health care system is too scary, so I never will. Yup, you're absolutely right! I joined SF a couple years ago, but I hardly posted anything until Fire Emblem Heroes became a thing, back in February. I think I updated my avatar a few months after becoming active on the Heroes sub-forum. Posting regularly over there really helped bring me out of my shell, I guess!
  16. 4. If I'm being perfectly honest, American food. My taste is very, very boring. I'm picky about textures and tastes, and I'm afraid to try new things. It's pretty embarrassing. 5. Dogs! I’m obsessed with dogs. 1. I have played 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15. 2. Celica. 3. I guess Celica would be the answer here as well, so I’ll add that I also like Corrin, Chrom, and Eirika. 4. Does Selena (FE8) count as a villain? I thought she was pretty cool, and I was sad to fight her. If she doesn’t count, I guess my answer would be Berkut or maybe Lyon. I actually kind of pitied them a bit. (I find villains more interesting if I can feel bad for them.) I haven’t played FE6 yet, but Zephiel seems like an interesting villain based on what I’ve heard about him. 5. The only anime I currently watch is Naruto, which I’m totally obsessed with. I’m not finished yet because I’m waiting for the rest of the dubbed episodes to come out. Naruto makes me happy. 6. I hate reading from a screen. Paper all the way! 7. I think you come off as a kind, thoughtful, and laid-back person. You seem to be pretty good at remaining objective about things & analyzing all the facts, and I bet you're really easy to get along with IRL. Also, I was surprised to learn that English wasn’t your first language. I never would have guessed, since your English is pretty much perfect! 12. I don’t. Heroes is my first one. 13. Love ‘em. Who doesn’t like funny stuff, right? 14. You seem like an outgoing person who isn't shy or afraid to speak their mind. You come off as pretty disciplined in some ways, but you like to have fun too. I bet you don't sweat the small stuff. You really liven up the place, and the forums wouldn’t be the same without you. You have a good sense of humour, and your posts are fun to read. 15. Too much of it can sometimes be a bad thing. 16. Sometimes I wonder that myself. 17. Power Metal/Classic Metal. 18. Anything with peanut butter and chocolate (but not too much chocolate!). I also like those funky flavours like cotton candy and bubblegum. 19. Birth control pills and anti-depressants? 20. Kinda glad we don't have to deal with them, tbh. 21. I enjoy using The Reinhardt, and I'm not afraid to admit it! 22. I kinda want some ice cream now... Unfortunately, I don't have any. 23. How does a squid go into battle? 24. Crochet and watch Netflix. 25. My fiance is a big gamer... Let's see... PS4 PS3 Probably a PS1 + 2 in the closet somewhere Xbox One Xbox 360 Nintendo Wii Snes Classic 3DS DS PSP Probably a GBA in the closet somewhere I think that's it. 26. I think I had a few fist fights with my little brother when I was younger, but that's kinda expected with siblings, right? It was never anything too serious. 27. A hair dryer, work-out mat, and weights. 28. Ummm... I'm not sure what the exact number is, but it's between 5-10 pairs. 29. I do not. 30. Yes. It hurts. 31. Seafood linguine that my dad makes. 32. Do really, really tall people count? If so, yes. 33. Bacon. 34. Waffles. 35. Cereal. 36. Uh oh, here we go... Like I said, it's been over 10 years since I last spoke a word of french. Okay, I understood those sentences just fine. Looks like I haven't lost all my french. I'll attempt to respond... Comme ci comme ça. En ce moment, je suis contente que je suis dans ma maison... Il y a beaucoup de pluie dehors, et mes chaussettes sont très mouillées... Blech! 37. Pomme! Mmm. Mais, j’aime les oranges aussi… 38. Hahaha… Quand j'ai très faim... (Tout le temps.) 39. Oooh, let's see... Probably the vacation to California. Quite a nice gift. 40. I have! X. I liked Biology. XI. Not as often as I should... It's hard to bring myself to read nowadays when I'm distracted by all this technology. I usually only read when I'm on vacation. XII. I prefer them in Fates. They all seem like they did a good amount of growing up. (I like their original names better, though! ) XIII. Hmm, I prefer to say that I like Fates as a package deal, but if I had to pick one, it would be Revelation. I'm a total sucker for happy endings, and I like that you get to recruit pretty much everyone & get all the kids. On its own, it does have some obvious flaws, but the fun factor of it for me is the highest. I have the strongest desire to replay that path... (Partly because I don't have the heart to replay the other two paths. I can't handle all those feels again.) XIV. Chrom. Inigo's father/son support with Chrom just fits. XV. Owain. He's a goofball and I like that.
  17. 6. Hmmm, at the top of my head, I think that would be olive green. 7. Pokemon. It doesn't have the same magic anymore! (For me.) 8. I'm going to go with good gameplay on this one! Although, for me, the characters are what seal the deal. 9. Coffee! I'm not too fond of the taste, and I mask it with cream and sweetener, but drinking it is part of my morning ritual. 10. Healer! They're very important. The other guys wouldn't stay alive for the long fights without one! Haha, actually not at all! I rent a 1-bedroom apartment in an older building in the suburbs, and I get a pretty good deal! I will never own a place in the city. It's just an unrealistic goal for me. (Maaaaybe eventually here in the 'burbs! But that's very far off, heh.) I'd say I'm on the loooower end of middle class or so... 6. Sometime in the first month. I'm no whale (unless you ask my SO, he disagrees!), but I'm definitely in dolphin territory. I have fun with it, so I like to spend some money to make sure I get the characters I really want. No regrets! (Mostly...) Better than spending it on drugs, right? Right? 7. Hahaha. I'm sure my SO would agree with you on that one! He's concerned about the future of games, and he dislikes microtransactions. 8. Good observation! I have a weird fear of sounding too serious when I type, so I developed a habit of using a lot of emoticons! I even use smiley faces in my work e-mails! You make a good point! I never see those ones used... More variety would certainly be welcome. 9. Ummm, just a liittttle bit! I haven't seen all of the movies. 10. He's alright! 1. Out of the ones I've played, my least favourite FE would be Sacred Stones. My favourite SS character is Eirika. My favourite FE is Fates, and my least favourite character would be Peri, no doubt. (I assume we're not including the villains.) 2. Don't mind at all! Gluten seems to be in all of the tasty foods, so yeah, I dig it! 1. A. This little dude's face looks friendly. B. The eyebrows are flipped, so this dude looks like he's up to no good. C. I don't really have an opinion on this picture. Did you make them? If so, that's neat! 2. Overall, I'd say porous. 3. This question is very interesting! I like it. Physical: Mostly healthy, with a dash of rigid/porous as well. I respect boundaries, and I'm comfortable with most forms of touching. However, I dislike hugging anyone except my SO, but I still do it because it's socially expected of me. It also makes me very uncomfortable when strangers stand too close too close to me, but that's something that most people dislike, right? Of course, I never have the guts to tell them off! Intellectual: Rigid. For example, I used to lose marks for lack of participation in class. I had a lot of those "damn it, I knew that... why couldn't I just raise my hand?" moments. I have a huge fear of being wrong about something and looking dumb. I also avoid asking questions that I want to ask out of fear that my question is "stupid". Emotional: Porous, without a doubt. Sexual: Mostly healthy, I think. Material: Hmm, porous? If we're talking about sharing money with others, I've been way too generous about loaning money in the past. You can bet I didn't get most of it back... Time: A mixture of porous and healthy, but I'm leaning towards porous. Sometimes I spend time hanging out with people because I feel like I have to. I don't want to upset them or make them feel like I don't want to see them, but as an introvert, I usually prefer to stay in. 1. Wow, good memory! Yup, that was me! The pink flowers, right? 2. I would love to learn Mandarin or Cantonese, since my city has a very large Chinese population. Maybe I'll get on that soon! 3. I haven't recently, unfortunately. (Haha, I guess the Arvis emoticon might be good to use after a 'sick burn'?) I accept my fate. 11. Hahaha. I don't mind. Up to you!
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